Index of Names

Abernethy, J., 119

Alison, A., 195

Aristotle, 70, 83, 114, 155

Bacon, 33, 65, 70 foll., 95

Baxter, R., 46, 85

Beattie, 80

Benn, A. W., 37, 58, 116

Bentham, J., 32, 174

Berkeley, 45 foll., 76 foll.

Blumenbach, 49, 119

Boehme, 55, 271

Bonar, J., 154

Bosanquet, B., 142, 198, 200

Bradley, F. H., 15, 68, 161, 254

Brown, A. B., 251

Browning, R., 198

Burke, E., 26, 168 foll., 194

Butler, J., 139

Butler, S., 139

Byron, 27

Caird, E., 31, 236, 247

Campbell, Mrs. O. W., 27

Campbell, J. D., 45

Carlyle, T., 31, 52, 135, 196, 259 foll.

Chalmers, Thomas, 27

Cobban, A., 162, 189, 194

Coleridge, Derwent, 35, 46, 56

Coleridge, Gerard H. B., 18, 268

Coleridge, Henry N., 55

Coleridge, Lord, 271

Coleridge, Luke, 119

Coleridge, Sarah, 266

Comte, 259

Condillac, 61

Cottle, 46

Cousin, 273

Cudworth, 118

Darwin, C., 130, 134

Darwin, E., 130

Davy, Humphry, 119

De Quincey, 44, 48 foll., 220, 271 foll.

Descartes, 46, 94, 101, 223

Driesch, 127.

Epicurus, 124

Fichte, 52 foll., 59, 94, 150, 201, 271

Frend, 39

Gillman, J., 38, 120

Gingerich, G. F., 42 foll.

Godwin, W., 61

Goethe, 257

Green, J. H., 57, 127, 238, 246, 256, 266, 268 foll., 272 foll.

Green, T. H., 30, 198, 247, 275

Grotius, 177

Hall, Robert, 27

Hamilton, 259

Hartley, 30, 38 foll., 42, 45 foll., 51, 61, 199

Harvey, J. W., 251

Hegel, 25, 47, 58 foll., 61, 85, 87 foll., 98 foll., 117, 182, 271, 274 foll.

Heraclitus, 54, 85

Herbert, George, 250

Herford, C. H., 49

Hobbes, 47, 118, 166 foll., 174

Hort, F. J. A., 64, 218

Howard, C., 38 foll.

Hume, 30, 79, 81, 88, 225, 258

Hunter, J., 119 foll.

James, W., 15

John, St., 47, 245

Jones, Sir W., 225, 283

Kant, 31 and passim

Klopstock, 48

Lamarck, 131

Lamb, 16, 27, 37

Leibnitz, 54, 61

Lessing, 49

Locke, 30, 46, 51, 74, 226

Lowell, 214

Luther, 178

Mackail, J. W., 208, 214

Mendelssohn, Moses, 50, 61 foll., 70, 72, 104, 271

Mill, J. S., 32, 61, 63, 149, 163, 258 foll.

Milton, 65, 225

More, Henry, 38

Napoleon, 173, 179

Newman, J. H., 116

Newton, 40, 51, 178

Norris, 224

Novalis, 31

Oakley, Hilda D., 230

Oswald, 80

Paley, 138, 151, 153 foll., 174

Paton, H. J., 85

Paul, St., 47, 235, 245

Peel, Sir R., 191

Petrarch, 158

Pfleiderer, 218

Plato, 38 foll., 46, 60, 65, 83, 95, 97, 114, 116 foll., 178, 198, 207, 234, 253

Plotinus, 37 foll., 105 foll., 113, 117

Poole, T., 51

Pope, 157

Puffendorf, 177

Pythagoras, 97

Reid, 30

Robinson, H. C., 47

Rousseau, 26, 168, 171 foll.

Royce, 254.

Saintsbury, 196 foll., 200, 214

Schelling, 51 foll., 58, 118, 197, 201 foll., 210, 216, 271

Schlegel, 196, 207, 213

Scott, 27

Scotus Erigena, 275

Shakespeare, 65, 100, 258

Shawcross, 198

Shedd, 38 and passim

Simon, J., 273 foll.

Smith, Adam, 156

Smith, N. Kemp, 201

Snyder, Alice D., 17 and passim

Socrates, 116, 235

Solger, 273

Sorley, W. R., 40

Southey, 39, 157.

Spencer, H., 259

Spinoza, 45 foll., 56, 58, 84, 104

Stephen, Leslie, 16, 43, 50, 203, 208, 256

Sterling, John, 258 foll.

Stirling, Hutchison, 134

Storr, Vernon, 218

Stuart, 163

Taylor, Jeremy, 207, 234

Taylor, Thomas, 38

Tennemann, 95, 105 foll., 106, no, 235, 271

Tennyson, 259

Tieck, 273

Traherne, T., 13

Traill, H. D., 163, 257, 259, 274

Tulloch, J., 218, 238

Turnbull, A., 45, 57

Turner, J. E., 227

Voltaire, 27, 47

Wallace, W., 254

Wallas, G., 186

Ward, C. A., 267

Watson, S. B., 120, 135

Watson, Lucy, 191 foll.

Webb, G. J. C., 227

Wedgwood, T., 49

Whewell, 61

Whitehead, A. N., 243

Wither, 198

Wolff, 54, 61, 271

Wordsworth, 44 foll., 47 foll., 206, 213

Zeno, 53, 84