Save That Monster!: When a monster is close to the end of the line, don’t make it do work or go into battle. Freeze it for breeding in the future.

Pure Breeding: If you want a pure monster, then use a CD that only has one track on it, like a classical symphony or a computer program to create the monster.

Money Matters: Alternate work and battles for money. Too much work or too many battles can have the same effect of fatiguing and shortening the life span of a monster. Better to raise specialists, so that you can alternate sources of money.

Don’t Be Too Strict: Don’t punish your monster for every mistake, especially when he is young. He will grow up unhappy and have a short life. Punish only one out of four or five mistakes. Soon he’ll be making fewer and fewer mistakes! Plus, he’ll be much happier! If you find your discipline stats going too high, then feed the monster an apple cake.

Throw in the Towel: Press L2 and R2 at the same time to end a battle in an emergency.

Secret Song: The second track of the game disk has a secret song. Play it on a standard CD player!

Loyal: Before starting to train your monster be sure his loyalty scale is high! One trick is to keep bringing him back and forth between the ranch and town. When he returns to the ranch his loyalty measure will increase.

Expeditions: Yes, traveling around the Monster Rancher world is fun. Plus, you can get valuable stuff that will help you a lot during the game. However, you’ll fail in the Expeditions unless you have a monster suitable to help you out. When you go out on Expeditions, you need a monster with levels of 500 or 600 in Int., Skl. and Pwr. These attributes will help in finding hidden items and removing obstacles.