All page numbers are refer to the print edition of this title.

image, 70
Aiwass, 93n1
“Akhenaton,” 45. See also Randall-
     Stevens, Hugh Clayton
Alhazred, Abdul (the “Mad Arab”), 38, 68, 69
Ambelain, Robert, 49–51
AMORC (Ancient Mystical Order
    Rosae Crucis), xii, 79–82, 86–88,
    90. See also Lewis, Harvey Spencer
“Cathedral of the Soul,” 86–90
    Medifocus, 90–91
angel, xii, 5, 23, 41, 43, 44, 76
    archangel, 41, 103
    fallen, 2, 102
ankh, 102
Anthony, Saint, 101
Arkham House, 74. See also Derleth, August
Assassins, 93
Assumption of the God form, 92
asthma, 119 astral
tunnel, 27
astrology, 3
    Indian, 60n
astrosome, 33
Atlantis, 45
Atlantis and the Cycles of Time. See
Godwin, Joscelyn

Balthasar, Hans Urs von, 32
Barnes, Larry, 38
Beat Generation writers, 11. See also
    Burroughs, William S.
Berman, Morris, 55
Bhagavad Gita, 115
    of the dharma, 115
    therapeutic, 98–101
Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna, 9
blood diseases, 118, 119
bodhisattva, 24, 101, 117
Boehme, Jacob, 3n
Book of Enoch, 2
Book of the Law, The, 93n1
“Bowman, The.” See Machen, Arthur
brainwashing, 123
Buddhism, 9, 10, 11, 15, 21, 24, 42, 50, 98, 114, 115, 116. See also Tibetan
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward, 55
Burroughs, William S., 91–92
Butler, Walter Ernest
    “Egregore of a School, The,” 28–30

Campbell, Joseph, 121
Carroll, Peter J., 93
“Cathedral of the Soul.” See AMORC
Catholicism, 10, 32, 41, 42, 50, 71
ceremonial magic, 35 chaos magic, 70, 93–94
    impressionability of, 58
    representing collective unconscious, 58
Christ, 42, 50, 71, 101
    the Master Jesus (AMORC), 85, 90
    “What would Jesus do?” as
        entrainment, 92–93
Christianity, 2, 6, 24, 33–34, 42, 43, 75, 98–99, 101, 102, 117
    Martinist, 3n
Communism, 40, 62, 103
compassion, 116
complex, psychological
    and demons, 40
Conan the Barbarian, 74. See also
Howard, Robert E.
Consciousness-Expansion Movement, 62
consumerism, 62
Corpus Hermeticum, xvii–xviii cross, symbolism of, 102–3
Crowley, Aleister, 38, 40, 75
    and Kenneth Grant, 71
    opinion of Machen’s work, 70
    and Thelema, 93
Cthulhu Mythos, 66, 69, 73–74. See
also Lovecraft, Howard Phillips;
    Howard, Robert E.
Cultural Revolution, 103
cycles, celestial and cosmic, 51, 60n.
    See also Godwin, Joscelyn

David-Néel, Alexandra, 9–14. See also
        Tibetan Buddhism
    four types of ritual practice, 14–17
Dayananda, Swami. See Griffiths, Bede
Dean, Charles Dana, 86
Dee, John, 38
Delphi (Temple of Apollo), 96
demons, 36, 39–40, 41, 43, 44, 94.
        See also complex, psychological
    battling, 100–101, 102
    of Kabbalah, 61–62
deprogramming, 100, 108
    from the Buddha dharma, 115–16, 117
Derleth, August, 74
desacralization, 99. See also blasphemy,
Detsen, King Trisong (of Tibet). See
Ozer, Nyangrel Nyima
Devil, The (tarot card), 36, 39
dharma, 44, 115–16, 117. See also
Buddhism; Tibetan Buddhism
distraction, 44–46, 107
Dorje Shugden, 17–19, 21
dreams, 72, 77
    strange, after extraction from
        egregore, 118–19
dubthab (or doubtob), 12, 14–17
Dubuis, Jean, 7–8, 36, 56–57, 106
Dzogchen, 24

Eady, Dorothy Louise. See Om Sety
egregore. See also specific examples
    decision to break with, 109–10
    definitions of, 2, 3, 8, 33, 40, 50, 59, 111
    destruction of, 51, 53 origin and formation of, 4, 33–34, 53
    types of, ix-xiii, 19–20, 34, 40, 43, 52, 108
“Egregore of a School, The.” See Butler,
    Walter Ernest Egypt, 4, 5, 19, 44. See also ankh
emotions, 28–29, 34, 36, 48, 51, 52, 53, 56, 58, 61, 67, 81, 92, 97, 104, 108, 111
Encausse, Gerard (pseud. Papus), 3n
Enochian, 52
Erickson, Milton, 62
Eros and Evil. See Masters, Robert
eschaton, 117 evil, 36–37, 39, 42, 44, 45, 46, 67, 85, 112
Evola, Julius, 59–62, 104, 124
exercise, physical, 107

Faivre, Antoine, 32
“Faustian” literature, 69
feng shui, 58
    AMORC’s “Second FAMA,” 80–81
    fan, 72, 109
    vs. reality, 71–72, 78, 84, 108–9
    in spiritual practices, 71
fire, as means of destruction, 103–4
Flamel, Nicholas and Perenelle, 71
Flying Roll, 24
Fortune, Dion (Violet Mary Firth), 28, 30
Francis, Saint, 41
Freemasonry, 10, 31, 49, 50

Gebser, Jean, 54
Gelukpa, 17–18
genius, 96
George, Saint (British egregore),
        76–77. See also Machen, Arthur
Gnostic Universal Church, 49
God, xviii, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44
    grace of, 119
goddesses, 5 gods, xii, 1, 4, 5, 6, 15, 16, 17, 41
Godwin, Joscelyn, 4–6
    Atlantis and the Cycles of Time, 45
    Theosophical Enlightenment, The, 98
goetic practice, 94
Golden Chain Lineage, 117
Golden Dawn. See Hermetic Order of
    the Golden Dawn
Grant, Kenneth, 70–72, 78, 93, 94
    Alan Moore’s opinion of, 70
    Crowley’s opinion of, 70
    Lovecraft’s influence on, 72, 75
    Machen’s influence on, 75, 77
Great White Brotherhood, 9, 24, 80
Great White Lodge, 90
Griffiths, Bede, 32
group mind, xi, 29, 56, 64, 97. See also
Mind Games
group spirit, 63–64. See also Mind
Guenther, Herbert, 22
guru yoga, 30, 92
gylapo, 18
Gysin, Brion, 91

Hermes, mind of, 93
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, 23, 31, 52, 75
    Golden Dawn–style temple, account of, 120–23
Hermeticism, 31, 35, 36, 43, 75, 106
    Christian. See Tomberg, Valentin
Hill, Napoleon, 96
    Think and Grow Rich, 91
Hitler, Adolf, 56
Houston, Jean, 37, 62, 63. See also
Masters, Robert
Howard, Robert E., 72–74, 75, 77, 78.
        See also Conan the Barbarian;
        Lovecraft Circle
    suicide of, 73
Howlings from the Pit. See Lisiewski
Hugo, Victor, 31
Human Potential movement, 37, 55. See
also Houston, Jean; Masters, Robert
hypnosis, premise of, 58. See also Mind

I Ching, 58
Ignatius of Loyola, Saint, 51
    mental, 121
    shamanic, 121
illuminati, 59–60
imagination, 13, 16, 40, 41, 42, 43
inner contact, 2, 23
Islam, 9, 50, 57, 103
    Assassins, 93n2

Jesuits, 51
Jung, Carl, 121

Kabbalah, 34–36, 61–62, 75
    Qlippoth, 38, 44, 94
    Tree of Life, 35, 104
Kalachakra teachings, 117
Kali Yuga, 60, 117
Keating, Thomas, 32
Kelsang Gyatso, Geshe, 17
kerubim, 103
Lachman, Gary, 45–46
    Politics and the Occult, 54–55
Left-Hand Path (groups), 94
Lennon, John, 64. See also Mind Games
Lévi, Eliphas, 23, 31, 39, 54
Lewis, Harvey Spencer, 80, 81–89. See
    additional manifestos, 85
    mystical origins of AMORC, 82–83
    prophecies of French host, 85–86
    “Seven Master Minds,” 83–84
Lilly, John, 62
Lingwood, Dennis Philip Edward. See
        Sangharakshita, Urgyen
link, etheric, 25–27
Lisiewski, Joseph, 104
    as factor in telepathy, 48
    as Rosicrucian principle of Godhead, 85, 89
Lovecraft Circle, 65, 73, 74, 75. See also
    specific names
Lovecraft, Howard Phillips, 38–39, 65–69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 78, 93.
        See also Necronomicon
    opinion of humanity, 67
    Weird Tales, 66, 73
Luxor (Egyptian temple), 96

Machen, Arthur, 70, 75–78
    “Bowman, The,” 76–77
    Crowley’s opinion of, 75
    defined, 40
    operational, 104
magical tools, destruction of, 105–6
Martinism, 2n, 23, 32, 31, 49
Marxism, 41
Masonry. See Freemasonry
Master Mind. See Third Mind Masters, Robert, 37–38, 62, 63
    Eros and Evil: The Sexual
        Psychopathology of Witchcraft, 37, 62
    Mind Games: The Guide to Inner Space, 62–64
    Swimming Where Madmen Drown:
        Travelers’ Tales from Inner Space, 37, 62
Mathers, MacGregor, 24
Mebes, Grigorii Ossipovich, 31
media, mass, 46, 55, 98, 111
    as purveyor of fiction, 108
Meditations on the Tarot: A Journey
    into Christian Hermeticism. See
    Tomberg, Valentin
Memphis-Mizraim, 49
Mephistopheles, 44–45
mind control
    destructive cults, 108
    movements, 100
    premise of, 58
Mind Games. See Masters, Robert
 Mind Parasites, The. See Wilson,
Colin Moorcock, Michael, 93
Moore, Alan, 70
Muslims, 117
Mussolini, Benito, 104, 124
narrative, control of, 110
National Socialism, 40, 103
Nazi Party, ix, 49, 56–57, 103. See also
National Socialism
Necronomicon, 38–39, 68, 69, 72. See
Lovecraft, Howard Phillips
Nephilim, 2–3, 31
neurolinguistic programming. See
    Erickson, Milton
New Age movement, 98
nightmares, Lovecraft’s, 66, 68 non-duality, 113–14

offerings, 19
Old Ones, 38–39, 68. See also Cthulhu
Om Sety (Dorothy Louise Eady), 19
Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), 70, 94
“Osiris,” 44–45
Ouija board, 121
Ozer, Nyangrel Nyima, 69

Padmasambhava, 44, 69, 71
Papus. See Encausse,
Gerard parapsychology, 46–49
Pasqually, Martines de, 3n. See also
Path of Return, 8, 23
Paul, Saint, 104
Philosophers of Nature. See Dubuis,
pituitary, 106
politics, 4, 54–55, 56, 103
    feminist, 10
    memes, 46, 112
    and occultism, 54–55
    Tibetan, 17, 18
Politics and the Occult. See Lachman,
Practical Kabbalah. See Vaughan,
    Piers A.
Pratchett, Terry, 93
Price, Edgar Hoffman, 74. See also
    Lovecraft Circle
Protestantism, 50
    design of cross, 103
psychedelic research. See Lilly, John;
    Masters, Robert
psychic phenomena, 49
psychosynthesis, 99–100
psychotherapy, premise of, 58
psychotic break, 120

Qlippoth, 38, 44, 94
quantum physics, 93

Randall-Stevens, Hugh Clayton, 44–45
Regardie, Israel, 40, 71
resistance, spiritual, 99–100
Rhine, J. B., 46–49
Rhine Research Center, 46, 47
Roche de Coppens, Peter, 102–3
Roman Catholicism, 41, 42, 71
Roman Empire, 104, 124
    fall of, 5
rose (symbol), 103
Rosenkreutz, Christian, 71, 104. See
AMORC; Rosicrucianism
Rosicrucianism, 23, 24, 31, 71, 79–80, 82, 83, 91, 103. See also AMORC;
Rosenkreutz, Christian
Vault of the Adepti, 53

Sadhu, Mouni (Dymitr Sudowski), 3, 31–32, 43, 49
    and avoidance of egregores, 106–7
    The Tarot, 31–36
Saint-Martin, Louis Claude de, 3n.
        See also Martinism
Sangharakshita, Urgyen (D. P. E.
    Lingwood), 98, 99. See also
    blasphemy, therapeutic
Secret Chiefs, 120, 121, 122, 123
    demands of, 122–23
Secret History of Consciousness, A. See
    Lachman, Gary
Secret Inner Order Rituals of the Golden
    Dawn. See Zalewski, Patrick
Sedir, Paul, 53–54
Servants of the Light (SOL), 28, 30
Set (Egyptian god), 19
Shakyamuni, 114. See also Buddhism
Shugden, Dorje, 17–19, 21
Simon, 38, 39. See also Necronomicon
Slenderman, 57–58
Smith, Clark Ashton, 74. See also
    Lovecraft Circle
Society for Psychical Research
    (British), 76
Society of the Inner Light, 28
solar plexus, 105, 106, 119
Solomon, King, 44, 71, 86
    “Solomonic” literature, 69
Soviet Union, 103
Spare, Austin Osman, 70, 93
spinning, 102
superconscious, 100
Swimming Where Madmen Drown.
    See Masters, Robert

talisman, 34, 43
Taoism, 24, 27
    work of Baolin Wu, 58
Tarot, The. See Sadhu, Mouni
telepathy, 46–48
terma, 69
Theosophical Enlightenment, The. See
    Godwin, Joscelyn
Theosophical Society, 9, 10 Think and Grow Rich. See Hill,
Third Mind, 91–92
thoughtform, xi, 11, 13, 28–29, 55, 56, 62, 73, 77, 111. See also George,
    Saint; Masters, Robert; tulpa
Tibet, 17, 68–69, 103 Tibetan Buddhism, 18, 21, 24, 39–40, 42, 44, 68–69, 96, 101. See also
    doctrine of refuge, 100
    extraction from egregore of, 113–118
    and the Kali Yuga, 60
Tomberg, Valentin
    commentary on The Devil (tarot card), 36–37, 39
    Meditations on the Tarot, 31–32, 101
    method of extraction from egregore, 101–2
    opinion on egregores, 32, 40, 41–44
    and Robert Ambelain, 49
tonglen, 101
 Traditionalism, 59–61. See also Evola,
True Will, 93n
tulku, 11–12, 22
tulpa, 11–12, 22, 39–40, 62
tummo, 11
unidentified flying objects (UFOs), 56–57

Vajrayana, 14, 24. See also Tibetan
Vallée, Jacques, 57
vampirism, 34, 35
Vaughan, Piers A., 50

Waite, A. E., 75
Wandrei, Donald, 74
Wasserman, James, 38
Watchers, 60
Weiner, Eric
    “genius cluster,” 96
Weird Tales. See Lovecraft, Howard
Westcott, Wynn, 24–25
Wicca, 70
will. See also True Will
    free, 7
    human, 40, 41, 42, 43
Wilson, Colin, 45–46
witchcraft, 37–38, 104
World War I, 47, 66, 125
    and Machen’s “The Bowman,” 75–76
Wu, Baolin, 58. See also Taoism

Zalewski, Patrick, 52
    Secret Inner Order Rituals of the
        Golden Dawn, 25
Zener cards, 46
Zenith Radio Corporation
    and telepathy experiments, 45–48