
The good news was that the Crew had been smart enough to pack a lock-pick, a hacksaw and a large file in her red rucksack full of things that might just come in handy.

The bad news was that the guards had been smart enough to put the red rucksack well out of reach before chaining the Codcakers up and marching back upstairs.

“Rumpelstiltskin? Walter Wobblebottom? Crown Prince Percy of Pomerania?” shouted the Penguin. “Five minutes to get out of here, you said, or your name is not Captain Jake McHake. You’ve been tugging at those chains for at least two hours and here we are still padlocked to the wall. So come on, who are you? Arthur Mometer? Terry Dactyl? Alison Wonderland?”

“Whatever happened to Mr Cheerful the pinwing hero?” asked the Captain.

“He got sentenced to death and strung up in a dungeon,” the Penguin answered glumly. “I’m going to stick to expecting the worst from now on. It’s less disappointing.”

“Let’s face it,” said Eddy. “The only way we’ll ever open these locks is with the keys.”

KERCHING! Eddy suddenly had an idea.

“So, let’s get the jailer to give them to us,” he said. “Jailer!”

“He’s cracked,” said the Penguin.

“Hush,” said Eddy. “Just keep quiet, all of you. Jailer!”

The hairy haystack that was Ichabod shuffled into view.

“Give me the keys so we can leave,” said Eddy.

“Do you think I’m daft?” asked Ichabod.

“We haven’t got time to discuss that,” said Eddy, “just hand them over.”

“No,” said Ichabod.

“Oh, dear,” said Eddy. “You are going to be in so much trouble. Remind me – who did the Emperor tell you to give the keys to?”

“You can’t catch me out,” said Ichabod. “He told me to give the keys to nobody.”

“Correct,” said Eddy. “Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Horatio Nobody. I am the Imperial Inspector of Prisons, and my colleagues and I are here on a surprise undercover visit. I’m pleased to say that we are more than satisfied with what we have seen. The dungeon is filthy, the chains are uncomfortable, and the whole experience is truly miserable – just what we want for our prisoners. So well done, inspection over, give me the keys and we’ll be on our way.”

“But nobody is supposed to get the keys.” Ichabod sounded even more confused than normal.

“Exactly. And here I am. Horatio Nobody.”

“Prove it,” said Ichabod. “Show me your documents.”

“I don’t carry documents when I am working undercover. But the other staff of the Prison Inspection Department can confirm my story. And look – here they are, hanging on the wall next to me.”

“Oh, yeah, so they are. That’s a stroke of luck, isn’t it?” said Ichabod. “Now listen, you three. Is what he’s just said right?”

“Oh, yes,” answered the Crew. “I can definitely say that Nobody is telling the truth.”

“Me too,” said the Captain.

“No question,” said the Penguin.

The Codcakers could almost hear Ichabod’s brain cells grinding. Finally, he said, “Pleased to meet you, Mister Nobody,” as he passed the keys to Eddy.

Most of the keys had no labels on them, but it took less than five minutes of trial and error to fumble through them and unlock the chains.

“You won’t mention our little misunderstanding to the Emperor, will you?” asked Ichabod anxiously, as Eddy handed the keys back to him.

“I can promise you that we won’t breathe a word,” said Eddy. “Our work is top secret. Speaking of which, we don’t want anyone to see us leaving. I don’t suppose there’s a back entrance to this place, is there?”

“Only the tunnel under the moat that leads to the hidden gate in the forest,” said Ichabod. “Would that do?”

“That,” said Eddy, “sounds perfect.”

Ichabod led them down a side passage. After a few strides, they passed a heavy door. It was reinforced with bands of metal, and secured with a huge lock.

“That’s the Treasure Room,” said Ichabod. “Emperor’s orders, nobody is allowed to go in.”

“Well?” said Eddy.

Ichabod reached for his keys. He picked out the biggest and heaviest.

“It’s this one,” he said.
