As you look towards the future, resolve to be true to Me; true to yourself; sensitive to the needs of those whose lives may be linked with yours.

There are aspects of the days which I have in My hand for you that you cannot know. Here, it will be the simple following-out of My way. Just lay good foundations: your walk with Me, your prayerful contacts with others.

Your future is safety in My love, for ever … see everything which happens on earth in relation to this. A partial appreciation of that ultimate experience is each day granted to you. My most solemn promise is that you will come to be with Me where I am, in glory … even though by a thorny road.

Joy, always … because I will let nothing take you astray from Me.

My child, I bless you. Completely rest your spirit, now, in My love.

To be with Me where I am, and to see My glory.

(John 17.24)