- absolute, the
- abstract art
- Adorno, Theodor W.
- Against Epistemology
- ‘The Aging of New Music’
- ‘Criteria of New Music’
- Dialectic of Enlightenment
- ‘The Essay as Form’
- In Search of Wagner
- ‘On the Fetish-Character of Music and the Regression of Listening’
- Philosophy of New Music
- Prisms
- ‘Questions of Contemporary Opera Theatre’
- aesthetic attitude
- aesthetic categories
- aesthetic contingency
- aesthetic education
- aesthetic enjoyment
- aesthetic experience
- aesthetic insight, poles of
- aesthetic intelligence
- aesthetic logic
- aesthetic method
- aesthetic relativism
- aesthetic research
- aesthetic semblance, sphere of
- aesthetic stupidity
- aesthetic subjectivism
- aesthetic theory
- as constituent element in art
- defining concept of
- justification for
- lack of continuous tradition
- lags behind developments in art
- methodology
- not instruction for understanding art
- poles of insight
- and research
- resistance against
- situation of
- and sociology
- without the concept of beauty
- Aesthetics (Hegel)
- Aesthetics of Ugliness (Rosenkranz)
- Against Epistemology (Adorno)
- ‘Aging of New Music, The’ (Adorno)
- aleatory music
- alienation
- Altenberg, Peter
- ambiguity
- America
- ‘Analytic of the Sublime’ (Kant)
- annihilation of the subject
- Antony and Cleopatra (Shakespeare)
- architecture
- Aristotle
- art
- and the absolute
- abstract
- aesthetic experience of
- and aesthetic intelligence
- and aesthetic subjectivism
- aesthetic theory as constituent element
- and alienation
- ambiguity of
- and annihilation of the subject
- atmosphere of
- as being
- childlike qualities of
- and co-enactment
- and consonance
- and construction see construction
- and consumption of prestige
- contemporary see modern art
- content see content
- and control of nature
- cultural setting of
- decorative
- and defamiliarization
- and desire
- and disinterested pleasure
- and dissonance
- elevation through
- emotional relationship with
- and empathy
- enjoyment of
- and expert authority
- and expression see expression
- and fetishism
- as a force field
- form see form
- French
- and games
- and homeostasis
- and the idea
- and intuitiveness
- irrationality of
- and loss of tension
- and manners
- and meaning
- mediated by nature
- and mimetic behaviour
- modern see modern art
- and moments of breakthrough
- and naturalism
- and nature
- not purely sensual
- as objectified spirit
- and objectivity
- in opposition to society
- origins of
- popular
- and practice
- prehistory of
- production of
- and progress
- and psychology
- and randomness
- recognition of
- and reference to reality
- and reflection
- relationship between individual elements and the whole
- relationship to beauty
- riddle character of
- and semblance
- and semi-literacy
- and sensual pleasure
- separation from reality
- and socialization
- spiritualization of
- and standards
- as stimulus
- and structural context
- and the sublime
- and synthesis
- and taste
- and technique
- tension between the sensual and the spiritual
- as a totality
- and truth
- and ugliness
- understanding of
- as unfolding of truth
- and unity
- and utopia
- as voice of the suppressed
- and world feeling
- as the ‘world once again’
- artistic production
- artistic beauty
- and aesthetic subjectivism
- and desire
- and disinterested pleasure
- and dissonance
- Hegel on
- Kant on
- mediated by nature
- and natural beauty
- relationship between art and beauty
- and taste
- see also beauty
- artists
- and aesthetic insight
- and artistic production
- as creators
- empathy with
- intentions of
- psychology of
- subjectivity of
- Asian Banise, The (Ziegler)
- Assumption of Hannele (Hauptmann)
- atmosphere
- attunement
- aura
- automatic writing
- awareness
- Bach, Johann Sebastian
- Balzac, Honoré de
- Batteux, Charles
- Baudelaire, Charles
- Baumgarten, Alexander Gottlieb
- beauty
- and aesthetic subjectivism
- aesthetics without
- artistic see artistic beauty
- classicist definition of
- and death
- and desire
- as disinterested pleasure
- explained in terms of its effect
- Hegel's definition
- holistic approach to
- and initiated status
- as internally in motion
- as intuitive
- Kant's definition
- as kind of being
- and madness
- as manifestation of utopia
- and mimetic behaviour
- natural see natural beauty
- and objectivity
- and pain
- paradoxical nature of
- Plato on
- relationship to art
- and semblance
- as sensual appearance of the idea
- as similarity
- and sublimation
- and the sublime
- and taste
- as tension between pleasure and displeasure
- as tension between the spiritual and sensual
- and truth
- and ugliness
- and unity
- Beckett, Samuel
- Beethoven, Ludwig van
- being, art as
- Bellini, Giovanni
- Benjamin, Walter
- Berg, Alban
- biographical novels
- body see human body
- Boulez, Pierre
- Braque, Georges
- Brave New World (Huxley)
- breakthrough, moments of
- Brecht, Bertolt
- Brunswik, Egon
- Cage, John
- Camus, Albert
- Cantril, Hadley
- cardinal virtues
- Catholicism
- Cézanne, Paul
- characters
- childhood experiences
- Chinese music
- cinema
- civilizational principle
- classical sculpture
- classicism
- co-enactment
- coherence
- collages
- collectivism
- colour symbolism
- commentary
- commercialism
- conceptless synthesis
- Concerning the Spiritual in Art (Kandinsky)
- consciousness, regressions of
- consonance
- construction
- as an absolute
- and expressionism
- and form
- imposed from the outside
- limits of
- and meaning
- in modern art
- in music
- and randomness
- in reality
- relation to expression
- and the spiritualization of art
- and subjectivity
- constructivism
- contemporary art see modern art
- content
- aesthetics of
- and intentions
- and intuitiveness
- and language
- as relation of synthesis of aspects to reality
- relation to form
- sedimented content
- spiritual content
- sublimation of
- as transcendence of sensual aspects
- unfolding of
- convention
- creators, artists as
- ‘Criteria of New Music’ (Adorno)
- critique
- ‘Critique of Aesthetic Judgement’ (Kant)
- Critique of Practical Reason (Kant)
- Critique of Pure Reason (Kant)
- Critique of the Power of Judgement (Kant)
- Croce, Benedetto
- cubism
- cultivatedness
- cultural setting
- Dada
- death, and beauty
- decorative art
- defamiliarization
- de-mythologization
- depth psychology
- desire
- destruction
- determinate negation
- Dialectic of Enlightenment (Horkheimer & Adorno)
- dialectic of loneliness
- dialectical materialism (diamat)
- differentiation
- Dilthey, Wilhelm
- disinterested pleasure
- dissonance
- Doctor Faustus (Mann)
- drama
- Eimert, Hubert
- Elements of Criticism (Home)
- elevation
- self-elevation
- through art
- elusiveness
- emotional relationship with art
- empathy
- enjoyment of art
- enlightenment
- enthusiasm
- epistemology
- Ernst, Max
- ‘Eroica’ symphony (Beethoven)
- ‘Essay as Form, The’ (Adorno)
- Eulenberg, Herbert
- existentialism
- exoticism
- expert authority
- expression
- and art as voice of the suppressed
- aversion to
- and convention
- and differentiation
- and expressionism
- and horror
- immediacy of
- and language
- in modern art
- relationship to construction
- and restoration of nature
- as result of historical process
- of suffering
- and truth
- fashion
- Faust (Goethe)
- fear
- fetishism
- film see cinema
- Finnegans Wake (Joyce)
- Flaubert, Gustave
- Florian Geyer (Hauptmann)
- Flowers of Evil, The (Baudelaire)
- Fontane, Theodor
- force field, art as
- form
- aesthetics of
- and construction
- and natural beauty
- relation to content
- as sedimented content
- Forms, Plato's theory of
- foundation mania
- France, Anatole
- freedom to the object
- French art
- Frenzel, Ivo
- Freud, Sigmund
- Friedländer, Ludwig
- functionalism
- games
- Geiger, Moritz
- genius, cult of
- George, Stefan
- Georgiades, Thrasyboulos
- German classicism
- German Enlightenment
- German Idealism
- Gesamtkunstwerk
- gestalt psychology
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
- Gottsched, Johann Christoph
- Greek sculpture
- Greek tragedy
- Greene, Graham
- Gris, Juan
- Groos, Karl
- Grünewald, Matthias
- Halm, August (Otto)
- Hals, Frans
- Harburger, Walter
- harmony
- Hauer, Joseph Matthias
- Hauptmann, Gerhart
- Hebbel, Friedrich
- Hebel, Johann Peter
- hedonism
- Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
- and aesthetic method
- Aesthetics
- art as unfolding of truth
- on artistic beauty
- and classicism
- critique of foundation mania
- decline of Hegelian philosophy
- definition of beauty
- denies progress in art
- on descriptions of aesthetic experience
- and freedom to the object
- and human dignity
- and materiality
- on meaning and art
- on natural beauty
- objective idealism
- on philosophy and sociology
- response to criticism of difficulty
- on the sensual and spiritual in art
- similarity of his philosophy to approach to art
- on taste
- on ugliness
- Heidegger, Martin
- Heisenberg, Werner
- Heym, Georg
- Hildebrand, Adolf von
- Hindemith, Paul
- Hölderlin, Friedrich
- Holocaust
- Home, Henry
- homeostasis
- Homer
- Horkheimer, Max
- horror
- human body
- human dignity
- Huxley, Aldous
- Ibsen, Henrik
- idea
- and art
- beauty as sensual appearance of
- and natural beauty
- sensual intuitiveness of
- ideology
- Iliad (Homer)
- imitation see mimetic behaviour
- immediacy
- of desire
- of expression
- of intuition
- restoration of
- sensual
- of subjective response
- impressionism
- In Search of Wagner (Adorno)
- Indian Summer (Stifter)
- individuality
- infinity
- intentions
- Introduction to the Fine Arts (Ramler)
- intuitiveness
- Jacobsen, Jens Peter
- jazz
- Jochmann, Carl Gustav
- Joyce, James
- Jugendstil
- Jupiter Symphony (Mozart)
- Kafka, Franz
- Kahnweiler, Daniel-Henry
- Kandinsky, Wassily
- Kant, Immanuel
- and aesthetic subjectivism
- ‘Analytic of the Sublime’
- on artistic beauty
- on coercive nature of laws
- ‘Critique of Aesthetic Judgement’
- Critique of Practical Reason
- Critique of Pure Reason
- Critique of the Power of Judgement
- definition of beauty
- and disinterested pleasure
- evaluation of his aesthetic theory
- extension of ideas beyond own knowledge
- genius of
- on judgement
- and human dignity
- on natural beauty
- on the sublime
- on taste
- transcendental aesthetics
- transcendental subjectivism
- use of language
- use of term ‘aesthetics’
- Kierkegaard, Søren
- kitsch
- Klee, Paul
- Kollwitz, Käthe
- Kommerell, Max
- Kreutzer Sonata, The (Tolstoy)
- Laforgue, René
- language
- attempts to eliminate from expression
- Flaubert's use of
- Kant's use of
- knowledge of languages
- as location of content
- and naturalism
- Laocoon (Lessing)
- Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm
- leisure, and work
- Leonardo da Vinci
- Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
- literature see drama; novels; poetry
- loneliness, dialectic of
- Lorenz, Alfred
- love
- Ludwig, Emil
- Lukács, György
- Lulu (Berg)
- Luther, Martin
- Madame Bovary (Flaubert)
- madness
- magic
- Magic Mountain, The (Mann)
- Mahler, Gustav
- majority opinion
- Malle Babbe (Hals)
- Manet, Edouard
- Mann, Klaus
- Mann, Thomas
- manners
- Marriage of Figaro (Mozart)
- Marx, Karl
- mass culture
- Mautz, Kurt
- meaning
- and art
- and construction
- crisis of
- and reality
- of the whole
- Meaning of Contemporary Realism (Lukács)
- megalomania
- Meistersinger, Die (Wagner)
- Melichar, Alois
- memory
- Mendelssohn, Moses
- metaphysicality see spirituality
- method
- Meyer, Theodor
- Meyerhold, Vsevolod
- mimetic behaviour
- and art
- and beauty
- and games
- as taboo
- and truth
- Miró, Joan
- Missa Solemnis (Beethoven)
- modern art
- abstract
- and aversion to sensual beauty
- and construction
- and convention
- and dissonance
- elimination of linguistic elements
- and expression
- and formulation of characters
- and homeostasis
- and intuitiveness
- loss of tension in
- and meaning
- and naturalism
- in opposition to society
- and randomness
- relationship to traditional art
- resistance to
- and sensual pleasure
- and spiritualization
- theoretical preconditions
- understanding of
- and unity
- modern music
- Monet, Claude
- montages
- mood
- Mörike, Eduard
- Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
- music
- and aesthetic intelligence
- Chinese
- and construction
- and consumption of prestige
- and dissonance
- elimination of linguistic elements
- and expert authority
- expressionist
- and homeostasis
- and intuitiveness
- jazz
- modern
- and progress
- and randomness
- relationship of individual elements to the whole
- and sensual pleasure
- and socialization
- and talent
- and technique
- understanding of
- as the ‘world once again’
- naïveté
- natural beauty
- and artistic beauty
- Benjamin on
- and desire
- and disinterested pleasure
- and dissonance
- elusiveness of
- formalist approaches
- Hegel on
- and history
- and infinity
- Kant on
- mediation of
- model character of
- and power dynamics
- and resistance
- and the sublime
- as subordinate
- see also beauty
- natural truth
- naturalism; see also realism
- nature
- and art
- and beauty see natural beauty
- control of
- and history
- and infinity
- and power
- and resistance
- restored through expression
- Nero complex
- New Objectivity
- Nietzsche, Friedrich
- Novalis
- novels
- objective idealism
- objectivity
- Odyssey (Homer)
- ‘On Naïve and Sentimental Poetry’ (Schiller)
- ‘On the Fetish-Character of Music and the Regression of Listening’ (Adorno)
- origins of art
- ornament
- pain; see also suffering
- Parsifal (Wagner)
- Pathétique symphony (Tchaikovsky)
- perception
- perspective
- Phaedo (Plato)
- Phaedrus (Plato)
- philosophical aesthetics see aesthetic theory
- philosophical representation
- Philosophy of Art (Schelling)
- Philosophy of New Music (Adorno)
- Picasso, Pablo
- Plato
- and aesthetic subjectivism
- on beauty
- cardinal virtues
- definitions
- on enthusiasm
- hierarchy of senses
- on love
- on madness
- and ontology
- Phaedo
- Phaedrus
- on reason
- and representation
- Republic
- Symposium
- theory of Forms
- play
- Plessner, Helmuth
- Poetics (Aristotle)
- poetry
- Poetry and Experience (Dilthey)
- pointillism
- popular art
- popular music
- positivism
- practice, and art
- prehistory of art
- Prelude in C sharp minor (Rachmaninov)
- prestige, consumption of
- principium individuationis, suspension of
- principium stilisationis
- Prisms (Adorno)
- progress
- projection
- property
- proportion
- Proust, Marcel
- pseudo-realism
- psychoanalysis
- psychology
- and art
- of the artist
- depth psychology
- gestalt psychology
- Nero complex
- projection
- psychological truth
- stimulus and response theory
- ‘Questions of Contemporary Opera Theatre’ (Adorno)
- Rachmaninov, Sergei
- Ramler, Karl Wilhelm
- randomness
- Raphael
- rationality
- realism; see also naturalism
- reality
- and alienation
- art as referring to
- art as separated from
- and construction
- and crisis of meaning
- and games
- relationship to synthesis of a work's aspects
- reality principle
- recognition of art
- refinement
- reflection
- regressions of consciousness
- Republic (Plato)
- resistance
- riddle character of art
- Rilke, Rainer Maria
- Rimbaud, Arthur
- Der Ring (Wagner)
- Roman Empire
- Romanticism
- Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare)
- Rosenkranz, Karl
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
- Russia; see also Soviet Union
- Sade, Marquis de
- sadism
- Sartre, Jean-Paul
- Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph
- Schiller, Friedrich
- Schoenberg, Arnold
- Schopenhauer, Arthur
- sculpture
- Sedlmayr, Hans
- self-elevation
- self-preservation
- semblance
- semi-literacy
- senses, hierarchy of
- sensuality
- art not purely sensual
- associated with southern art
- aversion to sensual beauty in art
- beauty as sensual appearance of the idea
- content as transcendence of sensual aspects
- historical change in sensual pleasure
- relation of individual sensual stimuli to the whole
- scattered nature of sensual stimuli
- sensual immediacy
- sensual intuitiveness
- sensual pleasure
- tension with the spiritual
- Sentimental Education (Flaubert)
- sexuality
- Shakespeare, William
- similarity, beauty as
- socialism
- socialization
- society, art in opposition to
- Socrates
- Sophism
- Soviet Union; see also Russia
- Spaeth, Sigmund
- Spartans
- spirituality
- associated with northern art
- and ideology
- and natural beauty
- objectified spirit
- spiritual content
- spiritualization of art
- tension with the sensual
- Stadler, Ernst
- standards of art
- Sterzinger, Othmar
- Stifter, Adalbert
- stimulus and response
- Stockhausen, Karlheinz
- structural context
- Sturm und Drang
- Stylistic Law of Poetry (Meyer)
- subject, annihilation of
- subjectivism see aesthetic subjectivism; transcendental subjectivism
- sublimation
- sublime, the
- suffering; see also pain
- suppressed, art as voice of
- surrealism
- symbolism
- symmetry
- Symposium (Plato)
- syncretism
- synthesis
- synthetic cubism
- Tachisme
- talent
- Tapestry of Life, The (George)
- taste
- Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich
- technique
- The Tempest (Shakespeare)
- tension, loss of
- Third Reich
- Thoma, Hans
- Tolstoy, Leo
- Toscanini, Arturo
- traditional art
- tragedy
- Trakl, Georg
- transcendence
- transcendental aesthetics
- transcendental subjectivism
- truth
- and art
- art as unfolding of
- and beauty
- of expression
- and ideology
- natural truth
- psychological truth
- restoration of
- and rightness
- ugliness
- uncanny
- uncertainty principle
- unconscious
- understanding of art
- unity
- Usener, Karl Hermann
- utopia
- Valéry, Paul
- Vasari, Giorgio
- Verlaine, Paul
- Volkelt, Johannes
- Wagner, Richard
- war
- The Weavers (Hauptmann)
- Webern, Anton von
- Wedekind, Frank
- Wellek, Albert
- Werfel, Franz
- whole, relation of individual elements to
- Wilde, Oscar
- Wolff, Christian
- women, bourgeois construction of
- work, and leisure
- ‘Work of Art in the Age of its Technical Reproducibility, The’ (Benjamin)
- World as Will and Representation, The (Schopenhauer)
- world feeling
- ‘world once again’
- worldview art
- Zeigler und Kliphausen, Heinrich Anselm von
- Zweig, Stefan