Chapter Four

library children early to begin their research. The topic was the effect of personal bias on the translation process. He asked several of the older ones to stay and handed each a packet as neatly ordered as any Agency briefing document.

"Over the next few weeks, these are the tasks I wish you to complete, preferably before the winter holiday."

The children opened their packets.

Maria was the first to look up. "School transcripts?"

"Letters of recommendation from our teachers?" Marcel's voice was incredulous.

Lucía shook her head, giving Arthur the impression of a startled cat. "Personal essays?"

"Moving forward, I see no reason why you should continue to suffer through what is called public 'education' in this city, nor be denied what would be offered to children of lesser talent but greater means."

Maria was well into the admissions material for the school Martin had picked for her. "Um… there's no way my mom can afford this place."

"The financial aspect is being taken care of."

"What about my sister?" Julia asked. She had begun bringing her little sister while Martin was away 'slaying dragons.’

"If she continues to progress well, then when it is her time, arrangements will be made."

"There is no way in hell my aunt would let me go to one of these places." Darius held up two brochures. Arthur knew Martin had particularly high hopes and strong plans for him.

"I will speak to any parent or guardian as is necessary."

The children all exchanged looks and several of them cringed. Julia cleared her throat. "Merlin, you know we love you but you're not exactly good at talking with… grownups."

"You clench up really tight and put out a kind of weird vibe," Marcel quickly added. "I mean, it's understandable, most grownups suck, but…"

"I mean there’s kinda a reason we all wait outside to get picked up or just walk home," Julia continued while not looking directly at Martin.

Martin sighed, even as Arthur chuckled a little.

"I can fake it when necessary and have been practicing… loosening up."

"He has an outfit that makes him look like Mister Rodgers and lets him charm small town church ladies," Arthur offered by way of reassurance. "My mother thinks he's the 'most delightful young man.'"


"Surprisingly so."

"Simply do your best to fill out the contents of your packets and inform me next week of any obstacles."

"You really think we could go to these schools?" Julia asked.

"I went to one of those schools and you are all far more advanced than I was at the same age."

"Then how did you get in?"

"My aunt's lawyer wrote a large check and her cook found me a tutor. However, none of you will require tutors."

Marcel shook his head. "You've got a weird life, Merlin."

Martin sighed. "Yes, that has been mentioned."