Fun and Games:
There are three basic—easy—games for your pet to play. The first is the Smile Game; the second is the Study Game and the third is the Sports Game.
To have a healthy and happy critter you have to play all three games. The Smile Game makes your Tamagotchi happy, increasing his reading on the Fun Meter. The Study Game makes him smart as his IQ Meter increases. And, the Sports Game improves his Body Meter.
It’s very important not to neglect any of these games if you want a healthy and happy Tamagotchi. Since you can raise three Tamagotchis at a time, you might be tempted to make one of them smart, another one strong and the third one happy. I tried this and it doesn’t work out.
Also, if you plan on going back to the lab and entering your Tamagotchi in contests or “Tournaments,” then it is best that they be smart, strong and happy. The different types of Tournaments are a Race, Beauty Contest and Knowledge. It would make sense that a really, really smart Tamagotchi would do well in the Knowledge Tournament without being Happy or Strong. Not true! The Tamagotchis that do the best in the Tournaments are those who are Happy, Strong and Smart.
One at a Time:
Even though you can raise three Tamagotchis at once, it’s better to start off with just one until you get the hang of it. Trust me on this. Three of them can drive you crazy between the feeding and scolding and contests.
Mimitchi: To get a Mimitchi you hatch a Tamagotchi from a black egg and only feed it carrots. It will change (evolve?) into a Mimitchi when it turns six.
Sound and Effects Test: To get to the Sound Test you have to win a Tournament with an adult Tamagotchi. It doesn’t matter if it is a Beauty, Race or Knowledge Tournament, any one of them is good. After you win the Tournament, you’ll notice a symbol above the pet on the stat screen. Once you see the symbol, go to the options screen and there should be a new option for music. Now you can test the sound, music and sound effects.
Sound Test: Win any Tournament with an adult pet. A new icon will appear above your pet on the statistics screen. A music mode selection will now appear on the options screen. Select it for options for a sound test, sound effects test, sound test speed and a gallery of all pets.
But wait, there’s more! There is also a gallery of all the different characters that you need to beat the game.