Finding help

  1. In Chapter 1, Ecosystem of Anaconda, we showed that we could go to the link
  2. After clicking the link, we would see four entries, shown here:
  1. We could type conda help to find information about the usages of Conda. In Windows, click All Programs Anaconda Anaconda PromptIn the Prompt, type conda help, as shown here:
  1. To find all packages associated with a Conda environment, we could issue the conda list command.
  2. Since the number of packages is quite large, a better solution is to generate a text file. We could issue conda list >c:/temp/list.txt:
  1. The first several lines from the output file called list.txt are shown:
  1. We could write an R program to read this text file:
> x<-read.csv('c:/temp/list.txt',skip=2) 
> head(x) 
1 alabaster                 0.7.10           py36hedafc74_0   
2 anaconda                  5.0.1            py36h2419598_2   
3 anaconda-client           1.6.5            py36hb3b9584_0   
4 anaconda-navigator        1.6.9            py36hfabed4d_0   
5 anaconda-project          0.8.0            py36h88395f3_0   
6 asn1crypto                0.22.0           py36hee29ec9_1   
> dim(x) 
[1] 380   1
  1. To learn how to use Jupyter, we can click Help on the menu bar after we launch Jupyter.
  2. From the list of entries, we can find the menu about Python and IPython and information about the Python packages called NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, and so on.
  3. After clicking on Keyboard Shortcuts, we would see the following:

To access the free support group, go to the link at!forum/anaconda.