The Effectual Marriage


The door was an absurd thing

Yet it was passable

They quotidienly passed through it

It was this shape

Gina and Miovanni                who they were God knows

They knew      it was important to them

This being of who they were

They were themselves

Corporeally         transcendentally             consecutively

conjunctively         and they were quite         complete

In the evening they looked out of their two windows

Miovanni out of his library window

Gina from the kitchen window

From among his pots and pans

Where he so kindly kept her

Where she so wisely busied herself

Pots and Pans         she cooked in them

All sorts of sialagogues

Some say          that happy women are immaterial

So here we might dispense with her

Gina being a female

But she was more than that

Being an incipience             a correlative

an instigation of the reaction of man

From the palpable to the transcendent

Mollescent irritant of his fantasy

Gina had her use          Being useful

contentedly conscious

She flowered in Empyrean

From which no well-mated woman ever returns

Sundays          a warm light in the parlor

From the gritty road           on the white wall

anybody could see it

Shimmered a composite effigy

Madonna           crinolined        a man

hidden beneath her hoop

Ho for the blue and red of her

The silent eyelids of her

The shiny smile of her

Ding dong         said the bell

Miovanni            Gina called

Would it be fitting for you to tell

the time for supper

Pooh       said Miovanni      I am

Outside time and space

Patience said Gina      is an attribute

And she learned         at any hour to offer

The dish        appropriately delectable

What had Miovanni made of his ego

In his library

What had Gina wondered    among the pots and pans

One never asked the other

So they      the wise ones      eat their suppers in peace

Of what their peace consisted

We cannot say

Only that he was magnificently man

She insignificantly a woman who understood

Understanding      what is that

To Each    his entity    to others

their idiosyncrasies      to the free expansion

to the annexed     their liberty

To man his work

To woman her love

Succulent meals     and an occasional caress

                 So be it

                                       It so seldom is

While Miovanni thought alone in the dark

Gina supposed that peeping        she might see

A round light        shining     where his mind was

She never opened the door

Fearing that this might blind her

Or even

That she should see     Nothing at all

So while he thought

She hung out of the window

Watching for falling stars

And when a star fell

She wished      that still

Miovanni would love her to-morrow

And as Miovanni

Never gave any heed to the matter

He did

Gina was a woman

Who wanted everything

To be everything in woman

Everything everyway at once

Diurnally variegate

Miovanni always knew her

She was Gina

Gina who lent monogamy

With her fluctuant aspirations

A changeant consistency

Unexpected intangibilities

Miovanni remained

Monumentally the same

The same Miovanni

If he had become anything else

Gina’s world would have been at an end

Gina with no axis to revolve on

Must have dwindled to a full stop

In the mornings she dropped

Cool crystals

Through devotional fingers

Saccharine          for his cup

And marketed

With a Basket

Trimmed with a red flannel flower

When she was lazy

She wrote a poem on the milk bill

The first strophe       Good morning

The second        Good night

Something not too difficult to

Learn by heart

The scrubbed smell of the white-wood table

Greasy cleanliness        of the chopper board

The coloured vegetables

Intuited quality of flour

Crickly sparks of straw-fanned charcoal

Ranged themselves among her audacious happinesses

Pet simplicities of her Universe

Where circles were only round

                                       Having no vices.

(This narrative halted when I learned that the house which inspired it was the home of a mad woman.

—Forte dei Marmi)