Comfort food usually evokes images of many gathered around the table. Here are my “many” who gathered around my table and who made this book come to be.
First, I’d like to extend many thanks to Abe Ogden, Director of Book Publishing, for making sure this book happened. I thank him for his wisdom, support, and encouragement throughout my many long years as an author and food editor for the American Diabetes Association, and to Rebekah Renshaw, developmental editor, for her guidance overseeing and coordinating every piece of this project.
Thanks go to the fabulous team of Renee Comet, Lisa Cherkasky, Carolyn Schimley, Matt Batista, and Marguerite Bottorff, who beautifully created my food in pictures. Their meticulous commitment to detail and perfection is a rare quality and I am so grateful to have their tremendous talent on my team.
Thanks to pixiedesign, llc, for the beautiful design and typesetting of the book. It really captures the essence of Comfort Food.a
Always, thanks are extended to my agent, Beth Shepard, who has stood by me through many many years of creating interesting projects. Her insight and foresight into what showcases my talents best is what every cookbook author dreams about; I’m grateful for her guidance every day.
Gathering around my table is the best team of recipe testers and developers I have ever had for a cookbook project. These fine people tested and retested until a recipe was perfect. All of them made the right judgments when it came to tweaking a recipe, so they are all more than just testers, they should be credited as recipe developers as well. Many thanks go to Anna Berman, Olga Berman, Pam Braun, Arianna Delorenzi, Donna Douglass, Ramzi Faris, Derek Lee, Amanda Markulec, Scott Naples, Kathy Pandol, Kristina Razon, and Cecilia Stoute. They worked tirelessly to make sure every recipe tastes delicious.
I love having colleagues who share my enthusiasm for great tasting food. They generously contributed fabulous comfort foods to my book and I am ever indebted. Andy Bellatti, RD, Corinne Dobbas, RD, Aviva Goldfarb, Molly Morgan, RD, Janel Ovrut, RD, Alexandra Oppenheimer, Robin White, and Elisa Zied, RD, your recipes have made my comfort food book that much more scrumptious.
And finally to all my readers who have stuck by me for so many years knowing that food for people with diabetes means fabulous food at every meal.