Byrom, Thomas. The Dhammapada. Boston: Shambhala, 1993.
Chodron, Thubten. Buddhism for Beginners. Ithaca, N.Y.: Snow Lion, 2001.
———. Don’t Believe Everything You Think. Ithaca, N.Y.: Snow Lion, 2012.
———. Guided Meditations on the Stages of the Path. Ithaca, N.Y: Snow Lion, 2007.
———. Open Heart, Clear Mind. Ithaca, N.Y.: Snow Lion, 1990.
———. Taming the Mind. Ithaca, N.Y.: Snow Lion, 2004.
———. Working with Anger. Ithaca, N.Y.: Snow Lion, 2001.
Dharmarakshita. The Wheel of Sharp Weapons. Dharamsala, India: Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, 2007.
Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. Enlightened Courage: An Explanation of the Seven-Point Mind Training. Ithaca, N.Y.: Snow Lion, 2006.
———. The Heart of Compassion: The Thirty-Seven Verses of the Practice of a Bodhisattva. Boston: Shambhala, 2007.
First Dalai Lama, Gyalwa Gendum Druppa. Training the Mind in the Great Way. Translated by Glenn H. Mullin. Ithaca, N.Y.: Snow Lion, 1997.
Gyaltsen, Geshe Tsultim. Compassion: The Key to Great Awakening: Thought Training and the Bodhisattva Practices. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 1997.
Gyatso, Lobsang. Bodhicitta: Cultivating the Compassionate Mind of Enlightenment. Ithaca, N.Y.: Snow Lion, 1997.
H. H. Tenzin Gyatso, the Fourteenth Dalai Lama. Awakening the Mind, Lightening the Heart. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1995.
———. Healing Anger: The Power of Patience from a Buddhist Perspective. Ithaca, N.Y.: Snow Lion, l997.
———. Kindness, Clarity, and Insight. Rev. ed. Ithaca, N.Y.: Snow Lion, 2006.
———. The Path to Bliss. Ithaca, N.Y.: Snow Lion, 2003.
———. The Path to Enlightenment. Ithaca, N.Y.: Snow Lion, 1994.
———. The Way to Freedom. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1994.
Hopkins, Jeffrey. Cultivating Compassion. New York: Broadway, 2002.
———. A Truthful Heart: Buddhist Practices for Connecting with Others. Ithaca, N.Y.: Snow Lion, 2008.
Jinpa, Thubten. The Book of Kadam. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2008.
———. Essential Mind Training. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2011.
———, trans. Mind Training: The Great Collection. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2006.
———, trans. Wisdom of the Kadam Masters. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2013.
Khandro Rinpoche. This Precious Life: Tibetan Buddhist Teachings on the Path to Enlightenment. Boston: Shambhala, 2005.
Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche. The Heart of the Dharma: Mind Training for Beginners. New York: KTD Publications, 2010.
Loden, Geshe Acharya Thubten. Path to Enlightenment in Tibetan Buddhism. Melbourne: Tushita Publications, 1993.
Patrul Rinpoche. The Words of My Perfect Teacher. Rev. ed. Translated by the Padmakara Translation Group. Boston: Shambhala, 1998.
Rabten, Geshe, and Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey. Advice from a Spiritual Friend. Rev. ed. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2001.
Rinchen, Geshe Sonam. Atisha’s Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment. Ithaca, N.Y.: Snow Lion, 1997.
———. The Six Perfections. Ithaca, N.Y.: Snow Lion, 1998.
———. The Thirty-Seven Practices of Bodhisattvas. Ithaca, N.Y.: Snow Lion, 1997.
Sopa, Geshe Lhundub. Peacock in the Poison Grove: Two Buddhist Texts on Training the Mind. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 1996.
———. Steps on the Path to Enlightenment: A Commentary on Tsongkhapa’s Lamrim Chenmo. 5 vols. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2004.
Tegchok, Geshe Jampa. The Kindness of Others: A Commentary on the Seven-Point Mind Training. Weston, Mass.: Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archives, 2006.
———. Transforming Adversity into Joy and Courage: An Explanation of the Thirty-Seven Practices of Bodhisattvas. Ithaca, N.Y.: Snow Lion, 2005.
Thubten Zopa Rinpoche, Lama. The Door to Satisfaction: The Heart Advice of a Tibetan Buddhist Master. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 1994.
———. Transforming Problems into Happiness. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2001.
Trichen, Chogye. Parting from the Four Attachments. Boston: Shambhala, 2003.
Tsering, Geshe Tashi. The Awakening Mind: The Foundation of Buddhist Thought. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2008.
Tsong-kha-pa. The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment. 3 vols. Ithaca, N.Y.: Snow Lion, 2000–04.
Tsulga, Geshe. How to Practice the Buddhadharma. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2002.
Yangsi Rinpoche. Practicing the Path: A Commentary on the Lamrim Chenmo. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2005.
Buddhism for Beginners (Snow Lion Publications)
Buddhism: One Teacher, Many Traditions, with the Dalai Lama (Wisdom Publications)
Cultivating a Compassionate Heart: The Yoga Method of Chenrezig (Snow Lion Publications)
Don’t Believe Everything You Think: Living with Wisdom and Compassion (Snow Lion Publications)
Guided Meditations on the Stages of the Path (Snow Lion Publications)
How to Free Your Mind: The Practice of Tara the Liberator (Snow Lion Publications)
Open Heart, Clear Mind: An Introduction to the Buddha’s Teachings (Snow Lion Publications)
An Open-Hearted Life: Transformative Methods for Compassionate Living from a Clinical Psychologist and a Buddhist Nun, with Russell Kolts (Shambhala)
Taming the Mind (Snow Lion Publications)
Working with Anger (Snow Lion Publications)
Blossoms of the Dharma: Living as a Buddhist Nun (North Atlantic Books)
Choosing Simplicity: A Commentary of the “Bhikshuni Pratimoksha,” by Ven. Bhikshuni Master Wu Yin (Snow Lion Publications)
Insight into Emptiness, by Khensur Jampa Tegchok (Wisdom Publications)
Karmans for the Creation of Virtue: The Prescriptive Precepts in the Dharmaguptaka Vinaya, by Vinaya Master Bhiks˙u Benyin (self-published by Sravasti Abbey)
Pearl of Wisdom, Books I and II: Buddhist Prayers and Practices (Sravasti Abbey)
Transforming Adversity into Joy and Courage: An Explanation of the Thirty-Seven Practices of Bodhisattvas, by Geshe Jampa Tegchok (Snow Lion Publications)
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