Today you begin your journey back into the light.
To ready yourself, you will need to be relaxed and free of all tension.
I suggest you rent a couple of Care Bears movies. Sure!
Most people hate the Care Bears on principle. But then, most people hate me on principle—so I say to hell with people and their principles!
Pay them no mind!
Might I suggest Clan of the Care Bears? Oh, you’ll just love it.
Trust me: those perky little buggers can turn your whole day around.
Then? A new task. A confidence builder: Make a list of your strengths. Your selling points. All your most noble and majestic qualities. Here are mine:
• I make a great Bundt cake.
• I can parallel park like a demon.
• I’m great at refolding maps.
• I can wiggle my ears.
• I arch a good brow.
• I do killer ’80s eye makeup.
• I know the complete scores of Rent and Hairspray.
• I lend an aura of quiet dignity to any gathering.
• I’m a people person.
Not exactly the stuff of the coming messiah, but it’s a start.