William Winters to Harriet Winters

After his victory at Port Gibson on May 1 Grant advanced northeast toward Jackson, forty miles east of Vicksburg, while his troops supplied themselves by foraging on the countryside. His forces defeated the Confederates at Raymond, May 12, and captured Jackson, May 14, frustrating attempts by General Joseph Johnston to assemble reinforcements there. While Sherman’s men destroyed factories and railroads in Jackson, Grant turned most of his army west toward Vicksburg. Union victories at Champion Hill, May 16, and Big Black River Bridge, May 17, forced the Confederates to retreat inside the Vicksburg fortifications. Grant ordered assaults on the Vicksburg defenses, May 19 and May 22, both of which failed, and then began siege operations. Sergeant William Winters had enlisted in the 67th Indiana Regiment in August 1862 and fought in the Vicksburg campaign as part of the Thirteenth Corps, commanded by Major General John A. McClernand. His regiment saw action at Port Gibson, Champion Hill, Big Black River, and the May 22 assault, and lost about forty-five men killed and wounded in these engagements.

In Camp, Seige of

Vicksburg, June 9, 1863

Dear wife,

We are still tunneling away at the rebel works around the city and in same position as we were when I last wrote to you, with a fair prospect of remaining so for several days to come, but we will go into the city of Vicksburgh after awhile, that is shure, for we can live outside of their works longer than they can inside of them, that is certain, for we can get everything we want, and they can get nothing atall. We hear all kinds of rumors of how they are suffering for the want of water and provisions, but we cant tell which tale is the true one, and so we lett them pass for what they will fitch.

The only thing we have here that we can rely on for certain is the roar of cannon and the rattle of musketry, but we have been taking it perfectly cool and easely since the day of the charge. if you where here some time you would not think that we were face to face with an enemy, the men whistling and singing, sutlers selling their wares, and everything looks as if we were in camp for a big rest instead of beseigeing a rebell city.

The worst thing here is the water does not agree with the men. A good many of them are complaining with the diareah. Jacob Shut, Emanuel Sawers, and Levi Snyder are here in our hospt. they are trying to get Shut and Sawers furloughs for twenty days, but I dont know how they will succeed, but I hope they will get them as they ought to have them.

The weather for the last three days has been most intolrably hot. It looks a litle like rain to day. I hope that it will as we need it. Tom Eaton, Charly Bannes, and the rest of the boys that we left back at the river sick have all got well and are here with the regiment. I believe that the boys are all well but the three that we have here in the Hospt.

the boys are all verey mutch put out with Captain Eaton. They say that he promised to write to the most of them but he’s never wrote a word to the company attall. We all hope that he is doing well. Letters from home are a scarce thing here now. We get the news from the cincinnati, st. Louis, Memphis, and Chicago papers every few days, but this is all. We got a mail the other day that had three letters in it for the 67th Reg. And that was all. Three letters in three weeks for three hundred and fifty men is a heavey mail I think.

I am not verey well and dont expect to be untill I get away from this watter. I have written this makes seven letters since I have received one from any person, but I reckon the next mail will be full of them. I hoope that we will be in Vicksburgh before I have to write again. give my love to all. Tell them I eat as many ripe blackberreys as I wanted on day before yesterday. Write soon. From your Afect Husband

Wm. Winters