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9/11 terrorist attacks (2001) 17, 288, 337

Aberuchill Castle, Perthshire 148

ABK 43

Abraham, Spencer 230

Abramovich, Anna 43

Abramovich, Arkady 41

Abramovich, Irina 41, 122, 123, 127, 128, 129, 152, 159, 162, 163, 199, 200, 201, 348

Abramovich, Roman 20, 81, 115-16, 133, 204, 323, 342, 362

appearance 43, 117

appetite for conspicuous consumption 16

art collecting 367

Berezovsky as his bitter enemy 15, 45, 315-16

and children’s education 163-4, 356

and Daria Zhukova 159, 163, 180, 189, 199-203

as a dollar billionaire 363

establishes ABK 43

expensive take-away 26-7

the ‘family’ 51

fortune seriously depleted 364

friendship with Deripaska 55, 319

governor of Chukotka 159, 232, 356

initial friendship with Berezovsky 43

jet-set image 117-18

jets, yachts and cars 151-6

legal writs served on him 127-8

marriages 42-3, 196

meeting with Berezovsky and Patarkatsishvili 91-3

orphaned, aged three 41

owner of Chelsea Football Club 15, 125-6, 127, 137, 158, 160, 274, 315

personality 41, 43, 121-2

property purchase 115, 117, 122-3, 124-5, 128-30, 142

and Putin 159, 163, 343

security 130-31, 162, 163

as a shadowy figure 123-4

and Sibneft 41, 44, 96-7, 98, 99, 100, 102, 115, 126, 157, 160

source of his oil fortune 15

Abu Dhabi 98, 99

Aeroflot 39-40, 43, 77-80, 87, 90, 91, 103, 118, 157, 173, 263, 365

Aga Khan 122

Ageyev, Nicholas 170

Aguilera, Christina 202

AIG 362-3

Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB) 7, 8, 9

Air Force One 152

Al Fayed, Mohamed 163, 203

al-Qaeda 288

Al-Tajir, Mahdi 94

Alcoa 331

Aleksandrovna, Lyudmila 69, 70

Alexandrovka (Berezovsky’s dacha) 53, 90

Alexandrovna, Anna 264

Alexanyan, Vasily 11

Alfa 138

All Saints Church, Easton, Isle of Portland 11

All-Russian Automobile Alliance 39

Alloro restaurant, London 109

Allen, Paul 153

Alston and Bird 335, 336

Althorp, Northamptonshire 171

Alwaleed, Prince 203

Amsterdam, Robert 234, 242, 274

Andava 40, 78, 79

Annabel’s nightclub, London 109, 172

Apatit chemical company 231

APCO Worldwide 222, 223

Aria, Semyon 264

Aristotle 82

Politics 31

ARK 369

Arsenal Football Club 194, 348, 364

art market crash (1990-91) 190

Art Newspaper 190

Arthur Andersen accountancy firm 47

Ascot 166

Royal 169

Ascot, Berkshire 143

Asher, Abigail 190

Asprey jewellers 26

Assad family 358

Athan, Gina 98

Atkin, Tim 176

Atticus Capital 330, 332

Audit Chamber 160, 233

Aven, Petr 43, 49, 138, 193

Avital, Colette 247

Avtobank 157

AvtoVaz factory, Togliatti 37, 38, 39, 103, 342

Axis Ltd 227

Aylesford (estate agent) 20, 134

Aziz, Prince Sultan bin Abdul 153

Backstein, Joseph 185, 195

Bacon, Francis 187

Triptych 201

Badri see Patarkatsishvili, Arkady

Bahamas 219

Baikal 233

Bailey, Liam 140, 141, 367

Bakeham House, Wentworth Park, Surrey 110

Baker, Tatiana 135, 137

Baku, Azerbaijan 26

Bank Menatep

collapses in the 1998 financial crash 221

controls Yukos 5

Curtis and 5, 6, 94, 216

first use of word ‘oligarch’ in Russia 31

handles state money 47

a highly controversial Russian company 6

and ISC Global 237-8

money laundering allegations 214-15

set up by Khodorkovsky 46

success of 46-7

whistleblower 219-20

and Yukos 5, 48, 215, 218

Bank of Moscow 118

Barclays bank 40

Barker, Gregory 162-3

Barr, Graham 276

Barvikha Hills, Moscow 170

Basayev, Shamil 115

Basel Art Fair, Switzerland 189

Basic Element 325

Bassey, Dame Shirley 203

Battersea heliport, London 1, 137, 152, 318

Baturina, Yelena 169, 192, 358

BBC 30, 293, 297

Newsnight 258, 266, 298, 305

Question Time (BBC1) 259

Radio 4 296

Beauchamp Estates, Mayfair 131, 134, 354

Becharova, Galina 39

Beckett, Jonathan 352

Beechwood estate, Hampstead 358

Beijing 321

Belgrave Square, London 136, 327

Bell, Tim (now Lord) 50, 111, 114, 250, 256-61, 269, 276, 279, 296, 297, 298

Bell Pottinger 250, 278-9, 281, 297

Belova, Natalya 359

Benda, Alain 331

Berezovska, Anastasia 39

Berezovska, Ekaterina (Katya) 37, 39, 104, 105, 106, 112

Berezovska, Elizaveta 37, 39

Berezovska, Galina 110-11

Berezovsky, Artem 39

Berezovsky, Boris 66, 133, 151, 204, 323, 362

Aeroflot fraud case 77-80, 87

appearance 254

his assassination planned 288-9

at Curtis’s funeral 11, 12

attack on him (1994) 131

and the automobile industry 37-9

benefits from ‘loans for shares’ deal 35

birth (1946) 35

bitter enemy of Abramovich 15, 45, 315-17

brazen lifestyle 31

buys Clocher de la Garoupe 89

a client of Stephen Curtis 4, 6, 95, 235, 236

Confederation of Independent States 54

defends his activities 16, 60-61, 78-9, 80-81

dismissed from Security Council 54

and education 36, 165, 255

extensive business empire 39

extradition case 16, 103, 106, 260-63, 280

the ‘family’ 51

friendship with Lugovoi 306

friendship with Yeltsin 40

a fugitive from Russia 90-91

‘Grey Cardinal’ 31

at the height of his power 52-3

interest in airlines 39-40

and ISC Global 237

Jewish background 35-6

and Litvinenko 288-93, 296, 298, 299, 306, 309, 310

marriages 37, 39, 196

media empire 196, 275

meets Curtis 94

member of the Russian Academy of Sciences 36-7

new name (Platon Yelenin) 276-7

and Oligarkh 30

and ORT 40-41, 83, 85-6, 87, 92-3, 95-6

personality 15, 36, 254, 255

political asylum request 260-61

property purchases 110-13

and Putin 66, 67, 71-2, 73, 76, 81-2, 85-7, 90, 91-3, 108, 253-4, 256, 258, 259, 260, 261, 268, 271, 280, 281, 283, 284, 291, 292, 296, 298, 301, 306

relationship with Patarkatsishvili 83, 84, 277

St George’s Hill 144

search for social acceptance 113-14

and security 107-9, 111

severely restricted movements 276

and Sibneft 41, 44, 96-8, 99, 102, 104, 126

social life 109-10

SPVs 103-4

takes risks with his fortune 106-7

works to destabilise Russia 276, 280-81

and Zakayev 269

Berlin 22

Berlin, Isaiah 22

Berlin Wall, collapse of (1989) 70

Bermuda 18

Bernardoni-Belolipskaia, Vladlena 168

Berry Bros & Rudd wine merchant, St James’s, London 24

Beslan school hostage crisis 308

Bili SA 101

Billington, James H. 224

Birt, Lord 257

Black Treasury 50

Blackhurst, Rob 225

Blair, Tony 225, 256, 283, 303, 330, 341, 346

Blanc, Raymond 162

Blavatnik, Leonid 112, 133, 134, 170, 203, 204

Blenheim Palace 279

Blohm & Voss 155

Bloom, Orlando 171

Bloomberg 363, 364, 367

Blunkett, David 262

Boateng, Ozwald 169

Boguslavsky, Leonid 36

Bolshoi Ballet 331

Bonham-Carter, Graham 321

Bonham-Carter, Helena 321

Bonhams fine art auctioneers 192

Boscombe, Dorset 3

Boubnova, Sophia 101

Boujis nightclub, London 204

Bournemouth Airport 2, 7, 9

Bournemouth Town Hall 9

Bow Street Magistrates Court 250, 261, 268

Bowack, John 139

Bowering, Professor Bill 250

Box Hill school, Mickleham, Surrey 166

BP 225, 245

Brackley and Towcester Advertiser 146-7

Bradley, Bill 224

Brando, Marlon 110

Branson, Sir Richard 133

Braynin, Felix 50

Brenton, Sir Anthony 283

Brezhnev, Leonid 37, 52


21st-century influx of Russians 23

arrival of middle-class, affluent Russians 13

Kremlin complaint about Britain’s Russophobia 281

a long-term haven for Russian exiles and dissidents 21-2

number of Russian residents in 22

refuses extradition attempts by Russian authorities 16

rules for ‘non-domiciles’ 18

Russian oil and gas supplies 303

British Airways 165, 257, 302, 338

British Army 107

British Embassy, Moscow 22

British Gas 58

British Museum, London 21

British Telecom 58

British Virgin Islands 19, 124, 157, 212, 219, 236, 291, 320

Broadlands, Ascot 278

Browder, Bill 47, 217, 218, 243, 246, 340-41

Hermitage Capital Management 209

Brown, Gordon 226, 303, 333, 334, 335, 360

Brown, Nigel 1, 6, 9-10, 238, 247, 248, 265

Brunei, Sultan of 133

BST Link 249

Buchanan, Andrew 141

Buck, Bruce 348

Buckingham Palace, London 358

Buckingham Suite apartment, Belgrave Square, London 112-13

Buckley, Tork 155

bugging 238-9, 264

Bukosky, Vladimir 288

Bullingdon drinking club, Oxford University 332, 334

Bullock, Janna 191

Burberry, New Bond Street, London 24

Burganov, Ranil 210, 211, 212, 248

Burgess 352

Burton, Ian 250

Busch, Gary 293, 309

Bush, George W. 224, 259

Bush, Laura 224

BusinessWeek 245

Buttrke prison 231

Byblos des Neiges, Courchevel 205

Cadogan Square, London 136

Café Pushkin, Moscow 330

Cameron, David 335

Campbell, Naomi 169, 170, 171, 189, 205

Candy, Christian 113

Candy and Candy 25, 107, 112, 113, 141, 348

Candyscape (yacht) 113

Cannes Film Festival 264

Cantinetta Antinori restaurant, Moscow 331

Cap d’Antibes 203, 264

Capital Group 169-70

Carlton Park Tower Hotel, London 99

Carlucci, Frank 224

Carlyle Group 224

Carnegie, Andrew 147

Caroline Terrace, Belgravia 138

Cartier 177, 369

Cartier International Day, Guards Polo Club, Windsor Great Park 168

Cash, William 16-17, 189, 192

Catherine the Great 225

Caves du Roy, Courchevel 205

Cayman Islands 18, 216

Central Bank 47, 166, 217, 363-4

Centre for Contemporary Culture (the Garage), Moscow 202

Centre for Scientific and Technical Youth 46

Chalker, Baroness 276

Champions League 235

Chanel, New Bond Street, London 95

Channel 4 News 297

Channel One 40, 50, 83, 85, 91-2

Channon, Henry ‘Chips’ 320, 321

Chaplin, Charlie 203

Charles, HRH The Prince of Wales 223

Charterhouse, near Godalming, Surrey 164

Château de la Croix, Cap d’Antibes 91, 129

Château de la Garoupe 89-90, 91

‘Château Rothschild’ 332-3

Chatham House, St James’s Square 258

Chechnya 76, 208, 259, 268, 269, 286, 293, 308

gangs 38

rebels 115, 268

Chechnya conflict 52-3

first Chechen war (1994-6) 53, 268

second Chechen war (1999-2009) 72-3, 81, 269, 292

‘Chekists’ 71, 74

Chelsea Football Club 15, 93, 125-6, 127, 137, 142, 152, 154, 156-7, 158, 160-63, 274, 315, 319, 348

Chelsea as prime location 139

Cherney, Anna 338

Cherney, Lev 57, 321-2, 323

Cherney, Mikhail (later Michael) 57, 58, 318-19, 321-9, 338-9, 342, 343

Chernobyl disaster 47

Chernysheva, Natalia 212-13, 248

Chester Square, Belgravia 128-9, 130, 136, 163, 201

Chevening, Kent 276

Chevron Texaco 245

Chime Communications 276

China, affluent Russians move to 22

Chinawhite nightclub, London 98, 234

Chinese government 229

Chloé 181

Chopard 178

Chouvaeva, Natasha 18

Christie’s auctioneers 24-5, 169, 187, 188, 190, 192, 366

Chrysler 328

Chubais, Anatoly 74-5

Chukotka, Siberia 159, 160, 232, 356

Churchill, Sir Winston 203, 274, 279

CIA 75, 108, 338

Cipriani restaurant, Mayfair 26, 176

‘Circuit’ 294

Citigroup 355

City AM newspaper 359

Cityline 104

Clanwilliam, John Meade, 7th Earl of 226

Claridge’s Hotel, Mayfair 24, 171

Clark, David 160, 282, 303

Clarke, Mr Justice Christopher 327, 328

Clegg, Nick 22

Clinton, Bill 334

Cliveden House, Buckinghamshire 178, 350

Clydesdale Bank 96, 100, 102

Cobham, Surrey 143

Cohen, Stephen F.: Failed Crusade 63

Coleman, John 147-8, 149

Collins, James 32

Collins, Tim 109

Collongues-Popova, Elena 219-20

Colony Club, Hertford Street, Mayfair 119

Commercial Court, London 317

Committee to Protect Journalists 271-2

communism collapse of (1991) 13, 32, 46, 273

Russian attitude to 49

Communist Party, backs Khodorkovsky 46

Confederation of Independent States 54

Connery, Sean 138

Conservative Party 58, 334

Constellation (ship) 229-30

Cook, Robin 160

Cooperative Insurance Society 341

Corbin, Arnaud 368

Corfe Holdings Ltd 236

Corker Binning 213

Cossacks 56, 171

Côte d’Azur 198, 203, 264

Courchevel ski resort, France 158, 181, 198, 204-7

Cowdray, Lord 236

Crown Prosecution Service 261

Crown Protection Services 351

CSKA Moscow 160

CSS 202

Curtis, Louise 11

Curtis, Sarah 10, 11, 12, 13

Curtis, Stephen Langford 89, 266

covert cooperation with NCIS 6, 7

covert custodian of Russian personal fortunes 3-4

death threats 6-7, 10

decision to co-operate with British police 5

early career 94

fatal helicopter crash follows threats 1-10

finds working for Russians exciting and challenging 93-4

and Fomichev 104, 105

funeral 10-13

guardian of Russian clients’ secrets 4

health 10

and ISC Global 237

and Khodorkovsky 4, 5, 6, 46, 93, 215, 234

meets Berezovsky 94

and Menatep 5, 6, 94, 216, 217, 237, 240

personal fortune 4-5, 236

personality 4, 10, 94, 95, 234

and security 237, 239, 240-41

sets up New World Value Fund Ltd 235

and Sibneft 98, 99

works for Berezovsky 4, 6, 95-6, 107, 110, 261, 262

and the Yukos curse 246

Curtis & Co. 94, 95, 235, 238, 240-41

Cyprus 213, 215, 216, 247, 321, 322

Daily Mail 346

Daiwa Bank 218

Daresbury, Lord 161

Darling, Alistair 301, 356

Dart, Kenneth 240

Dartmouth, Earl of 147

Davidson, Rod 11-12

Davis, Alan 9

Davis, Rick 336

Davos, Switzerland 49, 214

World Economic Forum 49, 275, 330

‘Davos Pact’ 49-50

de Klerk, F.W. 257, 276

de Kooning, Willem: Woman III 186

de Sancha, Antonia 257

de Saumarez family 350

de Waal, Thomas 288

Del Ponte, Carla 79

Deloitte Touche 137

Deng, Wendi 280

Dent-Brocklehurst, Molly 202

Derby, Earl of 161

Deripaska, Oleg 151, 157, 162, 165, 167, 256, 315, 342, 353

aluminium magnate 15, 55

appearance 55, 319

and Bob Dole 335-6

buys racehorses 356-7

and Cherney 318-19, 322-8, 339, 342, 343

Conservative Party donation issue 334

as a dollar billionaire 363

early life 56

enemies 326

entry problems to United States 16, 328-9, 335, 336, 337

and the ‘family’ 56

friendship with Abramovich 55, 319

global business empire 16

Jewish background and Cossack heritage 56

losses 364

and Magna 328, 339, 364

marriage 56

and Nat Rothschild 329-30

personality 55, 319

a post-Soviet corporate raider 55

property purchaser 145, 320-21

and Putin 15, 66, 343

ruthless young pretender 15, 55

Deripaska, Polina 165, 181, 320

Devonshire, Duke of 114

Diana, Princess of Wales 133, 171

Dickens, Charles 196

Dinamo Tbilisi Football Club 277

Disdale, Terence 153, 154, 351-2

Doig, Peter: White Canoe 185-6, 193

Dolce & Gabbana 315

Dole, Bob 335-6

Dom-2 (reality TV programme) 189

Donde, Daniel Ermes 201

Dorchester Hotel, London 26, 223, 322, 323

Doronin, Vladimir 169-70

Downside Manor, Leatherhead, Surrey 277-8, 279

Draycott House, off Sloane Square 339

Dresner-Wickers 50

Dubai 99, 142, 198

Dubov, Yuli 267-8, 279

Bolshaya Paika (The Lion’s Share) 30, 267

The Lesser Evil 267-8

Ducasse, Alain 203

Dulwich College 166

Dyachenko, Boris 165

Dyachenko, Tatyana (Tanya) 50, 52, 145, 162, 165, 204

Dzerzhinsky, Felix 173

East End, London 21, 190

Eastern Bloc, collapse of (late 1980s) 22

Eastern Oil Company 210

Easton, Isle of Portland 11, 12

Easton Neston, neat Towcester 146

Eaton Square, London 136, 137, 140-41

Ecclestone, Bernie 162

Eclipse (yacht) 155-6

Economic and Trade Ministry 61

Economist, The 221

Ecstasea (yacht) 154

Ekho Moskvy radio station 25, 75, 271, 280

Elizabeth II, Queen 142

Elliott Hotel, Gibraltar 235

Ellison, Larry 153

Enron scandal 337

Esher, Surrey 143

Eurocement 157

Eurocement Holding AG 157

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) 126, 127, 128

European Champions League 154

European Union 330, 331, 332

Evans, Chris 111, 112

Evans, Jonathan 270

Evening Standard 132, 346, 365

Evraz 157, 363

Exclusive London 174-5

ExxonMobil 230, 245

Fabergé 192

Falileyev, Judge Igor 357

‘family, the’ 51-2, 56

Farnborough Airport 152

Farouk, King of Egypt 129

Fatherland All-Russia Party 73

Fayed, Camilla 181

FBI 359

Federal Law N 153-F3 310-11

Feldman, Andrew 334

Felshtinsky, Yuri 292

Fennell, Theo (jewellers) 26

Fezan Ltd 236

Fiat 38

financial crash (1998) 218, 221

Financial Dynamics 256

Financial Times 63, 131, 236, 275, 323, 339

Finans business magazine 55, 363

Finsbury 256

Firebird Fund 80

first Gulf War 130, 131

Fitasc Sporting British clay pigeon shooting Grand Prix 148

Fitzgerald, Edward, QC 213

Fleming, Roddie 161

Florida International University 61

Fomichev, Katya 104-5, 181

Fomichev, Ruslan 104-5, 181

Forbes magazine 24, 77, 363

Forbes Russia 246, 272, 273

Ford, Tom 179

Foreign Office 7, 241, 261, 270, 282, 303, 307

Foreign Policy Centre (FPC) 225

Fortnum & Mason 24

Forus 40, 78, 79, 80

Forward Media Group 320

Fox, James 125

Fox and Gibbons 94

Foxwell, Gavin 8

France, affluent Russians move to 22

Francis I, King of France 149

Fraud Squad 261

Fredriksen, John 128, 132

Freeland, Chrystia 63

French Foreign Legion 108

French Special Forces 108

Freud, Lucian: Benefits Supervisor Sleeping 201

Fridman, Mikhail 49

Friedman, Thomas 61-2

Frieze Fair 188, 192

Frontline (American news programme) 63, 76

Frontline Club, London 36

FSB (Federal Security Service) 53, 62, 71, 74, 86, 103, 106, 115, 230, 231, 262, 267, 275, 281, 285, 286, 287, 289-90, 292, 293, 296, 305-9, 312, 313, 338

Fulham Football Club 163

Fyning Hill, Rogate, West Sussex 124, 130, 152, 161, 163, 200, 201, 353

G8 summits 259-60, 309, 360

Gagosian, Larry 202

Gallitzin, Prince Gregory 167

Garda Worldwide 130

GAZ 157

Gazprom 76, 157, 173, 233, 270-71, 317, 341, 362

Geffen, David 194

Geldof, Bob 172

General Motors 39, 244, 325

George V, King 114

Giacometti, Alberto 201

Gibraltar 19, 100, 104, 215, 216, 235, 236, 241

Gibraltar Criminal Intelligence Agency 241

Gillford, Lord (‘Paddy’) 226-7

Glencore 340

global economic crisis (2008) 17

Global Leadership Foundation (GLF) 275-6

Global Options Group Inc 335, 336

Glushkov, Nikolai 92, 96, 102-3, 279

Goldfarb, Alex 65, 80, 82-3, 275, 281, 291, 297, 298, 337

Goldfarb, Alex with Litivinenko, Marina: Death of a Dissident 307

Goldsmith, Sir James 55

Goldsmith, Lord (Peter) 279

Golubev, Yuri 245

Goodwin, James 334

Gorbachev, Mikhail 32, 35, 40, 171, 173, 199, 312

Gorbunova, Yelena 72, 110, 111, 113, 114

GPW Ltd 351

Grand Bleu, Le (yacht) 153, 154, 155, 203

Grand-Hôtel du Cap-Ferrat 203-4

Grayson, Patrick 351

Gref, German 330

Greig, Geordie 171, 172, 345-6, 365

Grey Advertising 222

Grigoriev, Boris Dmitrievich: Faces of Russia 194

Group Menatep Ltd (GML) 215-16, 227, 235, 236

Group of Seven 49

GRU 270, 287

GSS Global 248

Gstaad, Switzerland 19

Guardian 195, 268, 280, 281, 369

Gubkin Institute of Oil and Gas, Moscow 43

Gucci 179

Guernsey 236

Guinness, Lady Honor 320-21

Gulf States 99

Gusinsky, Vladimir 49, 75-6, 82, 83, 86, 132, 196, 280

Gutseriyev, Mikhail 165, 360-62

Gyunel 169

Hague, Ian 80

Hakkasan restaurant, London 176

Hamnett, Professor Chris 353

Hampton Court Palace 171

Hamstone House, St George’s Hill, Weybridge 145

Hannant, Paul 8

Hanson, Lord 226

Hanson Plc 226

Harding, James 17

Harewood estate, near Windsor 142, 203

Harrods department store, London 26, 123, 125, 137, 163, 174

Harrods Estates 135

Harrogate Ladies’ College 166

Harrow School 165

Harry’s Bar restaurant, South Audley Street, London 101, 109

Hartlands 145-6

Harvard University-Dow Jones US-Russian Investment Symposium 328

Harvey, David 17-18

Harvey Nichols department store, London 174, 180

Fifth Floor Restaurant 26

Hascombe Court, near Godalming, Surrey 111-12

Haslam, Nicholas 105, 136

Hawksmoor, Nicholas 146

Hazlitt, William 191

Health Protection Agency 298, 300

Heath Lodge, Iver, Buckinghamshire 110

Heath, Sir Edward 304

Hello! magazine 320

Henry, Professor John 299

Hermès shop, Knightsbridge 315, 316

Hermitage Capital Management 47, 217, 246

Hermitage Fund 341

Hermitage Rooms, Somerset House 170

Hersham, Gary 131-2, 134-5

Herzliya Pituach, Israel 247

Hesketh, Lord 146

Hesketh, Sophia 200

Hewlett, Jonathan 141

Heywood, Tim 153

Hiddink, Guus 161

High Court 326, 327, 341, 343

High Life Developments 144

Highgate Cemetery, north London 54, 298

Highland Gold 161

Hilton Hotel, Park Lane 304, 354

Hirst, Damien 144, 187, 202

Hirst, Natalie 136, 137, 141

Hitler, Adolf 347

Hochtief 364

Holcim Ltd 157

Holmes, Major John 294

Holtan, Kirsty 2

Home Office 103, 280, 281, 360, 361

Border and Immigration Branch Agency 281

Hong Kong 142

Hotel Baltschug, Moscow 77

Hôtel de Vendôme, Paris 204

Hôtel du Cap-Eden-Ros, Antibes 129

House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee 282

House of Lords 225, 250

Houston, Whitney 202

H.R. Owen dealership 175

Hudson, Professor Michael 60, 243-4, 245-6

Hugh House, Eaton Square, London 128

Hummer automotive brand 325

Hunter, Keith 109, 238, 248

Hurd, Lord 350

Hussein, King of Jordan 124

Hutchins, Chris 29, 159, 200

Ian Greer Associates 226

Ibiza 204, 236

Ignatief, Mikhail 62-3


Ilim Pulp 325, 326

Immigration Service Union 24

Independent 243, 341

Independent Schools Information Service (ISIS) 164

Ingosstrakh 157

Institute of Control Sciences 36

Interior Ministry (Russia) 233

International Foundation for Civil Liberties 274-5

International Monetary Fund (IMF) 18, 32, 60, 61, 220

International Red Cross 105, 106

International Yacht Club of Antibes 122

Interpol 91, 102

Interros 226

ISC Global Ltd 1, 95, 237-8, 239, 240, 248, 265, 267

Island Spice Overseas Ltd 236

Isle of Man 132, 213, 216, 217, 219

Israeli security workers 239

Itchen Trust 100, 104, 105, 106

Ivanishvili, Boris 193

Ivanishvili, Gher 193-4

Ivanov, Valery 271

Ivanov, Yevgeny 125

Izvestiya 298

Jacobs, Marc 181

Jagger, Mick 125

Jekyll, Gertrude 111

Jenkins, Eric 6, 7

Jersey 19, 340

John, Sir Elton 147, 171, 181

John Smith Memorial Fund 226

Jones, Tom 144

Jumean, Eyhab 98, 99

Jurby Lake 217

Kadannikov, Vladimir 37

Kalbfell, Alan 241

Kalugin, General Oleg 70, 310, 337

Kapur, Ajay 355

Karachayevo-Cherkessia 81

Kasparov, Garry 273, 281

Kay, Josef 100-101

Kazakhstan 135

Keeler, Christine 125

Kensington and Chelsea 347, 354, 355, 356

Kensington Palace 167-8, 227, 250

Kensington Palace Gardens, London 133-4

Kenwood, St George’s Hill, Weybridge 143

KGB 53, 295

and Aeroflot 79

apparatchiks 244

defectors 22

Lebedev in 172

and Litvinenko 286, 288, 312, 338

money laundering 214-15

multi-millionaire former KGB officials 179

and Putin 69-70, 74, 173

reformed into three separate groups 287

renamed FSB 62

restoration of its power 312

torture of political prisoners 92

and Usmanov 195

and Yeltsin 40

Khakassia, Siberia 320

Khodorkovska, Elena 45

Khodorkovska, Inna 46

Khodorkovsky, Mikhail (‘Misha’) Borisovich 212, 362

appearance 214

arrested and imprisonment 5, 157, 231-2, 234, 236, 240, 241, 246, 259, 357

Bank Menatep 46, 214-15

and Curtis 4, 5, 6, 93, 215, 216

and the ‘Davos Pact’ 49

early life 45

education 45-6

efforts to improve his corporate image 16, 220-27

founds his own bank 45

on his chequered business past 220-21

an intellectual 15

Jewish background 45, 46

marriages 46, 196

and the mass voucher scheme 33

offshore companies and accounts 214

personality 45, 214

and Putin 5, 66, 209, 220, 226, 228-9, 244, 246, 265-6

and Rockefeller 59

on Russian law 63

Russia’s wealthiest businessman 5, 33

sets up Centre for Scientific and Technical Youth 46

in a Siberian jail 15, 134, 241, 242

trial 242

and Yukos 48, 59, 209, 215, 218, 220, 221, 243

Khodorkovsky, Pavlik 46

Khodorkovsky Foundation 227

Khromchenko, Evelina 182-3

Kidd, Jemma 171

Kiev 321

Kilmarsh Ltd 237

King, Lord 257

King’s College London 182, 353

Kipling, Rudyard 11

Kirienko, Sergei 71

Kissinger, Dr Henry 223, 224

Klaxons, The 202

Klebnikov, Paul 77, 246, 272 Godfather of the Kremlin 272

Klimt, Gustav 201

Klosters, Switzerland 332

Knight Frank (estate agent) 20, 135, 139, 140, 141, 143, 147, 359, 367, 368

Knightsbridge, London 19

Knowles, Julian, QC 250

Kokotovic, Alexandra 203

Kolesnikov, Vladimir 231

Kolmogorov, Vasily 90

Kolomenskaya, Oksana 199

Kolushev, Sergei 168

Komisar, Lucy 224

Kommersant newspaper 83, 195, 260, 277, 360

Komsomol (Young Communist League) 46, 283

Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper 275

Konstantin Palace, near St Petersburg 194

Koons, Jeff 202

Korzhakov, General Aleksandr 40, 52, 84

Kosinski, Jerzy: Being There 73

Kova & T 180-81, 200

Kovalev, Nikolai 71

Kovtun, Dmitri 285, 301, 302, 306

Krasnodar, south-western Russia 56

Krasnokamensk, Siberia 241

Kraznoyarsk hydroelectric plant 157

Kremlin, Moscow and Abramovich 126, 159, 232, 233

authoritarianism of 173

Berezovsky’s dominating influence in 31, 39-40, 92, 290

and Khodorkovsky 228, 230

and Litvinenko 308, 310

and mass voucher scheme 33

state bail-outs 364

Kroll Security International 130

Kryshtanovskaya, Olga 312, 313

Kudriavev, Damian 105-6

Kursk disaster 85, 86, 92

Kvantrishvili, Otari 84

Lada car 37-8

Lady in Blue (yacht) 170

Lamont, Lord 350

Lampard, Frank 154

Lanesborough Hotel, London 26, 110, 119, 323, 325

Langton, Andrew 134

Langton, David 349

Lantos, Tom 230

Lanvin 181

Laughland, John 68

Lavrov, Sergei 20

Lawson, Nigella 138

Lazards 332

Lazio, S.S. 154

Le Gavroche restaurant, Mayfair 26, 176

Lebedev, Alexander 122-3, 171, 172-4, 202, 302, 345, 346, 365

Lebedev, Platon 210, 230, 234, 237, 242, 246, 357

Lebedev, Evgeny 172, 181

Ledbury Research Agency 182

Lefortovo jail, Moscow 92, 96, 290

Lehman Brothers 362

Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich 21, 51, 68

Lenin Komsomol Prize 36

Lenina, Lena: Multimillionaires 196-7

Leningrad State University 69, 70

Lennon, John 143-4

Leopold II, King of Belgium 203

Leopold III, King of Belgium 129

Lesin, Mikhail 87

Leviev, Lev 177-8

Leyland DAF 334

Liberal Democratic Party 305

Liberal Russia 274

Library of Congress, Washington, DC 223, 224

Liechtenstein 321

Limarov, Yevgeny 310

Linley, Viscount 170-71

Lisin, Vladimir 148

Listyev, Vladislav 85

Littlejohn, Richard 147

Litvinenko, Alexander 27-8, 102, 109, 267, 269, 282, 285-313, 360

The Gang from Lubyanka 292-3

Litvinenko, Alexander and Felshtinsky, Yuri: Blowing Up Russia 292

Litvinenko, Anatoly 291

Litvinenko, Marina 286, 287-8, 291, 307

Litvinenko, Nina 287

Litvinenko, Walter 287

Livingstone, Ken 347

Lloyd-Webber, Lord 181

‘loans for shares’ scheme 35, 41, 48-9, 215, 231

Lockheed Martin 94

LogoVaz 37-9, 53, 84, 91, 103, 268

London art auctions 189-90

attracts the extravagantly rich 16

‘bustling and busy’ 19-20

chosen as a refuge by Berezovsky 91

cost of property per square foot 141

financial capital of the world 17

legal sanctuary and a fair due process of law 16

‘Moscow-on-Thames’ 14

the most expensive residential market 141-2

as a ‘murky outpost of Moscow’ 27

proximity to Moscow 17, 132

Russian addiction to high living the British way 24-5

Russian desire to move to 13

Russian intelligence officers in 269-70

Russian purchase of properties in 20, 54-5, 131-42, 182

size of Russian community in London 14

tax-avoidance industry 17, 18

London Courier 188

London and Russia Holdings plc 329

London School of Economics 20, 329

Russian Society 21

London Stock Exchange 148, 221, 340, 350

Lopez, Jennifer 203

Lowndes Square, London 124-5, 129, 130, 132, 136-7, 356

Luciano’s restaurant, St James’s 162

Lugovoi, Andrei 102, 285, 294, 295-6, 298, 301, 303, 305-6, 307

Lukashenko, President 257

Lukoil 162

Lürssen 321

Lutton Invest and Finance 212

Lutyens, Edwin 111

Luxembourg 219

Luzhkov, Yuri 160, 169, 192

Lysova, Olga 42-3

Lyubertsy 85

Maar, Dora 186

McCain, Senator John 336, 337

McCartney, Stella 133

Macdonald, Julien 180

Macgregor, Ian 257

Machiavelli, Niccòlo 51

Macmillan, Harold 125

Macpherson, Elle 171

McQueen, Alexander 181

Madonna 144, 169

Magna International 328, 336-7, 339, 364

Maidment, Wing Commander 3

Major, John 24

Malandina, Irina 43

Malashenko, Igor 52

Malt, Jack 8

Malta 210

Manchester United FC 235

Mandelson, Peter 114, 330-31, 332, 334-5

Mandelstam, Osip 82

Mangold, Tom 296

Mann, John 256, 364

Manoir aux Quat’Saisons, Le, Oxfordshire 162

Manokhina, Valerie 118, 123, 124, 137, 151, 155, 183

Manoukian, Bob 203

‘Marching Together’(a pro-Putin group) 270

Margaret, HRH Princess 170

Markevich, Eduard 271

Markov, Sergei 62, 304

Marks & Spencer 34, 177

Mark’s Club, Mayfair 250

Marlborough, 11th Duke of 279

Marshall Plan for Russia 59

Marx, Groucho 260

Marx, Karl 54-5, 74

Mashkov, Vladimir 30

Maskhadov, Aslan 268

Maudi Manufacturing 84

Max, Leon 146-7

Max Studio shops 146

Maxie’s basement nightclub, Knightsbridge 120

Maxim 189

Mayor’s Office, City Hall, London 347

Media-Most 75, 76

Medvedev, Dmitri 169, 273, 317, 325, 357, 360, 362

Mellor, David 257

Melnichenko, Andrei 113, 142, 202, 203

Melnikov, Konstantin 202

Melrose House, Savile Row, London 107

Mendeleev Institute of Chemical Technology, Moscow 45

Menshikov, Aleksandr 65

Menzies, George 298

Merabishvili, Vano 278

Mercedes-Benz 25, 37, 38

Metropolitan Police 152, 213

MI5 107, 108, 262, 305

MI6 305

Michael, George 172

Michael of Kent, Prince 114-15, 171, 224, 227, 250

Michael of Kent, Princess 171, 369

Middlesex Steel 226

Midgley, Dominic 29

Millennium Hotel, Grosvenor Square 285, 286, 297, 302, 304

Millfield School, Somerset 165

Millhouse Capital 130, 142, 157

Ministry of Fuel and Energy (Russia) 220

Minnelli, Liza 167

Mirren, Dame Helen 22

Mittal, Lakshmi 122, 133

Modhassan, Sheikh 153

Mohammed, Sheik 99

Monaco 142

Monet, Claude 186

Montgrandi, René 158

Morgan, J.P. 58-9


apartment bombings (1999) 72, 268, 275, 281, 292, 307, 308

disadvantages of living in 19

Westernization 119

Moscow Chamber of Commerce 242

Moscow Communist Party: Youth League 120

Moscow Economic School 128

Moscow Komsomolets 120

Moscow School of Political Studies 231

Moscow State University 36

Moscow Times 240, 301

Mosimann, Anton 99

Moskovsky Novosti 244

Moss, Kate 172

Mossad 239

Most nightclub, The, Moscow 366

Moylan, Councillor Daniel 347

Muchinskaya, Aliona 19-20, 120-21, 167, 178, 180

Murdoch, Elizabeth 333

Murdoch, Rupert 196, 257, 279-80

Murphy, Gerald 89

Napoleon Bonaparte 253

Nashi (‘Our People’) 283

National Australia Group 102

National Book Festival 224

National Criminal

Intelligence Service (NCIS, Scotland Yard, Curtis cooperates with 6, 7)

National Gallery, London 21

National Reserve Bank 173

National Security Council (Russia) 52, 54, 71

National Security Council (US) 64

Neilson, Annabelle 332

Nekrassov, Alexander 117, 119, 125, 177

Nemtsov, Boris 64

Netherlands Antilles 102

Nevzlin, Leonid 46, 209, 210, 229, 238, 247-8, 265, 266, 267, 305

New Delhi 321

New Labour 225, 226

‘New Russians’ 23, 74, 119

New Scotland Yard 261

New Style magazine 14, 174

New World Value Fund Ltd 235

New York

becomes less attractive to the world’s business rich 17

cost of property per square foot 142

failure to compete in pursuit of Russian capital 28

New York Stock Exchange 17, 221

New York Times 21, 47, 61, 115, 186, 222, 275, 287, 323, 326, 352, 369

New Yorker 29-30

Newson, Marc 202

Newsweek 352

Nezavisimaya Gazeta 83

NFK 44, 48

Nicholas II, Tsar 108, 114-15

Nicklaus, Jack 320

Nicolson, Harold 321

Ninth Wave 307

Nobu restaurant, Park Lane 26, 162

Norilsk Nickel 66, 206, 364

Northern Oil Company 228

Nosova, Natalia 110

Novaya Gazeta newspaper 173, 242, 270, 292, 308, 312

Novolipetsk 148

Novy Reft newspaper 271

Noyabrskneftegas Geophysica 44

NTV 75, 271

Number One Yacht Club 120

Oakley Hall prep school, Cirencester, Gloucestershire 164

Ocean Sky 349

Officiel, L’ magazine 183

Ogorodnikova, Tatyana: A Marriage Contract 197

OK! magazine (Russian edition) 201

Old Rectory, The, Chelsea 128, 132

Old Swan House, Chelsea Embankment 128

Old Vic Theatre, London 21


acquisition of Russia’s state-owned natural resources 14

advantages of London to 15

in ancient Greece 31

bargain with Yeltsin 49-51, 66

bitter personal feuds 27

blamed for bankrupting the Russian economy 71

and British strategy of benign tolerance 28

the butt of political satire 274

effect on London of oligarchs’arrival 15

enemies of 73-5, 242-3

keen on a British education 165

and Putin 64, 65-7, 73-87, 121, 125, 133, 232

spending sprees 24-7

term first used 31

Oligarkh (film) 29-30, 267, 277

Olympia (yacht) 154

Omsk, Siberia 43

Omsknefteproduckt 44

Onassis, Aristotle 129

Open Russia Foundation 222, 223, 224, 227

Open Society Foundation 222

Open World academic

exchange programme 224

‘Operation Come to Me’ 266-7

‘Operation Fab’ 265-6, 267

Operation Maltesa I 210-12, 213

Operation Maltesa II 212-13

Operation Olive Grove 213

‘Orange Revolution’ (Ukraine) 276, 281

Organizatsiya see Russian mafia

Ornellaia estate and vineyard, Tuscany 129

Orsk-Khalilovsky Metal Combine 157

ORT 40-41, 44, 53-4, 82, 85-7, 91-3, 95-6, 99, 100, 102, 271, 306

ORT-Videos 101

Orwell, George 196

Osborne, Frances 333

Osborne, George 333-5

O’Sullivan, David 331n

Other Russia, The 273, 281

Ottawa 207

Owen, Lord 226, 350

Oxford Russia Fund 227

Oxford University Russian Society 258, 276

Packer, Kerry 124

Panama 219

Panteleimonov, Nikolai 42

Paper nightclub, London 202


19th-century influx of Russians 23

Russian attitude to 19

Parlour, Karen 348

Parlour, Ray 348

Partridge Fine Arts, New Bond Street 369

Patarkatsishvili, Arkady ‘Badri’ 41, 44, 323

charged with embezzlement 103

a client of Curtis 235, 236

early career 84

flees Russia to Georgia 102

involvement in Georgian politics 84, 277, 278

Jewish Georgian background 83

and Josef Kay 100-101

and LogoVaz 84

meeting with Berezovsky and Abramovich 91-3

and ORT 83, 85, 86-7, 96

personality 83

plans a coup d’état 278

presidential candidate (2007) 278

property purchases 277-8

relationship with Berezovsky 83, 84, 277

and Sibneft 97, 99, 126

Patrushev, Nikolai 86, 115

Pavlov-Andreevich, Fedor 191

Pazik, Kristin 162

Pearson, Hon. Charles 236

Pegu Club, Manhattan 352

Pelorus (yacht) 130, 153-4, 201, 351

Pennsylvania Castle, Isle of Portland, Dorset 2, 5, 9, 11, 13, 236

Pentlands, St George’s Hill, Weybridge 110

perestroika 35, 37, 42, 46, 118

Performance (film) 125

Peskov, Dmitri 300

Peter the Great 65, 193

Pettit, Jim 338

Picasso, Pablo 203-4

Dora au Chat 186, 193

Pichugin, Alexei 230

Pikulenko, Alexander 25

Pinchuk, Viktor 358

Pine Bar see Millennium Hotel

Pinochet, General 82, 257

Piotrovsky, Dr Mikhail 223

Platinum Entertainment Services 162

Plato: The Republic 31

Plisetskaya, Maya 170

Politkovskaya, Anna 173, 205, 207-8, 271, 308, 360

Pollock, Jackson 186

polonium-210 poisoning 27-8, 299, 302, 306, 310

Poltimore, Lord (Mark) 193, 350

Poppy, Richard 9

Pora (It Is Time) 360

Porter, Cole 89

Porter, Matthew 241

Portland Hospital, London 123

Portman, Justin 169

Potanin, Vladimir 35, 49, 63-4, 66, 206, 226, 243, 275

Powell, Lady Carla 113-14

Powell, Lord 113, 350

Prada 181

Pravda 189

Premiair 349

President Hotel, Moscow 50

Price, Sarah 3, 8

PricewaterhouseCoopers 80

Primakov, Yevgeny 71, 72, 73, 77

Prime Purchase 136, 141

Prodi, Romano 293

Profumo, John 125

Progress, Le (newspaper) 207

Project X (yacht) 264-5

Prokhorov, Mikhail 206-7, 366

Prospect magazine 355

Public Policy Partnership 226

Pugachev, Sergei 170

Purchase, Ken 282

Putin, Maria 68

Putin, Vladimir 134, 169, 170, 200, 202, 225, 358

aims to modernize Russia, not democratize it 82, 271

appearance 68

appointed President 73, 82, 274

appointed Prime Minister 72

and Berezovsky 66, 67, 71-2, 73, 76, 85-7, 90, 91-3, 108, 253-4, 256, 258-61, 265-6, 268, 271, 280, 281, 283, 284, 291, 292, 296, 298, 301, 306, 357

director of FSB 71, 74, 289

early life 68-9

education 68-9

First Deputy Mayor of St Petersburg 70

first Presidential Decree 56

and Gutseriyev 361-2

in the KGB 69-70

and Khodorkovsky 5, 66, 209, 220, 226, 228-9, 244, 246

Kursk disaster 85

and Litvinenko 289-93, 297, 300, 307, 308

meeting with Berezovsky and Abramovich 91-3

and the oligarchs 64, 65-7, 73-87, 121, 125, 133, 232

and opposition parties 273

and ORT 96

personality 67-8, 69, 70

purge by 65-87

relationship with Abramovich 159, 163

relationship with Deripaska 15

response to Moscow apartment bombings 72-3

and Rozhetskin 359

Safronov’s portrait 148-9

‘sambo’ (judo/wrestling) practitioner 69, 87

and Usmanov 195

Putin, Vladimir, Snr 68

Qatar 311

Qatar, Emir of 358

Queen K (yacht) 321, 333

Quintessentially 350-51, 368-9

Radford, Dennis 7, 9

Radford, Captain Max 2-3, 7, 8, 9

Radio Free Europe 281

RAF Centre of Aviation Medicine, Henlow, Bedfordshire 3

Ragozhina, Elena 174-5, 177

Raisa Gorbachev Foundation 171

Rausing, Hans 132

Rawlinson, John 164, 165-6

Reading, Marquess of 114

Reagan, Ronald 224, 276

Real Madrid FC 235

Red Army 42, 287

‘red directors’ 34, 54-5, 62, 64

Red Square PR company 121, 167, 180

Redgrave, Vanessa 269, 270

Reform Club, London 113, 258

Reguly, Eric 319

Reuben, David and Simon 322, 323

Reuter, Baron de 133

Revolutionary Congresses 21

Richard, Cliff 144

Risc Management 109, 248

Ritchie, Guy 144, 169

River Café, Hammersmith 162

‘robber barons’ 58-9

Roberts, W. (Hatton Garden jeweller) 94

Robertson, Lord, of Port Ellen 350

Robski, Oksana and Sobchak, Ksenia: Married to a Millionaire 196

Rockefeller, John D. 58-9

Rocks PR company 169

Roedean 166

Roeg, Nicholas 125

Roka tearoom and restaurant, Charlotte Street, London 26

Rokni, Niki 349

‘Rose Revolution’ (Georgia, 2003) 277

Rose, Stuart 177

Rosneft 228, 229, 233, 341

Rostropovich, Mstislav 194

Rothermere, Viscount 138, 365

Rothschild, Lord Jacob 162, 167, 223-4, 225, 329, 332, 336, 357

Rothschild, Mayer 333

Rothschild, Nat 167, 329-36, 336, 357

Rothschild family 133, 167, 329, 332, 333

Royal Berkshire Polo Club 168

Royal Family 147, 170

Royal Opera House, Covent Garden 170, 331

Royal United Services Institute 109, 258

Rozhetskin, Leonid 359

Rublevskoye Highway 47

Rublyovka 185

Ruiz, Cristina 190

Rules restaurant, Covent Garden, London 24

Runicom SA 127

Rusal 91, 157, 316, 323, 324, 325, 328, 329, 331, 340, 343

Rushdie, Sir Salman 171


accumulated wealth secreted abroad 19

banking system’s lack of liquidity 32

bankruptcy (1998) 54, 214

capital flight 61-2

consumer boom at the millennium 179

crime, political uncertainty, and economic turbulence 14

easing of restrictions on private enterprise 23

from political dictatorship to power-wielding elite 31

judiciary 16

‘loans for shares’ scheme 35, 41

male life expectancy 208

mass voucher scheme 32-4

oil, gas and mineral resources 27

ownership concentration 18-19

privatization 18, 23, 32-3, 44, 61, 62, 63-4

scramble to build a Western-style market economy 15-16

Russia Foundation 160

Russian Academy of Sciences 36-7

Russian Communist Party 273

Russian community in London

reasons for coming to Britain 14, 15

size of 14

transcontinental commuters 14

Russian Economic Forum 168, 301, 347

Russian Embassy, Kensington Palace Gardens 259, 291

Russian Federation 53, 54, 227, 270

Russian Federation Council 53

Russian football federation 160-61

Russian mafia Berezovsky denies any mafia connection 38, 39

and British public schools 164

death of Listyev 85

Deripaska in conflict with 57-8

and Lebedev 174

Russian Revolution (1917) 22

Russian stock market 363

Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs 67

Russian Winter Festival 168

Russneft 165, 361, 362

Saakashvili, Mikheil 277, 278

Saatchi, Charles 138

Saatchi & Saatchi 257

Sachs, Jeffrey 59-60

Safin, Marat 200

Safin, Ralif 162, 167

Safina, Alsou 167, 181-2

Safra, Lily 128, 147

Safronov, Nikas 148-9

St Antony’s College, Oxford 227

St Barts (St Barthélemy) 19, 43, 129, 181, 332

St George’s Hill, Weybridge, Surrey 20, 143-5, 321

St Peter’s school, York 166

St Petersburg Chekists 292

St Tropez 181, 204, 219

Sake No Hana restaurant, St James’s 172

Saltykov, Boris 227

Samara region 103

Sarbanes-Oxley Act 17

Sardinia 185, 321

Sarkisyan, Arkady 329

SAS 130

Saudi royal family 131, 257

Saunders, Audrey 352

Savills (estate agent) 20, 54, 134, 140-41, 367-8

Sayanogorsky aluminium plant, republic of Khakassia 57, 58, 322, 323, 324

Sberbank 96

SBS-Agro 126-7

Schekochikhin, Yuri 308

Schillings 348

Schnabel, Julian 105

Scotland Yard 108-9, 296, 301, 302, 304, 305

Serota, Sir Nicholas 202

Serpentine Gallery 170

Service, Professor Robert 28

Seven Sisters Church, Holloway, north London 21

Seventeen Moments of Spring (film) 69

Sevodny newspaper 75

Seychelles 219

Shanghai, China 22

Sharon, Ariel 247

Shell 245

Shepherd, Sir John 276

Shevardnadze, Eduard 277

Shevchenko, Andriy 162

Shlyaifstein, Yuri 138

Shrubland Park, Suffolk 350

Shuppe, Yegor 104

Shvets, Major Yuri 295, 296

Shvidler, Evgeny 126, 137-8, 145, 151, 154, 162, 233

Sibal (Siberian Aluminium) 323, 325

Siberia 21, 55, 159, 170, 241, 343

Sibneft (Siberian Oil) 41, 44, 48, 77, 91, 96-7, 99, 102, 104, 115, 126, 137, 142, 157,160, 162, 233, 244-5, 273, 316-17, 323

Sidelnikov, Andrei 360

Siemens’ ‘Top-Sec’ S35

mobile phones 107

Silaev, Ivan 47

siloviki 74, 312, 313

Singapore 18

Sirenko, Olga 19

Sixsmith, Martin 293, 298-9, 311

The Litvinenko File 298-9, 311

Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom 348

Skibo Castle, Sutherland 147

Skidelsky, Lord 226, 231, 234

Skipp, Mark 130

Skuratov, Yuri 53-4, 77

Slavic states 22

Slesareva, Elizaveta 166

SLP Engineering 249

Smith, Anthony 227

Smith, Baroness 225

Smith, John, QC 225

Smolensky, Alexander 49

Snob magazine 366

Snowdon, Lord 170, 224

Soames, Nicholas 147

Sobchak, Anatoly 70, 189

Sobchak, Ksenia 189, 196

Social Democratic Congress (1907) 21

Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners 17

Sodbiznesbank 166

Somerset House, London 222, 224, 225

Sophie’s Choice (yacht) 127, 153

Soros, George 49, 59, 80, 222, 275, 341

Sotheby’s auctioneers 24-5, 185-8, 190-94, 202, 350, 366

Sotogrande, southern Spain 76

Southern Counties shooting grounds, Dorset 148

Soviet secret police 173

Soviet Union, collapse of 25, 43, 84, 173

Spaso House, Moscow 230

Speaker’s Corner, London 21

Spear’s Wealth Management Survey 16, 189, 339, 352, 366

Special Forces 130, 228

Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) 103-4

Spectator 173

Spencer House, St James’s Place 167, 336

Spencer family 171

Stalin, Joseph 25, 54, 68, 75, 82, 282, 296, 309

Standard Investment 218

Starkova, Marina 180, 182

Starr, Ringo 144

Stasi 69

State of Art magazine 191-2

State Committee on Science and Technology 37

State Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg 225

Stepashin, Sergei 72, 79

Stewart, Margarita 193

Stewart, Rod 202

Stone, Sharon 168

Stoppard, Tom 173

Strauss, Robert 32

Straw, Jack 261, 280

Stream (yacht) 127, 153

Stringfellows nightclub 234

Stuttgart 28

Sual 134, 340, 343

Sumosan Japanese restaurant, London 109

Sunday Times 157, 258, 334

Sunday Times Rich List 126, 134, 362

Sunninghill Park 142

Sunter, Marianne 166

Surbiton, Surrey 22

Sussurro (yacht) 154

SVR 269, 287

Svyazinvest 275

Switzerland 18, 19, 72, 79, 219, 263, 325

Sykes, Eric 144

Syktyvkar, Komi republic, Siberia 41

Syon House, Isleworth 167

Talbott, Strobe 48, 51, 52, 253

Tarrant, W.G. 144

Tass 119

Tate Modern 202

Tatler 104-5, 171, 172, 345, 365, 366

Taverna Agni restaurant, Corfu 333

Taylor, Bob 130

Tbilisi, Georgia 277

TCDD dioxin 308

Temerko, Alexander 248-51

Tenenbaum, Eugene 142, 162

Tenisheva Palace, near St Petersburg 129

Teplukhin, Pavel 340

Test Trust 100

Tetra Pak 132

thallium poisoning 299, 308

Thatcher, Margaret (later Baroness) 50, 58, 129, 171, 256, 257, 350

Thatcher, Mark 257

Thomas Goode & Co., Mayfair 153

Thomas Jefferson Building, Washington DC 224-5

Thunder (yacht) 265

Tiffany and Co. 177

Time magazine 68

Times, The 17, 331n, 334, 335, 365

Tincey, John 24

Titan International 294-5

Tokyo 17, 142

Tolstoy, Count Leo 167

Anna Karenina 168

Tolstoy, Count Nikolai 167

Tolyatinskoye Obozreniye 271

Tooth, Raymond 348

Torpoint, St George’s Hill, Weybridge 144

Tottenham Hotspur FC 211

Tramp, Jermyn Street, London 120

Trans-World Group (TWG) 322, 323, 324

Transneft 250

Tregubova, Elena 67-8, 360

Tales of a Kremlin Dagger 360

Trident Trust 212

Troika Dialog Asset Management 340

Troika restaurant, Primrose Hill, London 26

Trotsky, Leon 21, 282, 309

‘truth squads’ 50

Tulloch, Alistair 227

Turner, Rodney 175-6

TV6 91

Ubon restaurant, Canary Wharf, London 26

UC (United Company) Rusal 340, 341

Ukhta, Komi Republic, Siberia 41, 42

Union of Right Forces 244

Unistream 350

United Arab Emirates 96

United Russia Party 173

United States

Americans buy up houses in London 131

Deripaska banned from entering 16, 328-9

and the fleeing plutocrats 337

investor visa scheme 24

and a laissez-faire capitalist economy in Russia 337

policy towards Russia (1990s) 63

‘robber barons’ 59

Unity Party 73

University College Hospital 286

University College London 299

URPO 286-7, 288, 289, 293

US Embassy, Ankara 338

US Senate Banking and Financial Services Committee 214

US State Department 328, 336

Usmanov, Alisher 194-5, 226, 277, 348, 358, 363, 364

Ust Llinsky pulp and paper plant 157

Uzbekistan 135

Supreme Court 195

Vainstock, Inna 250

Van Gogh, Vincent 201

Vanderbilt, Cornelius 58-9

Vanity Fair 180

Vassiliev, Andrei 260

Vassilievna, Nina 37

Vedomosti 271, 320

Vekselberg, Viktor 340

Vengrada Estates 212

Venice Biennale 189

Versace, Donatella 181

Vickery, Jo 192-3

Virgin Airlines 257

Virgin Money 122

Vladi-Moscow 168

Vodianova, Natalia 169, 180, 200

Vogue 200

Russian 174, 180

Volkov, Nikolai 77-8

Voloshin, Alexander 85-6, 231

Volvo 38

‘voucher saving funds’ 34

VSMPO-Avisma 342

Waddesdon Manor, Buckinghamshire 223

Wadley, Veronica 365

Wall Street financial scandals 17

Wall Street Journal 47

Wallis, Richard 127-8

Walpole, Sir Robert 225

Walpole Collection 225

Walsh, Nick Paton 268

Warren Mere House, Thursley, near Guildford, Surrey 110

Waterside Point, Battersea, London 2, 7

Watford, Mikhail ‘Micha’ 144

Webster, Assia 169

Webster, Stephen 169

Wechsler, William 64

Wentworth Park, Surrey 20, 144

West Bromwich Albion FC 319

Westbury Hotel, Mayfair 178

West LB 218

Westminster, Duke of 128, 157

Westminster Policy Partnership (later Public Policy Partnership) 226

Weybridge, Surrey 20, 143

White, Marco Pierre 104, 162

White Russians 22

Whitechapel, London 21

Wigan, James 356, 357

Wildcat Ridge, near Aspen, Colorado 129

Willis, Bruce 205

Wilson, Governor Pete 50

Winchester College 165

Windsor, Berkshire 143

Windsor, Duke and Duchess of 129

Windsor, Lord Freddie 181

Windsor, Lady Gabriella 171

Windsor Great Park 170-71

Winehouse, Amy 202

Winslet, Kate 144

Witanhurst, Highgate 358

Wolfe, Tom 173

Wolfensohn, James 223

Wood, John D 141

Workers’ Revolutionary Party 269

Workman, Robert 251

Workman, Chief Magistrate Timothy 250-51, 262, 269

World Bank 32, 223, 273

report (2004) 18-19

World Chechen Congress 269

World Economic Forum 49, 275, 330, 336

World Health Organization 208

World Trade Organization 330 (gossip website) 320

Wyndham, Henry 187

Yabloko 244

Yacht City 170

Yandarbiyev, Zelimkhan 268, 311

Yanukovich, Viktor 276

Yarichevsky, Boris 21

Yeltsin, Boris 46, 60, 165, 199, 337

1996 election campaign 49-51

bargain with the oligarchs 49-51, 66

and Berezovsky 40, 115

and the Chechnya conflict 53

economic reforms 23, 119

ends the Central Bank’s monopoly 47

the ‘family’ 52, 56

funeral 319

ill, often drunk and rarely in control 34-5

indecisive and capricious 34

introduction of free-market economy 32

mass voucher scheme 33

mentally and physically in decline 71

and ORT 40

potential successor to 64

and Putin 70-71, 72, 73, 289

re-election (1996) 83, 274

resignation of 73

Notes of a President 40

Yeltsin family 71, 123

York, Duke and Duchess of 142

York, Peter: The Official Sloane Ranger Handbook 346

York House, Kensington 199

Young, Charles 227

Young, Scott 110

Yukos oil company 46, 59, 350, 361, 362

assets frozen 233

asylum in Britain for executives 282

and Curtis’s funeral 11

enforced renationalization 233, 342

executives flee to UK 210-13, 305

and ExxonMobil 230

investigated by the state 239, 357

and ISC Global 237-8

and Khodorkovsky 48, 59, 209, 215, 218, 220, 221, 243

and Lord Gillford 227

and Lord Owen 226

market capitalization 48

and Menatep 5, 48, 215, 218

minority investors 6

Moscow headquarters 209

offices of Swiss company offices 5

offshore accounts 216

philanthropy 222-3

plans for 244-5

proposed huge dividend 245-6

raids of 210

restructuring 215

revenue from oil exports 217

and Rosneft 341

share offloading 218-19

share price 217-18, 222, 234

sued by companies 239-40

and Temerko 248, 249, 250

the Yukos curse 246-7, 251

Yumashev, Polina 56

Yumashev, Valentin 40, 52

Yushchenko, Viktor 276, 308

Yushenkov, Sergei 274

Zakaryan, Gagik 350

Zakayev, Akhmed 268-9, 282

Zampa Holdings Ltd 237

Zayed Al-Nahyan, Sheikh Sultan bin Khalifa bin 98, 99, 100, 102

Zhukov, Alexander 199

Zhukova, Daria (‘Dasha’) 159, 163, 180, 181, 189, 199-203, 320

Zilli menswear shop, New Bond Street 368

Zolotoi restaurant, Moscow 366

Zveri 205

Zyuganov, Gennady 49, 50, 274