
Chapter Twenty-Eight


TALI WASN’T COMFORTABLE with the idea of a war council, but that was what it was. The militia, likewise, had been making themselves busy with enforcing the barricade and fighting off skirmishes. Tuf was at the meeting too, and he was pacing.

“Will you sit down, Tuf,” Tali said. “You’re driving me crazy.”

“He’s okay,” Amber said.

“Not okay,” Tali said. “Spit it out.”

“Okay,” Tuf said. “The skirmishing I could cope with, but now that’s stopped. A siege makes me nervous.”

“You’ve coped with worse things before,” Amber said.

“Oh, the siege itself doesn’t bother me...”

“We can find supplies,” Tali said.

“Done,” Tuf said.

“And send scouts to find a way out,” Amber added.

“Also done. That’s not what I’m worried about.”

“And what is it?”

“This is not like the River-folk,” Tuf said. “Skirmishes, piracy, and so on. Hostages even, but not this... This is organized warfare, and I don’t like it.”

“But you’re a soldier?” Tali said.

“Not what I mean. War, I mean, entrenched war, armies, casualties, supply lines, organization. Not the River-folks style. Not in their nature.”

“So, some folk else then?” Amber said.