Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.

Note: Italicized pages refer to photos or illustrations; bolded pages refer to constellation charts.

Achilles, 10

Aea, port of, 135, 140

Aeetes, king of Colchis, 140–41, 142

Aegoceros, 33–37

    See also Goat Horn

Agamemmon of Mycenae, King, 80, 208

an age of heroes, 109–32

    the labors of Heracles, 122–32

    Medusa in, 110

    Pegasus, the winged horse, 120–22

    Perseus and Andromeda, 111–20

Alcmene, Princess, 122

Altair. See Eagle star

the altar of Heaven. See Incense Altar

Amalthea, Zeus’ goat nanny, 33–34, 35

    See also Goat Horn; Kids

Amazons, she-warriors, 106

Amphitrite, wife of Poseidon, 41–43

Anaximander of Miletus, 222

ancient celestial calendar, 183–99

    farming according to, 184–96

    sailing and, 198–99

    shepherding and, 196–98

ancient constellations

    introduction to (see ancient skies)

    modern misrepresentations of, 175–76, 17779

    names and translations, 216–17

    overview of, 23–26

    See also an age of heroes; Argonauts, the noble; the price of arrogance; the value of devotion; virtue, loved and lost; woeful deeds of the wanton gods

ancient navigation, 201–14

    calculating earth’s circumference, 212–13

    cardinal directions, 211–12, 214

    celestial indicators for, 198–99, 205–6, 212–13

    daytime navigation, 211

    estimating latitude, 212, 213

    measuring time and distance, 209–10, 213–14

    navigational aids, 207–10

    nighttime navigation, 210–11

    on open water, 208–9

    seasonal climactic changes, 201–5

    sounding weights, 202, 202

    weather prediction, 205–7, 209

    See also sailing and seafarers

ancient skies, 9–20

    birth of astronomy and philosophy, 14–15, 17–18

    celestial signposts of, 19–20

    classical constellations in, 13–14

    commemorating excellence and virtue, 15–16

    contemplating the, 14–15

    as ethical guide, 9–10

    fixed stars in, 12–13

    Greek knowledge and beliefs, 10–11

    Greek spiritual awareness, 16–17

    moral lessons in, 19

    overview of, 9

    planetary observations, 11–12

    See also ancient constellations

Androgeus, son of Minos, 84–85

    Andromeda (Andromeda), 108, 116, 118, 177

    Andromeda myth, 112–16, 122

    Andromeda Rocks, 114

    animal constellations, 13–14

    animism, 16

    Antlia (Pump), 159, 160, 171

    Aphrodite myth, 38–40

    Aphrodite star, 12

Apollo, sun god, son of Zeus and Leto, 16, 66, 68–72, 69, 102, 103–4, 106, 146

Apus (Bird of Paradise), 159, 165

Aquarius. See Water Bearer

Aquila. See Eagle

Ara. See Incense Altar

Aratus, Greek poet, 10, 11, 19–20, 199, 206, 212, 213–14

Arcadia, mountain kingdom, 74, 75, 77

Arcas, son of Callisto, 75–76, 77

Archer (Sagittarius), 55, 56, 57, 58

    See also Crotos

Arcturus. See Bear Guard

Ares (Mars), the god of war, 12

arete, concept of, 15–16, 31

Argo (Argo Navis), 144, 144–45, 160–61, 177

Argo (ship), 134, 136–39, 148

    See also Argo (Argo Navis)

Argonauts, the noble, 133–55

    Asclepius, the famed physician, 148–52

    the devoted Twins, 153–55

    Orpheus, the greatest musician, 145–48

    quest for the Golden Fleece, 134–45

    See also Jason

Argo Navis. See Argo

Argos, city of, 63–64

Argus, builder of the Argo, 134, 136–37

Ariadne, daughter of Minos, 85, 86–87, 88, 90

Aries. See Ram

Aries motif, in sculpture, 145

Aristophanes, playwright, 204

Aristotle, philosopher, 15, 204, 223, 225

Arrow (Sagitta), 130, 131

Arrow myth, 125

Artemis, goddess of the hunt, 74–75, 77–78, 79, 97

Asclepius, ship physician, 59–60, 134, 148–52, 152

Asellus Australis. See Donkeys

Asellus Borealis. See Donkeys

asterisms. See Hyades; Pleiades

Astraea, goddess of purity, 52–54, 62, 74

    See also Maiden

Astraeus, mother of Astraea, 52–53

astronomers. See Brahe; Eratosthenes;

    Hevelius; La Caille; Plancius;

    Pythagoras; Thales of Miletus

Athena, goddess of wisdom, 30–33, 44, 44, 110

Athens, city of, 85–86

Atlas, father of the Pleiades, 95, 112

Atlas Mountains, 41–42

Auriga. See Charioteer

Bayer, Johann, 25, 55, 93, 142, 160

Bear (Ursa Major), 10–11, 76, 76, 77, 99, 179, 211, 212

Bear myth, 74–77, 79

Bear Guard star (Arcturus), 77, 78, 186–87, 192, 196, 211

Bellerophon, young hero, 106–7

Berenice’s Hair. See Coma Berenices

Betelgeuse star, 189

Bird (Cygnus), 80, 81, 81

    See also swan myth

Bird of Paradise. See Apus

Black Sea, 135, 140

Bootes (Bootes), the Shouter, 77, 78, 177, 211

Bootes myth. See Arcas

Boreas, the north wind, 52

Bosporus, strait of, 63, 140

Brahe, Tycho, 160

Bull (Taurus), 82, 83, 84

Bull myth, 81–83

Caelum (Chisel), 160, 171

Calliope, Muse of epic poetry, 146, 148

Callisto, mountain maiden, 74–79

Calypso, beautiful goddess, 211

Camelopardalis (Giraffe), 160, 167

Cancer. See Crab

Canes Venatici (Hunting Dogs), 160, 168

Canis Major. See Dog

Canis Minor. See Herald of the Dog

Capricornus. See Goat Horn

Carina (Keel), 161, 174

Carya, goddess of fruit trees, 32–33

the Caryatids, priestesses of Carya, 32

Cassiopeia (Cassiopeia), 116, 118, 119, 120

Cassiopeia myth, 113–15

Castor and Polydeuces. See Twins

Celeris, a sleek colt, 121

    See also Horse Head

Celestial Atlas (Jamieson), 24

celestial calendar. See ancient celestial calendar

celestial events, annual, 221

celestial globe, Farnese Atlas, 21

Centaur (Centaurus), 59, 60, 61, 178

Centaur myth. See Chiron

the centaur of the muses. See Crotos

Centaurus. See Centaur

Cepheus (Cepheus), 116, 118

Cepheus myth, 113, 115

Cetus. See Sea Monster

Chamaeleon (Chameleon), 160, 165

Charioteer (Auriga), 26, 31, 31

Charioteer myth. See Erechtheus

Charioteer statue, 32

Chimaera, a monster, 106–7

Chiron, the Wise, 58–62, 136, 149

Chisel. See Caelum

Circinus (Compass), 160, 172

classical constellations. See ancient constellations

Classical Period, 18–20

Claws (Libra), 97, 98, 99, 162, 179

Claws myth. See Orion

Cleonicus, 204–5

Clock. See Horologium

Clymene, mother of Phaethon, 102, 103

Clytemnestra, 80

code of ethics, 16, 19, 23

Colchis, kingdom of, 59–60, 135, 136, 140

Columba (Dove), 160, 167

Coma Berenices (Berenice’s Hair), 168

Compass. See Circinus

constellation charts, hemisphere, 158, 159

constellations. See ancient

    constellations; modern

    constellations; specific constellations

Corona Australis. See Southern Wreath

Corona Borealis. See Northern Wreath

Corvus. See Crow

the Corybantes, companions of Rhea, 140

Crab (Cancer), 36, 130, 130, 131, 189

Crab myth, 125

Crater (Crater), 69, 71, 72, 128

Crater myth, 69, 71–72

Crete, isle of, 83, 84–86, 203–4

Cronos (Saturn), Titan father of Zeus, 12, 33, 46–47

Crotos, centaur son of Eupheme, 54–58, 62

Crotos’ constellation. See Archer

Crotos’ wreath. See Southern Wreath

Crow (Corvus), 70, 70

Crow myth, 68–72

Crux (Southern Cross), 160, 167

Cygnus. See Bird

Cynosura. See Little Bear

Dardanus, father of the Trojan race, 90

Delphinus. See Dolphin

Demeter, goddess of farming and harvest, 66, 67, 67–68, 188

Derceto, daughter of Aphrodite, 40

Dionysus, god of wine and revelry, 34, 61–62, 88

Dog (Canis Major), 99, 101, 177

Dog myth, 94–95

Dog Days, 191

Dog Star (Sirius), 100, 101, 141, 184, 191

Dolphin (Delphinus), 42, 43, 43

Dolphin myth, 41–43

Donkeys myth, 34–35

Donkeys stars (Aselli), 36–37, 131, 206

Dorado (Swordfish), 160, 166

Dove. See Columba

Dragon (Draco), 118, 125–27, 126

Dragon myth, 125–27

Eagle (Aquila), 45, 45–46

Eagle myth, 44–45

Eagle star (Altair), 196

Ear of Grain star (Spica), 53, 53–54

Electryon, ruler of Argos, 122

Eos, goddess of Dawn, 52–53

Equuleus. See Horse Head

Eratosthenes, astronomer and mathematician, 212–13

Erechtheus, devoted disciple of Athena, 30–33, 35

    See also Charioteer

Eridanus. See River

Eros, son of Aphrodite, 38–40

ethics, code of, 16, 19, 23

Eudoxus, astronomer and mathematician, 198

    See also celestial events, annual

Eupheme, a centaur, 54, 58

Europa, princess of Tyre, 64, 81–84, 90

Euros, the east wind, 52–53

farming, 184–96

    in autumn, 185, 195–96

    bird migration, 188, 193–94

    celestial signposts for, 184–85, 185–86, 193, 196

    fallow fields, 195

    farm tools and knives, 186

    harvesting, 191–93

    plowing and sowing, 185, 194–96

    pruning and planting, 186–87

    rainy season, 184–85

    seasonal occupations, 185–86

    in spring, 187–89

    in summer, 190–91

    weather prediction, 187, 193–94, 197

    in winter, 186, 195

Fishes (Pisces), 38, 38, 39, 40, 184–85

Fishes myth, 37–40

Fly. See Musca

Flying Fish. See Volans

Fornax (Furnace), 160, 171

Gaea, Mother Earth, 37–38, 95, 105, 139

Galilean Moons, 160

Galilei, Galileo, 160

Ganymede, son of King Tros, 45–46

    See also Water Bearer

Gemini. See Twins

Giraffe. See Camelopardalis

Goat Horn (Capricornus), 25, 36, 37, 184–85, 196

Goat Horn myth, 33–37, 196

Goat star (Capella), 31

gods and goddesses. See Greek gods and goddesses

Golden Fleece, 135–36, 140, 142, 144

Good Shepherd, 145

Gorgon star (Algol), 115, 116

Greece. See Hellas

Greek gods and goddesses

    as creators of constellations, 9–10

    mythology of, 18–19

    wandering stars named for, 12

    See also specific gods and goddesses

Grus (Crane), 160, 164

Haedus. See Kids

Hare (Lepus), 97, 99, 100

Hare myth, 93–95

Helen, queen of Sparta, 64, 80

the Heliades, sisters of Phaethon, 102, 105–6

Hellas (Greece), as source of myths, 23

Helle, daughter of a Theban queen, 134, 136

Hellenes, 63–65, 66, 92–93, 142, 155

Hellespont, a waterway, 135, 139, 144, 198, 205

hemisphere constellation charts, 158, 159

Hephaestus, god of fire and metallurgy, 10, 34

Hera, wife of Zeus, goddess of women and childbirth, 63, 125–26

Heracles (Hercules), son of Zeus

    and the Argonauts, 134, 138–39

    and Chiron, 61

    Kneeler constellation of, 127, 130

    the labors of, 122–31, 124

Heracles constellation. See Kneeler

Heraclitus of Ephesus, 223

Herald of the Dog (Canis Minor), 100, 101, 102

Herald of the Dog Star (Procyon), 100, 102, 184, 191

Herald of the Vintage star (Vindemiatrix), 53, 54, 192

Hercules. See Heracles

Hercules constellation. See Kneeler

Hermes (Mercury), the messenger god, 12, 74, 90, 99, 146

Herodotus, the historian, 63

heroes in mythology. See an age of heroes; specific heroes

Hesiod, poet and prophet

    annual celestial events, 221

    farming and, 193, 194, 195–96

    labor and rest, 191

    navigation and, 198, 199, 203

    peaceful times and, 52

    winemaking method of, 192

the Hesperides, daughters of Atlas, 112, 125–26

Hesperis, wife of Atlas, 112

Hesperos, evening star, 12, 197

Hevelius, Johannes, an astronomer, 160, 161

Hippocratic Oath, 152

Hippolytus, Theseus’ son, 149, 223

Homer, epic poet, 11, 12, 148, 184, 188

    See also The Iliad; The Odyssey

Horologium (Clock), 160, 172

Horse (Pegasus), 112, 120, 121, 121, 200

Horse myth, 106–7, 112, 120–21

Horse Head (Equuieus), 121, 122

Horse Head myth, 121

Hunting Dogs. See Canes Venatici

the Hyades, half-sisters of the Pleiades, 84

the Hyades asterism (Hyades), 82, 84, 193

Hydra (Hydra), 70, 124, 128, 130

Hydra myth, 123–25

Hydrus (Water Snake), 160, 166

The Iliad (Homer), 10, 198

Incense Altar (Ara), 47, 47, 49, 62, 206

Incense Altar myth, 46–47, 48, 49

Indian. See Indus

Indus (Indian), 160, 164

Io, princess of Argos, 63–64

Ionian Sea, 63

island of sorrow. See Thrinacia

Ithaca, island of, 65, 68, 150, 192, 211

Jamieson, Alexander, 24

Jason, leader of the Argonauts, 58–60, 136, 138, 140–42, 144, 146

    See also Argonauts

Joppa, port of, 112–15, 114

Jupiter. See Zeus

Keel. See Carina

Keyser, Pieter, 157, 161

Kids myth, 33–34, 35

Kids stars (Haedus 1, Haedus 2), 31, 35

Kneeler (Hercules), 89, 127, 130

    See also Heracles

La Caille, Louis de, 160–61, 176

Lacedaemon, founder of Sparta, 90

Lacerta (Lizard), 160, 169

Laertes, father of Odysseus, 134, 192

Leda of Sparta, 80, 81, 90

Lemnos, Heracles’ servant, 138

Leo. See Lion

Leo Minor (Little Lion), 160, 168

Lepus. See Hare

Lerna, region of, 123

Libra. See Claws

Lion (Leo), 129, 130, 178, 182

Lion myth, 123

Little Bear (Ursa Minor), 79, 79, 118, 211–12, 213, 214

Little Bear myth, 79

Little Leo. See Leo Minor

Lupus. See Wild Animal

Lynceus, ship lookout, 134, 138, 153

Lynx (Lynx), 160, 168

Lyre (Lyra), 80, 89, 148

Lyre myth, 134, 147–48

Maia, daughter of Zeus, 90

Maiden (Virgo), 50, 53, 53–54

Maiden myth. See Astraea

maps, 226, 227

mariners. See ancient navigation

Marmara, Sea of, 139, 140

Mars. See Ares

Medea, sorceress daughter of Aeetes, 64, 141, 142

Medusa, 110, 111–12

    See also Gorgon

Menelaus, king of Sparta, 80

Mensa (Table), 160, 173

Mercury. See Hermes

messenger god. See Hermes

Microscopium (Microscope), 160, 172

Minos, son of Europa and Zeus, 84–86

Minotaur, a monster, 86–87, 88

modern constellations, 157–79

    constellation charts, 163, 164–74

    modern misrepresentations, 175–76, 177–79

    names and translations, 218–19

    Northern Hemisphere, 158

    overview of, 157–61

    Southern Hemisphere, 159

Monoceros (Unicorn), 160, 167

moon and sun, as weather predictors, 205

moon goddess. See Artemis

Moons, Galilean, 160

Mount Dindymum, 140

Mount Helicon, 54, 197–98

Mount Olympus, 18, 45, 88, 103, 107, 120–21

Mount Pelion, 59, 60

Mouseion, museum at Mount Helicon, 197–98

Musca (Fly), 160, 165

the Muses, nine maidens, 54–56, 58, 197–98

mythology, constellation. See ancient constellations; ancient skies; specific myths

navigation. See ancient navigation

Naxos, island of, 87, 88

Nemean Lion, 123

Neptune god. See Poseidon

Net. See Reticulum

Nike, goddess of Victory, 47, 48

Norma (Level), 160, 170

Northern Hemisphere, ancient, 26

Northern Hemisphere, modern, 158

Northern Wreath (Corona Borealis), 88, 89

North Star. See Polaris

Notos, the south wind, 52–53

Octans (Octant), 160, 172

Odysseus, 11, 65, 66, 68, 92, 134, 192, 205, 211

The Odyssey (Homer), 19, 203–4, 205, 211

Ophiuchus, the Snake of, 150

Ophiuchus constellation. See Snake Holder

Orion (Orion)

    as farming guide, 189, 190, 193

    myth of, 92–97

    as navigation guide, 198–99, 213–14

    in the night sky, 96, 99–100, 198–99

Orpheus, musician, poet and prophet, 60, 134, 140, 145–48

Paris, Prince of Troy, 64

Pavo (Peacock), 160, 164

Pegasus constellation. See Horse

Pegasus myth, 106–7, 112, 120–21

Peleus, father of Achilles, 134

Peloponnesus region, 125

Persephone, Demeter’s daughter, 66–68, 67, 188

Perses, son of Perseus and Andromeda, 122

Perseus (Perseus), 108, 115, 115–16, 178

Perseus myth, 111–15, 114, 122, 130

Phaethon, son of Apollo, 102–6

Pherecydes of Syros, 222

philosophers. See Aristotle; Plato; Socrates; Thales of Miletus

philosophy (holistic theory), 14–15, 17, 222–25

Phoebus Apollo. See Apollo

Phoenice. See Little Bear

Phoenician navigators, 211–12

Phoenicians (Persians), 63–64

Phoenix (Phoenix), 160, 164

Phosphoros, the morning star, 11, 52

Phrixus, son of a Theban queen, 135–36

the Phrygians, worshippers of Rhea, 139–40

Pictor (Painter’s Easel), 160, 173

Pisces. See Fishes

Piscis Austrinus (Southern Fish), 40–41, 41

Plancius, Petrus, astronomer, 157, 160, 161

planets, as wandering stars, 11–12

Plato, philosopher, 15, 16, 17, 223, 224–25

the Pleiades asterism (Pleiades), 10, 82, 84, 188, 193, 194, 196, 198, 211

the Pleiades myth, 90, 95

Pleione, mother of the Pleiades, 95

Pluto, god of the underworld, 66–68

Polaris, 79, 212

Polydeuces. See Twins

polytheism, 16–17

Poseidon, god of the sea, 41–43, 112, 113, 139

the price of arrogance, 91–108

    Bellerophon, the proud, 106–8

    the fall of Phaethon, 102–6

    Orion, the hunter, 92–101

Pump. See Antlia

Puppis (Stern), 160–61, 174

Pythagoras, astronomer and mathematician, 12

Pyxis (Compass), 160, 171

Ram (Aries), 142, 143, 144, 187

Ram myth, 135–36

religion in ancient Greece, 17

    See also spiritual awareness

Reticulum (Net), 160, 173

Rhea, mother of Zeus, 33, 139–40

River (Eridanus), 104, 106, 213–14

River myth. See Phaethon

Sagitta. See Arrow

Sagittarius. See Archer

sailing and seafarers, 137, 198–99

    See also ancient navigation

Sappho, famed poetess of Lesbos, 197

Saturn. See Cronos

Scorpion (Scorpius), 97–99, 98, 162, 179

Scorpion myth, 95–97

Scorpius. See Scorpion

Sculptor (Sculptor), 160, 170

Scutum (Shield), 160, 169

Sea Monster (Cetus), 116, 117

Sea Monster myth, 113–14

Sea of Marmara, 139, 140

Serpens. See Snake

Sextans (Sextant), 160, 169

shepherding, celestial calendar and, 196–98

Shield. See Scutum

the Shouter. See Bootes

Sicily, island of, 66

the Sirens, sea nymphs, 147

Sirius. See Dog Star

Snake (Serpens), 132, 149, 151, 152

Snake myth. See Asclepius

Snake Holder (Ophiuchus), 132, 149–50, 150, 152

Snake of Ophiuchus, 150

Socrates, philosopher, 15, 16, 18, 223–24

Southern Cross. See Crux

Southern Fish (Piscis Austrinus), 40–41, 41

Southern Fish myth, 40

Southern Hemisphere, ancient, 27

Southern Hemisphere, modern, 159

Southern Triangle. See Triangulum Australe

Southern Wreath (Corona Australis), 56, 57, 58

    See also Crotos

Spica. See Ear of Grain

spiritual awareness in ancient Greece, 16–17


    fixed and wandering, 11–13

    primary (see Dog Star; Donkeys; Ear of Grain; Goat; Herald of the Dog Star; Herald of the Vintage; Kids; Polaris)

Storm Bird (Eagle star), 196, 199

Strabo, geographer, 208–9, 210

Stymphalian birds, 125

sun and moon, as weather predictors, 205

sun god. See Apollo

swan myth, 80–81

Syria, 38, 39–40, 44

Taurus. See Bull

Taygeta, mother of Lacedaemon, 90

Telescopium (Telescope), 160, 170

Thales of Miletus, astronomer and philosopher, 15, 211–12

Thebes, kingdom of, 135, 136

Theocritus, poet, 204–5

Theseus, Greek hero, 86–88, 149

Thessaly region, 58–59, 136, 144

Thrinacia, island paradise, 66–68

Tiphys, ship helmsman, 134, 138

the Titans, 34–35, 37–38

    See also Rhea

Toucan. See Tucana

Triangle (Triangulum), 66, 66

    See also Thrinacia

Triangulum Australe (Southern Triangle), 160, 165

Triptolemus, a pious man, 67

Trojan War, 64–65

Tros, King, founder of Troy, 46

Troy, Asian city of, 64–65, 68, 80, 208

Tucana (Toucan), 160, 166

The Twelve Labors, 122–23

Twins (Gemini), 153, 154, 154, 154–55, 155, 178

Twins myth, 80, 90, 134, 153–55

Typhon, a monster, 37–39, 40, 95, 106, 123–24

Unicorn. See Monoceros

Uranometria (Bayer), 25, 55, 93, 142, 160

Ursa Major. See Bear

Ursa Minor. See Little Bear

the value of devotion, 29–49

    the altar of Heaven, 46–49

    Erechtheus and Athena, 30–33

    the escape of Aphrodite and Eros, 37–40

    the fish that saved a goddess, 40–41

    the mighty eagle of Zeus, 44–46

    Poseidon’s loyal dolphin, 41–43

    Zeus and companions, 33–37

Vela (Sail), 161, 173

Venus, star of evening, 12

    See also Aphrodite myth

Vindemiatrix. See Herald of the Vintage

Virgo. See Maiden

virtue, loved and lost, 51–71

    Astraea, the starry goddess, 52–54, 62

    the beautiful island of sorrow, 66–68

    the centaur of the muses, 54–58

    Chiron, the wise, 58–62

    the end of a golden era, 62–65

    the greedy crow of Apollo, 68–72

Volans (Flying Fish), 160, 166

Vulpecula (Little Fox), 160, 169

Water Bearer (Aquarius), 46, 46, 184–85

Water Bearer myth. See Ganymede

Water Snake. See Hydrus

weather conditions

    celestial signposts for, 184–85, 185–86, 193, 196, 198–99

    farming and, 187, 193–94, 197

    maritime predictors, 203–7, 208–9

Wild Animal (Lupus), 60, 61, 61

    See also Chiron

woeful deeds of the wanton gods, 73–90

    Callisto, the mountain maiden, 74–79

    Europa and the Bull, 81–84

    the seductive swan, 80–

    Theseus and Ariadne, 84–90

Xenophanes of Colophon, 222–23

Zephyros, the west wind, 52–53

Zeus (Jupiter), the god of sky and storm

    Aegoceros and, 33–36

    Amalthea and, 33, 35

    Aphrodite and, 40

    Arcas and, 77

    and Asclepius, 149, 152

    battles and victories of, 34–35, 44–46, 46–47, 49, 52

    Bellerophon and, 107

    Callisto and, 74–75, 75–76, 77

    Castor and Polydeuces and, 153. 90

    and childhood companions, 33–37, 40

    Crotus and, 58

    Demeter and, 66–68

    Dog Days and, 191

    Eagle and, 44–46

    Eros and, 40

    Europa and, 81–84

    as god of sky and storm, 12, 52, 74, 130

    Hera and, 125–27

    Heracles and, 125–26, 127

    the Incense Altar and, 47, 49

    Io and, 63–64

    as Jupiter planet, 12

    Leda of Sparta and, 80, 81, 90

    Minos and, 84

    the Mouseion and, 197–98

    the nine Muses and, 54, 197–98

    Orion and, 97

    Orpheus and, 148

    Pegasus and, 120–21

    Persephone and, 67–68

    Perseus and, 111, 115, 127

    Phaethon and, 105, 106

    philandering ways of, 90

    Phoenice and, 79

    the Pleiades and, 95

    Pluto and, 67–68

    and polytheism, 16–17

    Princess Alcmene and, 122

    Rhea and, 33, 139

the Zodiac, 12–13, 19–20, 210–11

    See also specific zodiacal constellations