AND SO IT’S . . .
Once more into the swamp, dear friends. Once more!
Or you might as well fold yourself back into the sofa and wait for death!
This vacation, this brief respite, has been lovely, no doubt—doing nothing, lying back, indulging the goddess for three whole days. It’s been rejuvenating, hasn’t it? It’s brought you back to yourself.
But don’t you hear? The blasts of war? The call to honor?
It’s time to go back to battle once more, and this time, to prevail!
Be strong now, Billy! You have a new mission! Rise up from the ashes of your old self! You are a new species of drag queen, like nothing the world has ever seen before! Look at your sinewy magnificence! Feel this newfound courage surging through your body!
When the alarm is sounded, you must set aside all that is gentle and good in your nature. You must answer your destiny in the guise of the great and fierce drag queen warrior you know you can be!
Yes! You are a tough little queen! Stronger than you knew! You are able to absorb the blows that life keeps giving you! Yes! You are a righteous and mighty She-Hulk!
Now get mad!
Look mean! Real mean!
Give your enemies the hairy eyeball! Stare them down! Look directly into their souls!
Frown! Ferociously! Now grit your teeth! Pull back those glittering ruby lips! Let’s see those fangs! Those flesh-eating incisors! Those bone-crunching molars!
Breathe in and out! Let those nostrils flare! Stretch ’em wide!
Pull yourself up to your full queenly height! Rise higher! You are a goddess! A Superfreak! An artist! An iconoclast!
Others have come before you—proud warriors, beautiful she-males. Say their names! RUPAUL! BOY GEORGE! They are legend! PETE BURNS! LEIGH BOWERY! Sister soldiers! DIVINE! SYLVESTER! Call upon their strength and styling skills! HOLLY WOODLAWN! CANDY DARLING!
Rise up now—for all the countless freaks before you who lost, who suffered, and who died at the hands of redneck bigots. And for all those who continue to fight, be a beacon of light in their darkness!
Come on, then. Now is not the time to shirk, to shrink, to fade into the mists of morning.
Let me see the passion in your eyes!
Now, onward, ever onward—to Eisenhower, ho!