Here are the titles (and their English translations) of Viktor Shklovsky’s major writings and film scripts. For a comprehensive list of publications, see Richard Sheldon, Viktor Shklovsky: An International Bibliography of Works by and about Him, Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1977.
1914 | Svintsovii zhrebii (The Lead Die); Voskreshenie slova (“Resurrection of the Word,” first English translation 1972, included in Theory of Prose) |
1921 | Rozanov (included in Theory of Prose as “Literature without a Plot: Rozanov”); Razvertyvanie siuzheta (The Unfolding of the Plot; included in Theory of Prose as “The Making of Don Quixote”); Tristram Shendi Sterna i teoriia romana (English trans. 1965, included in Theory of Prose as “The Novel as Parody: Sterne’s Tristram Shandy”); Revoljucija i front (“Revolution and the Front,” the first section of A Sentimental Journey, see below) |
1922 | “Epilog” (“Epilogue,” which becomes the last section of A Sentimental Journey) |
1923 | Xod konja (Knight’s Move, English translation 2005); Sentimental’noe puteshestvie (A Sentimental Journey, English translation 1970); Zoo, ili pis’ma ne o ljubvi (Zoo, or Letters Not about Love, English translation 1971); Literatura i kinematograf (Literature and Cinematography, English translation 2008) |
1925 | O teorii prozy (Theory of Prose, English translation 1990); Iprit (Mustard Gas, with Vsevolod Ivanov) |
1926 | Tret’ja fabrika (Third Factory, English translation 1977); Puteshestvie v stranu kino (A Trip to the Cinema, children’s); Udachi i porazhenija Maksima Gor’kogo (Maxim Gorky’s Successes and Defeats); A. Xoxlova (with Sergei Eisenstein) |
1927 | Pjat’ chelovek znakomyx (Five People I Know); Texnika pisatel’skogo remesla (Technique of the Writer’s Trade, reprinted in 1928, ’29, ’30); Ix nastojashchee (Their Present); Motalka (Reels) |
1928 | Mater’jal i stil’ v romane L’va Tolstogo “Vojna i mir” (“Material and Style in Tolstoy’s War and Peace”); Nandu II (children’s); Gamburgskij schet (Hamburg Account, English translation forthcoming 2013); Kratkaja i dostovernaja povest’ o dvorjanine Bolotove (The Short but True Story of the Nobleman Bolotov, children’s) |
1929 | Room: zhizn’ i rabota (Abram Room: Life and Work); Matvej Komarov: zhitel’ goroda Moskvy (Matvej Komarov: Citizen of Moscow) |
1930 | Podenshchina (Work by Day); Gornaja Gruzija (Mountain Georgia); Turksib (children’s) |
1931 | Poiski optimizma (A Hunt for Optimism, English translation 2012); Marko Polo razvedchik (Marco Polo the Spy, children’s); Skazka o tenjax (Tale of the Shadows; children’s), Kak pisat’ scenarii (How to Write a Scenario); “Kak ustroen avtomobil’” (How an Automobile is Made); Zhitie arxiereijskogo sluzhi (Life of a Bishop’s Assistant, English translation forthcoming, 2014.) |
1933 | Chulkov i Levshin (Chulkov and Levshin) |
1934 | Svet v lesu (Light in the Forest); Belomorsko-Baltijskij kanal imeni Stalina (with others, edited by Maxim Gorky, English trans. as Belomor, 1935) |
1936 | Marko Polo (Marco Polo), Zhizn’ xudozhnika Fedotova (Life of the Painter Fedotov, children’s |
1937 | Rasskaz o Pushkine (History of Pushkin); Zametki o proze Pushkina (Notes on Pushkin’s Prose) |
1939 | Dnevnik (Diary) |
1940 | O Maiakovskom (On Mayakovsky; English trans. as Mayakovsky and His Circle, 1972); Minin i Pozharskij (Minin and Pozharsky) |
1944 | Vstrechi (Encounters) |
1951 | O masterax starinnyx (On the Ancient Craftsmen) |
1953 | Zametki o proze russkix klassikov (Notes on the Prose of the Russian Classics) |
1957 | Za i protiv. Zametki o Dostoevskom (Pro and Contra: Notes on Dostoyevsky) |
1958 | Istoricheskie povesti i rasskazy (Historical Novellas and Stories) |
1959 | Chudozhestvennaja proza (Artistic Prose) |
1963 | Lev Tolstoy (Lev Tolstoy, English translation 1978) |
1964 | Zhylibyli (Once upon a Time) |
1965 | Za sorok let (Over Forty Years) |
1966 | Staroe i novoe (Old and New); Povesti o proze (Tales of Prose) |
1970 | Tetiva. O nesxodstve sxodnogo (Bowstring: On the Dissimilarity of the Similar, English translation 2011) |
1973 | Ejzenshtejn (Eisenstein); Sobranie sochinenij v 3-x tomax, 1973-4. (Works, 3 Vols.) |
1981 | Energiia zabluzhdeniia: kniga o siuzhete (Energy of Delusion: A Book on Plot, English translation 2007) |