Taking Back
the Citadel

February 11–February 25

After nearly two weeks of intense combat, most of the southern Hue triangle has been retaken. The army is preparing to attack the Front’s command center at La Chu northwest of the city. The “liberation forces” still hold most of the Citadel, where ARVN troops have been unable to advance. That effort is about to be joined by a battalion of US Marines, under the command of Major Bob Thompson.

Walter Cronkite (center rear holding microphone)
interviewing Col. Stan Hughes on the CBS anchorman’s reporting trip
to Hue during the battle.

Marine Major Bob Thompson, who was
given the mission of taking back the
Citadel with his battalion, 1/5.

Steve “Storyteller” Berntson, the marine combat correspondent,
wrote stories that ran in Stars and Stripes and other military publications.

Marines assaulting the Dong Ba Tower on February 15, 1968.