I like Digimon because it looks cool when they Digivolve. In Pokémon they don’t really evolve a lot. It’s a rare occasion too when you get to see them evolve.
Since the action takes place in a digital world, it only makes sense that there’s be a lot of stuff about computers. For instance, a lot of the good Digimon are of the “Data” type. Data, of course, is the information that is processed by a computer.
Another type is “Vaccine.” This, of course, probably means that it’s effective against “Virus” types. Of course you know that a computer virus is a computer program that can make a computer sick by giving it the wrong instructions.
Now, here’s something you probably didn’t know, Digimon like Kuwagamon, are insectoid. I would guess that insectoid—bugs—is a kind of joke about “computer bugs.” A computer has a bug when something is wrong with it. When the person who put in the data or programmed it made a mistake and it doesn’t work right, they say it has “a bug.”
There’s a reason why they say a computer that doesn’t work right has a bug. That’s because a long time ago, when computers were huge giant things, one of them didn’t work right. They tried to figure out why, and finally started taking it apart. Deep inside the machine they found … a bug. It was a moth, actually. So, whenever a computer didn’t work right after that, they said, “It must have a bug.”
Digimon and Pokémon both involve these types of monsters, creatures or whatever you call them. And then in Digimon the monsters talk but in Pokémon the creatures say their names repeatedly over and over. And that’s their speech. In Pokémon they evolve when they win battles and stuff and they gain experience and then they stay like that in that form until they evolve again, if they do. In Digimon, they digivolve and they’ll go to the next form. Little devices that fell out of the sky, those are what help them digivolve and they go to the next form when they have enough strength and usually when the kids are in danger. But then when they go to bigger forms, like Greymon and MetalGreymon, they’ll go back a stage or two. They have to reverse themselves because they get too weak after they fight.
I am a Digimaniac. My best friend Zane and I started a Digimon club. We call it the Digidestine Brothers. So far we have six members.