Faun Fare

Surreptitious fanfare

of unadams

amingle with ouradams

a seemingly uniform guesthood

met in unsolemn sociability

the amiable scuffle

of cocktail party.

Hooveless fauns

their goat-haunch

discard to antiquity

their hairiness

woven to our worsted.

Most smiles are similes


almost imperceptibly

simper to mystery—

As were the tail of the eye

lidded with unlisted likings

on ocular trail

of invitation

to untypical trysts

As were the tail of the eye

feeling for fallacious Foci

a Flitting tongue

licking its luminous chops

o’er tit-bits of other tastes


to the apple

the devil

delivered to Eve.


Whom no forestal feminae

need flee

Altered is the prey.

Of priceless use to civilization

You faun

are balm

to night-club addict


for whom

Adonis as escort

—obliging her prestige

as cosmetics her cheek—

is a must.

Faun in you

may she trust

to stage no thrust

of Sabine rape

behind the chauffeur’s back

O unisex

Black marketing Amor

with your intermuscular caress

of wrestling entry

to Felicity’s



Your something-for-nothing


to infertile “Sin.”


dual yet single

Votaries of Venuseros

As in Athens

So in Manhattan

Erosvenus evoes

his-her worshipper

or whispers

Eros is ours

for is not


forever overall

a male?

Or implores

for fauns’ ease.

Quiet please!

As mondial calliopes

Blaring the bisexual norm

foment the Fauns’

allergy to diapers.