Look, all the water has gone,” said Harry.

Mudpoo, Harry, Liz and Captain Pete were looking over Hervey Bay. The tide was out. Where the sea had been was now a very large area of sand.

"Let's go for a walk to the water" said Captain Pete. Everyone had a beach towel and a hat. Captain Pete had a backpack that held some drinks, food and a bottle of sunscreen.

“There are so many holes in the sand,” said Mudpoo.

“They’re all made by crabs,” said Captain Pete.

“There’s one,” said Harry.

Everyone watched as the little crab scurried from side to side; it quickly disappeared down a little hole.

There was no dry sand, just soft, wet, muddy sand that would squeeze between your toes if you stood in one place for too long. When they reached the sea, Liz put down her thongs and so did everyone else. They carefully placed their towels and thongs on the soft muddy sand.

“Let’s go for a walk,” said Mudpoo.

“Great idea,” said Harry.

“Look over there,” said Captain Pete. “It’s a blow fish.”

The little fish had seen Harry and Mudpoo and made himself the size of a small balloon. The little fish looked like a small ball as he bobbed up and down.

“We’d better leave him alone; he looks scared,” said Liz.

Captain Pete felt wonderful walking along the water’s edge, feeling the mud ooze between his toes and feeling the fresh sea breeze on his face. As Captain Pete looked back at the bay he thought something looked a bit odd.

“Lets head back to our beach towels,” he said.

“Where are our towels?” said Liz looking at the spot in the distance where she thought they were. “I’m sure they were over there?”

Captain Pete strained his eyes to see.

“The only thing I can see is water; the tide is coming in!” said Liz.

"Quick everyone, we've got to save our things!" said Captain Pete.

Everyone ran to where they had last seen the beach towels. The only thing they could see was water.

“Look over there!” shouted Harry excitedly. “It’s my beach towel.”

They all looked to where Harry was pointing and sure enough there was Harry’s towel half floating and half sinking in the water. Captain Pete rolled up his trouser legs and waded out up to his knees. He rescued Harry’s towel.

“Over there!” shouted Mudpoo. “It’s my thong!”

Bobbing up and down in the water was Mudpoo’s favourite thong. Soon Captain Pete had collected a thong belonging to Liz and a big thong that was his. He found another three very soggy beach towels that were very, very heavy. He collected another thong belonging to Liz and then found another big thong.

“Now there’s only one thong missing,” said Captain Pete.

“It’s my thong and I can see it!” shouted Mudpoo. Bobbing up and down in the distance like a little boat was Mudpoo’s thong.

“There, now I’ve rescued everything, let’s have a picnic on the grass near the trees,” said Captain Pete.

Everyone agreed they had to be much more careful not to be caught by the turning tide again.