Pow. = Power: You want as much as possible. Really go for the gold. This will help not only in the fighting part of the game, but also when you take your monster out on expeditions. Think of what you could do with a supercharged Pikachu.
Lif. = Life Points. Again, as much as you can get into the critter at least more than 250. This means your creature will live longer in battle.
Def. = Defensive Power. You’re monster won’t get hurt as much. Try to get at least 150 or more. He’ll have more stamina in battle.
Skl. = Skill. He becomes a more accurate fighter. At least 500. He’ll land more blows.
Spd. = Speed. Helps him move quickly when attacked. More than 400.
Int. = Intelligence: Hey, the smarter the better, right? This will help in every part of the game, from training to Expeditions to battles.
Your monster should be well rounded. Don’t build up one attribute and ignore all the others. This will not help you win the game.
I know it’s tempting to try to build up one attribute over the others, but it is important to have a well-rounded monster. Remember, the best colleges look at all activities when considering applicants. Okay, I’m kidding, but it is important to remember that even if you are training your monsters to fight—that intelligence comes in awful handy in a battle. A smart monster will get hurt less often.