As I have continued to try and grasp

the fullness of what worship is all about over the years, this passage of Scripture has consistently captured my attention:

Through Him then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name. And do not neglect doing good and sharing, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. (Hebrews 13:15–16)

We know by the context of the surrounding verses that the “Him” in the first phrase refers to Jesus.

I think the meaning hits us more forcefully when His name is included in the text:

Through Jesus then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name. And do not neglect doing good and sharing, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.


It all happens because of (through) Jesus.

Jesus is the everlasting door by which we come to worship God.

» No More Religious Systems

We’re no longer under any religious system. Not that of the Old Testament system of law and sacrifice, or any other. In the past, God-worshipers had to approach Him through a very specific religious system of “do’s” and “don’ts.” But not anymore.

Christ is the final offering for sin; He offered “one sacrifice for sins for all time” (Hebrews 10:12). So as we come to worship the Father, we aren’t required to bring a sacrifice in an attempt to make us right with God. Jesus has already done that for us.

This truth is important to grasp because we consistently fail to live as we should live. And when we fail, the enemy is quick to condemn us, telling us we can’t possibly be a worshiper after what we’ve done.


(Circle the word that stands out/means most to you and be ready to talk about why you chose that word.)

Through Him then, let us continually offer a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name. And do not neglect doing good and sharing with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. HEBREWS 13:15-16, NIV

But those words are lies. We can always come back to God in worship, no matter where we’ve been or how far we’ve fallen.

How can that be?

Because we come through Jesus Christ. His death makes it possible for us to be accepted by God. His cross makes our worship acceptable in the Father’s sight. Through Jesus Christ we can approach His throne of grace. Anytime. Anywhere.

That’s why a huge awareness of the cross is almost always in my mind as I come to worship. And when it’s not, the Holy Spirit puts it there. Fast.

» Nail Open the Door

How can I embrace this awesome God of wonder and not cherish the cross that allows me to approach Him in the first place?

So many people don’t know the fullness of what Christ has done for them. The greatness of who He has made them to be. They don’t know enough about their new standing with God in Christ in order to break free from the lies of the deceiver.

In Jesus Christ we’re free!
We are eternally forgiven. Rescued.
Washed clean. Made new. Re-created.

They try to worship, but condemnation chokes out their praise. Guilt restrains their hearts. Shame stifles their songs.

No wonder their worship is weak and lame. No wonder so many aren’t shouting His praise or breaking out in a dance of unrestrained celebration.

Maybe we’re not getting the gospel—the whole gospel. We’re shortsighted.

In Jesus Christ we’re free! We are eternally forgiven. Rescued. Washed clean. Made new. Re-created.

There’s no more condemnation for anyone in Christ Jesus. He’s our life. His righteousness is our righteousness. We’re born again. Children of God. Permanently attached to Him. Our debt is paid in full. Sin’s power is broken. Death is defeated. We’re alive!

These are the truths that nail open the doorway into God’s presence. And, you, too, can come through that door to worship. Not because of your goodness or righteousness. But because of the cross of Christ.


(Circle the word that stands out/means most to you and be ready to talk about why you chose that word.)

Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death. ROMANS 8:1-2, NIV

» You Can’t Be Serious

We always come to worship through the doorway of Jesus Christ. But check out what comes next in that Hebrews 13 passage: “Through Jesus then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God.”

Hello! Are you seeing what I’m seeing?

This verse says we are to worship continually!

God’s got to be kidding, right?

Continually offer Him a sacrifice of praise? Like 24/7? Day and night? All the time? How is that even possible?

Maybe we should all join a monastery. Or maybe not. Maybe we should just take a deep breath and consider what the writer of these verses is suggesting.

For one, he’s making a massive point with his first-century readers who were quite familiar with the smells and sights of animal sacrifices. They knew what it meant to come once a week, or once a year, bringing some animal as an offering to God.

But it’s not like that anymore. We’re not talking about a once-a-week or twice-a-year thing. We’re talking about a new relationship that allows us to praise God at any moment, in any setting. In the hallway. In a restaurant. In our bedroom. On a soccer field. Anywhere we are.

Continually means that any time is the right time to praise God!

» Adjustment Time

And continually means a huge attitude adjustment is in order. Continually means that in every moment, we’re constantly looking for ways to glorify Him.

Continually gets our worship outside the walls of the church building.

Continually gets our worship outside of our devotional times.

Continually gets worship outside of our camps and youth group times.

Our worship events.

Our MP3 players.

Our headphones.

Continually gets worship into the classroom.

Into our hangout places.

Into our conversations with friends.

Into our Starbucks moments.

Continually gets worship into our entertainment choices.

Our instant messages.

Our hidden thoughts.

Our dark nights.

Our joys.

What God is saying is this: “Everything you are—is Me. Everything you have—is Mine. The life you live is My life that I’ve freely given you. And I want worshipers who will be constantly reflecting My goodness and grace with that life.”

God wants our lives to be a seamless song of worship. God wants our worship to be a way of life.