Dear Olly and Mae
My head is full of you all. What it’s been like these past few weeks? Would you believe I’ve just put down the phone to Andy? More than any other part of this trip, I’m most excited about this one. I’ve told him all about you all. He’s a good guy, but you know that by now.
From what he’s shared with me, there’s magic in Ripples. I hope you all got to experience that.
While I don’t know what has happened these past two weeks, I’m so proud right now. Because I know that you will have all been amazing, in whatever role you played out there.
I’ve been thinking about us, Olly. A lot. Dangerous thing to do, I know. Many men go through life feeling regret for the relationship or lack of relationship they have with their sons. It can be a precarious, complex dynamic. I’ve listened to colleagues over the years confess that they don’t know who their sons are. That they don’t understand them and have such different interests that the gulf between them feels as big as the Grand Canyon. But that’s not how it is with us two. Maybe it’s because of Beth’s death, but I don’t think we could be any closer. It’s always been us two against the world.
There’s not a single person I like more than you, Olly. My son.
And I say the word ‘like’ on purpose. I know that most parents automatically love their children. But here’s the thing. A lot don’t like them.
And that goes for you too, Mae. People give lip service to the phrase that you gain a daughter when your son marries. But that’s exactly what happened to me. I know how lucky I am that I have you, Mae. Thank you for letting me be such an integral part of your family. A lot wouldn’t have put up with the intrusion.
So, I reckon you’ll be tired though now. Fancy a little treat? Your penultimate week involves a drive through Serbia to Croatia. I’ve booked you into a five-star hotel in Belgrade for two nights. What do you think about that? I hear the spa is pretty good there, so that might help revive you all! Park up Nomad for a couple of days and have some much-deserved luxury.
Then, when you leave Belgrade, you are to make your way to the coast in Croatia. I’ve found a gem of a campsite right on the beach.
My challenge for this week is that you learn how to snorkel. I’ve always wanted to do that, but never got a chance. Be my eyes. Do it for me, will you?
Olly, you remarked to me earlier today that I’m looking better. And I am feeling better. And I think I know why. Doing this for you all. For my family that I love with all my heart.
I know I keep saying this, but I wish I could be there with you. But know this, I’m watching this adventure, every second of it.
Much love
Pops x