Steven Wolfe has been a writer, speaker and advocate for the advancement of the space settlement concepts and related ideas for more than a quarter of a century. In the 1980s, Steve worked on Capitol Hill as a legislative aide to the late Honorable George E. Brown, Jr. (D-CA). He was the executive director of the Congressional Space Caucus, served on the board of directors of the National Space Society, was president of the New York Space Frontier Society, and an advocate of the Space Frontier Foundation. Steve drafted the Space Settlement Act of 1988 for Congressman Brown, a bill that recognized the desirability and eventuality of human settlement of space, and instructed NASA to provide regular reports on progress toward that end. The measure was signed into law by President Ronald Reagan as part of the NASA Authorization bill.
Steve has also been on a life-long journey to attain higher levels of spiritual understanding. In a deeply transformative experience in 2002, Steve’s passion for human expansion into space and his interest in spiritual awakening dramatically merged as he became aware of the core insights detailed in The Obligation. Soon after this experience, Steve began writing and speaking about these insights.
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The Obligation by Steven Wolfe, 917-443-7240 191