Feb 25 |
Bear Guard |
apparent achronycal rising marks grapevine pruning; approach of spring;2 stormy season3 |
Mar 28 |
Ram |
vernal equinox marks equal day and night; sun aligns with Ram4 |
Apr 5 |
Pleiades |
heliacal setting marks about forty days until Pleiades heliacal rising at grain harvest5 |
May 16 |
Pleiades |
June 29 |
Orion |
heliacal rising marks grain winnowing8 |
June 30 |
Crab |
summer solstice marks fifty days of fair sailing;9 sun aligns with Crab10 |
July 20 |
Herald of the Dog |
heliacal rising marks approach of Dog Days |
July 28 |
Dog star |
heliacal rising marks Dog Days of summer11 |
July 30 |
Lion |
sun entering the Lion marks summer heat; forty-day Etesian Winds; tricky sailing12 |
Sept 13 |
Herald of the Vintage |
heliacal rising marks grape harvest13 |
Sept 21 |
Bear Guard |
heliacal rising marks grape harvest;14 approach of stormy season15 |
Sep 30 |
Claws |
autumnal equinox; sun aligns with Claws16 |
Nov 3 |
Pleiades |
apparent cosmical setting marks plowing; end of sailing season;17 approach of winter18 |
Nov 11 |
Hyades |
apparent cosmical setting marks plowing19 |
Nov 25 |
Orion |
apparent cosmical setting marks plowing20 |
Dec 13 |
Eagle |
heliacal rising marks stormy weather21 |
Dec 27 |
Goat Horn |
winter solstice marks sixty wintry days;22 sun aligns with Goat Horn; short days; bitter cold; dangerous sailing23 |