All things are made by God (consciousness) and without him
there is nothing made that is made. Creation is judged good and very good because it is the perfect likeness of that consciousness which produced it. To be conscious of being one thing and then see yourself expressing something other than that which you are conscious of being is a violation of the law of being; therefore, it would not be good. The law of being is never broken; man ever sees himself expressing that which he is conscious of being. Be it good, bad or indifferent, it is nevertheless a perfect likeness of his conception of himself; it is good and very good. Not only are all things made by God, all things are made of God. All are the offspring of God. God is one. Things or divisions are the projections of the one. God being one, He must command Himself to be the seeming other for there is no other. The absolute cannot contain something within itself that is not itself. If it did, then it would not be absolute, the only one. Commands, to be effective, must be to oneself. “I AM That I AM” is the only effective command.