(ab-STEE-me-us), adjective
Not overindulgent in food or drink; moderate in terms of consumption.
culinary (KYOO-lih-nare-ee). Relating to cooking or the preparation of food.
My CULINARY efforts these days are much humbler than my library of cookbooks would lead you to believe.
curative (KYOOR-uh-tiv). Able to restore health; curing; serving to provide a remedy.
The CURATIVE regimen of the spa involved diet and hot baths, as well as exercise and massage.
haggard (HAG-urd). Showing signs of tiredness, anxiety, or hunger. Wild and unruly in appearance.
After a twelve-hour shift at the hospital, anyone would look HAGGARD.
herbivorous (her-BIV-er-us). Eating only grass and plants, not meat.
Even HERBIVOROUS dinosaurs would have been intimidating by virtue of their size, thought not necessarily their eating habits.
libation (lie-BAY-shun). An alcoholic beverage offered or accepted in celebration.
Some think it is adult to consume a LIBATION every evening, and others think it quite immature.
abash (uh-BASH). To make someone, including yourself, feel ashamed, embarrassed, or uncomfortable; to cause someone to lose composure.
Traditionally, high school athletes ABASH new team members; some call it freshman hazing.
abjure (ab-JOOR). To renounce, repudiate, or give up one’s previously held beliefs; to solemnly swear off or recant.
When taking the U.S. oath of citizenship, one must ABJURE allegiance to any other nation.
epicure (EH-pih-kyoor). Someone with a refined taste for food and drink; a connoisseur.
To an EPICURE, a fast food restaurant is an affront and not worthy of discussion.
garnish (GAHR-nihsh). To add something to food or drink to enhance flavor or appearance; to decorate something, usually food, with an ornament.
They would GARNISH his wedding cakes with rose blossoms, enhancing the cakes’ appearance as well as fragrance.
gastronomy (gas-TRAH-nah-mee). The art or appreciation of preparing and eating good food.
Those knowledgeable in GASTRONOMY don’t consider hot dogs bought and eaten at a sporting event to be epicurean delights—but true sports fans do.
haute cuisine (OAT kwi-ZEEN). Traditional, classic, high-quality French cooking or general gourmet preparation of food. Can refer to the preparation of meals like artwork.
Gourmets, though not necessarily gourmands, prefer HAUTE CUISINE because they believe more in quality than in quantity.
imbibe (im-BYB). To drink something, especially alcoholic or alcoholic beverages; to take in or absorb something into the mind, like an idea.
Although it sounds much better to say “IMBIBE” and “inebriated,” you might as well say “booze it up” and “drunk.”
(uh-CHEEV-muhnt), noun
Something accomplished, especially by skill, work, courage, etc.; feat; exploit; a great deed.
venerable (VEN-err-uh-bull). An individual or institution that is respected and revered, sometimes because of achievement, intelligence, or character, but just as often as a result of being around a long time.
“Is the babe young? When I behold it, it seems more VENERABLE than the oldest man.” —Henry David Thoreau, American author and transcendentalist
accomplishment (uh-KOM-plish-muhnt). Something successfully completed.
To the casual observer it was just a sidewalk, but Simon was proud of his ACCOMPLISHMENT.
attainment (uh-TAYN-muhnt). An achievement.
“I declare, on my soul and conscience, that the ATTAINMENT of power, or of a great name in literature, seemed to me an easier victory than a success with some young, witty, and gracious lady of high degree.” —Honoré de Balzac, French novelist
capstone (CAP-stone). A crowning achievement; a finishing touch; originally, a protective stone at the top of an arch.
When she won the Pulitzer Prize for her last novel, it was the CAPSTONE to a long and distinguished literary career.
eminence (EM-ih-nence). Superiority or outstanding notability; having great achievements or high rank.
Doctor Powers’s EMINENCE as a surgeon is well known.
fruition (froo-ISH-un). The completion of a task; the achievement of a goal as the result of significant and persistent effort.
John Nash, a mathematician whose life was featured in A Beautiful Mind, received the Nobel Prize for the FRUITION of his work in game theory decades after he completed it.
masterpiece (MAS-ter-peece). A person’s greatest work; achievement of a lifetime.
“When love and skill work together, expect a MASTERPIECE.” —John Ruskin, English art critic
debacle (dih-BAH-kull). Utter collapse or rout; a complete (often ludicrous) failure.
The initiative seemed promising enough, but turned out to be another of George’s DEBACLES.
(ak-ruh-FO-bee-uh), noun
An irrational fear of high places, characterized by feelings of dread, danger, and helplessness.
deleterious (deh-luh-TEE-ree-us). With harmful or damaging effect on something or someone. As a legal term, communicates the assessment of harm, injury, or loss.
It is now accepted as fact that smoking is DELETERIOUS to one’s health as well as highly addictive, but year after year more teenagers take it up.
queasy (KWEE-zee). Feeling ill in the stomach, as if on the verge of vomiting; easily nauseated. Causing a feeling of uneasiness or nausea.
Driving a long distance on the bumpy road made almost everyone on the team bus feel QUEASY.
aberration (ab-uh-RAY-shun). A departure from what is normal, desirable, or expected; divergence from a moral standard. Also, a defect in a lens or mirror that causes a distorted image.
“When will we reach the point that hunting, the pleasure in killing animals for sport, will be regarded as a mental ABERRATION?” —Albert Schweitzer, German missionary and philosopher
anathema (uh-NATH-uh-muh). Someone or something that is greatly disliked, detested, or shunned; one that is cursed, denounced, or excommunicated by a religious authority.
The events of the Holocaust are ANATHEMA to all moral and civilized human beings.
debilitate (dih-BILL-uh-tayt). To make weak or feeble.
ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, DEBILITATES those who suffer from it, and it is ultimately fatal.
palpitate (PAL-puh-tayt). To have the heart beat in an irregular or unusual way, because of a medical condition, exertion, fear, or anxiety.
Those who have been in life-and-death situations say that they heard their hearts PALPITATE and actually tasted fear.
curative (KYOOR-uh-tiv). Able to restore health; curing; serving to provide a remedy.
The CURATIVE regimen of the spa involved diet and hot baths, as well as exercise and massage.
palliative (PAL-ee-a-tiv). Calming; capable of soothing anxieties or other intense emotions. Alleviating pain and symptoms without eliminating the cause.
The little girl found her mother’s singing of “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” PALLIATIVE even during times when she was most upset.
terra firma (TARE-uh FER-muh). Solid ground; not water or air. From the Latin for “firm ground.”
After the harrowing airline flight, the passengers were so grateful to be on TERRA FIRMA that they kissed the ground.
(uh-GRAN-dyz), verb
To increase the size, scope, power, wealth, status, or influence of someone or something; to exaggerate, put on a false front, and make something look greater and grander than it really is.
bumptious (BUMP-shuss). Overbearing or crudely assertive; overly pushy or impertinent.
We had difficulty crossing the border because Nan got into a squabble with a BUMPTIOUS border guard.
faux (FOH). Fake; phony; artificial.
She wore a cheap secondhand dress and a FAUX pearl necklace made out of white beads.
ostentatious (ah-sten-TAY-shuss). Pretentious; presented in a showy manner so as to impress others; meant to flaunt one’s wealth or success.
“The man who is OSTENTATIOUS of his modesty is twin to the statue that wears a fig-leaf.” —Mark Twain
unbridled (un-BRY-duld). Without limitations or boundaries; uncontrolled and unrestrained.
Rick’s UNBRIDLED fury at being denied a refund on his tuition was a sight to behold.
vainglorious (vayn-GLOR-ee-us). Conceited; boastful; prone to showing off and bragging.
Although the scion of a well-established family, Gordon is so VAINGLORIOUS that you’d think him a parvenu!
hyperbole (hy-PUR-buh-lee). Extravagant overstatement.
“The final key to the way I promote is bravado. I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little HYPERBOLE never hurts.” —Donald Trump, American entrepreneur
jactitation (jak-ti-TAY-shun). A false boast, especially one that is harmful to others.
Beatrice tried impress her classmates by telling them her last name was Kennedy. However, her JACTITATION was discovered and her peers returned to ignoring her.
bloviate (BLOH-vee-ayt). To speak pompously and at length.
Maxwell BLOVIATES about his “excellent” test scores, but everyone knows he cheated outrageously.
diffident (DIFF-ih-dent). Uncertain or unsure about making a decision or taking an action; lacking confidence and boldness.
If you feel DIFFIDENT about driving a Rolls-Royce, you can always buy a Bentley.
laconic (luh-KAWN-ik). Of few words; expressing oneself with an economy of words.
Harold may be LACONIC, but when he does speak, he is worth listening to.
(uh-GREE), verb
To consent or concede; to be in harmony; to have the same opinion; to come to an understanding.
amenable (uh-MEE-nuh-bull). Agreeable to suggestions; likely to cooperate; accountable for actions.
Students were AMENABLE to a new dress code if they were asked to give input when it was being decided.
complaisant (kuhm-PLAY-zuhnt). Agreeable and eager to please.
Eleanor is far too COMPLAISANT with common strangers.
conciliatory (kon-SILL-ee-ah-tore-ee). Reconciling; able to settle a dispute or resolve a conflict in a manner that leaves no hard feelings on either side.
“If you are not very clever, you should be CONCILIATORY.” —Benjamin Disraeli, British statesman and literary figure
palatable (PAL-uh-tuh-bull). Agreeable; acceptable.
After failing his midterms, Ron had two options, neither very PALATABLE: drop the course or improve his study skills.
accord (uh-KORD). Official agreement or treaty; harmony.
After a prolonged strike, with the issue of health-care benefits resolved, the representatives finally reached an ACCORD acceptable to both labor and management.
appeasement (uh-PEEZ-ment). The act of making others happy by agreeing to their demands.
Charlene realized too late that her policy of APPEASEMENT might please Warren, but it would not cause him to treat her with more respect.
assent (uh-SENT). Agreement that an opinion, view, or proposal is correct; corroboration.
You forget, Mr. Jameson, that it is only with the ASSENT of the stockholders that the CEO can be ousted.
collusion (kuh-LOO-zhun). A conspiratorial or secret understanding or agreement entered into for an illicit or fraudulent end.
The leaders were arraigned on price COLLUSION in violation of antitrust laws.
conspiracy (kun-SPEER-uh-see). A treacherous plan involving two or more persons; an agreement among conspirators.
Your contention that Bill and Hillary Clinton were part of a CONSPIRACY to assassinate Vincent Foster amounts to what, in an earlier day, would have been called seditious libel, Mr. Oliver.
accede (ak-SEED). To give consent or approval.
The college president eventually ACCEDED to the demands of the student demonstrators.
acquiesce (ak-wee-ESS). To accept or consent silently without protest or enthusiasm.
When he saw the policeman approach with his gun drawn, the bandit ACQUIESCED to his arrest.
mollify (MOL-uh-fye). To soothe, soften in temper; pacify; appease.
The umpire’s attempts to MOLLIFY the two screaming managers with some risqué humor were to no avail.
pacify (PASS-uh-fye). To appease; bring to a state of peace or calm; tranquilize.
Her suggestion that she offer a written apology to the offended client seemed to PACIFY Mr. Peters.
placate (PLAY-kayt). To reduce the anger of; appease.
Although the company was unable to raise wages, it did make an effort to PLACATE the union by extending the afternoon coffee break.
dissension (dih-SEN-shun). Disagreement, especially among people in a group.
New rules favoring older members of the club caused great DISSENSION and a fracturing of long-standing alliances.
(uh-LOHN), adjective, adverb
Apart from anything and anyone else; separate; within nothing more; only; solitary.
monastic (muh-NAS-tik). Relating to the practice of withdrawing from society to live a quiet, contemplative life, often dedicated to religious faith.
Saint Pachomius founded the first organized Christian MONASTIC community.
monophobia (mon-uh-FOE-bee-uh). An abnormal dread of being alone.
Al’s MONOPHOBIA has gotten much worse since the death of his wife.
recluse (REK-loos). A person who lives apart from society, or in seclusion, often for religious contemplation.
When Jim reaches a certain age, his solitary lifestyle might brand him as a hermit, but for now he considers himself a RECLUSE.
disenfranchise (diss-en-FRAN-chyz). To deny someone a right or privilege; to make someone feel rejected and apart. Often specifically applied to voting rights.
“Some states specify felonies that condemn the citizen to DISENFRANCHISEMENT for life.” —Andrew Hacker, American political scientist
immure (ih-MYOOR). To confine, imprison, or enclose behind walls.
Whitney remained IMMURED in her room as she pondered the itinerary for her luxury vacation to Italy.
prescind (pree-SIND). To detach, separate, or isolate; to cut off, terminate.
Working on the latest project has made me want to PRESCIND my thoughts from all contact with the team.
sequester (see-KWESS-ter). To remove and isolate a portion from a larger whole.
“A great deal of genetic engineering must be done before we have carbon-eaters SEQUESTERING carbon in sufficient quantity to counteract the burning of fossil fuels.” —Freeman Dyson, English-born American physicist and mathematician
gregarious (grih-GAIR-ee-us). Very friendly, sociable, outgoing, or cordial; happy in the company of others.
GREGARIOUS individuals are often suspected of having hidden agendas when they are really just being friendly.
See also: Eliminate
(am-bih-GYOO-ih-tee), noun
Uncertainty; lack of clear definition.
amorphous (ah-MORE-fis). Without definite shape, substance, or form; lacking definition and boundaries.
“Of course the illusion of art is to make one believe that great literature is very close to life, but exactly the opposite is true. Life is AMORPHOUS, literature is formal.” —Françoise Sagan, French novelist and playwright
enigmatic (en-ig-MATT-ik). Mysterious, puzzling, and difficult to figure out.
“The interest in life does not lie in what people do, nor even in their relations to each other, but largely in the power to communicate with a third party, antagonistic, ENIGMATIC, yet perhaps persuadable, which one may call life in general.” —Virginia Woolf, British essayist and novelist
nebulous (NEB-yoo-luss). Vague and not well thought out; ill-defined; lacking concretes.
Jay’s plans for what he would do when he graduated college were NEBULOUS at best.
opaque (oh-PAYK). Impenetrable to light; hard to understand; obscure.
“The bottom of being is left logically OPAQUE to us, as something which we simply come upon and find, and about which (if we wish to act) we should pause and wonder as little as possible.” —William James, American psychologist and philosopher
zelig (ZEH-lig). A chameleonlike person who seems omnipresent.
The parvenus try so hard to be ZELIGS, blending in seamlessly at our functions, but we can always spot them for the intruders they are.
misconstrue (miss-kuhn-STROO). To misinterpret or to take in a wrong sense.
The disagreement over the price of the yacht was due merely to the fact that David MISCONSTRUED the terms of the offer.
vacillate (VASS-uh-layt). To swing back and forth between two points.
“But modern character is inconstant, divided, VACILLATING, lacking the stone-like certitude of archaic man. …” —Saul Bellow, American author
mot juste (MOW-zhoost). The perfect word or phrase to communicate precisely what you mean to say.
Years of elocution lessons have left Paulina capable of leavening every occasion with a suitable MOT JUSTE.
(AN-uh-muhls), noun
Any living organisms capable of locomotion but not of making their own food by photosynthesis; distinguished from plants; members of the kingdom Animalia.
anthropomorphic (an-thruh-puh-MOOR-fik). Attributing human characteristics to animals.
Children’s literature, and much adult fantasy, is filled with ANTHROPOMORPHIC animals.
aquiline (ACK-wuh-line). Resembling an eagle or curving like an eagle’s beak.
Neil wasn’t sure that it was a compliment when Julie described his features as AQUILINE.
bovine (BO-vine). Of or resembling a cow or ox; dull.
The hardest part of teaching high school for me has been getting used to the look of BOVINE submissiveness on most of my students’ faces.
leonine (LEE-uh-nine). Having characteristics of a lion.
Ben’s LEONINE mane of hair makes most of his girlfriends jealous.
lupine (LOO-pine). Like a wolf; savage and predatory.
Sid’s LUPINE behavior makes you feel like you should go home and take a shower after you’ve been around him for a little while.
ophidian (oh-FIDD-ee-un). Of snakes or snakelike; dishonest or mean-spirited.
The lawyer’s OPHIDIAN eyes made me second-guess myself with every question he asked.
ovine (OH-vine). Characteristic of sheep.
The earliest classes at school were marked by the OVINE migration of students to lecture halls.
oviparous (oh-VIP-er-uss). Producing eggs that mature and hatch after being deposited outside the body, as birds, most reptiles, and fishes.
Because they are unprotected much of the time, eggs of OVIPAROUS animals often have a tough and leathery shell.
ovoviviparous (oh-voh-vye-VIP-er-uss). Producing eggs that are hatched within the mother’s body so that the young are born alive, as certain reptiles and fishes.
It seems as if OVOVIVIPAROUS animals couldn’t decide whether to lay eggs or produce live young.
porcine (PORE-sine). Reminiscent of, resembling, or pertaining to a pig.
Mike’s constant description of his heavyset blind date as “my PORCINE companion” may have had something to do with her early departure from the party.
simian (SIM-ee-uhn). Characteristic of or pertaining to apes or monkeys.
Taking care of the children for the day was fun, even if their SIMIAN antics resulted in a lot of misunderstandings and tears.
ursine (UR-sine). Characteristic of bears.
Mr. Hess was so glad to see me that he ran across the hall and gave me a fierce (I might say URSINE!) embrace.
viviparous (vye-VIP-er-uss). Producing live young instead of eggs, as mammals and some reptiles and fishes.
The young of VIVIPAROUS animals require a long period of care before they can survive on their own.
vulpine (VUHL-pine). Like a fox; cunning or crafty.
My son’s VULPINE grin let me know he was up to something of which I would not approve.
zoomorphic (zoh-uh-MOOR-fik). Pertaining to a deity or other being conceived of in animal form or with animal features.
Some cultures worshipped ZOOMORPHIC beings that had special qualities.
fauna (FAW-nuh). The animal population of a particular region or time period.
According to this article, the FAUNA of Australia include more marsupials than are found on any other continent.
marsupial (mar-SOOP-ee-uhl). A mammal that carries its young in a pouch on the outside of her body, where the baby continues to develop.
The kangaroo is the best-known MARSUPIAL, but wombats also carry their babies in a pouch.
herbaceous (hur-BAY-shuss). Characteristic of an herb; plantlike.
Some wines can have an HERBACEOUS odor and a taste that is quite disagreeable.
(uh-NOY), verb
To irritate or bother, as by a repeated action; to make angry.
irascible (ih-RASS-uh-bull). Easily irritated or annoyed; prone to losing one’s temper; quick to anger.
“I have never known anyone worth a damn who wasn’t IRASCIBLE.” —Ezra Pound, American expatriate poet
niggling (NIG-ling). Petty; annoying.
I could usually deal with my roommate’s NIGGLING complaints about hairs in the sink and my forgetting to take out the trash, but I was in no mood for it today.
officious (oh-FISH-us). Asserting authority or power in an obnoxious, overbearing, or pompous manner.
Bill was an old-school manager who believed it was proper to be OFFICIOUS and condescending in the treatment of his employees.
gadfly (GAD-fly). A fly that bites livestock; also, a person who annoys, irritates, or provokes.
With his constant grumbling and irritating habits, Morton has turned into the GADFLY of our department.
vexation (vek-SAY-shun). Frustration, annoyance, or irritation resulting from some action, occurrence, or statement.
“There is not much less VEXATION in the government of a private family than in the managing of an entire state.” —Michel de Montaigne, Renaissance scholar
glower (GLOU-ur). To give a brooding, annoyed, or angry look.
Mark hoped GLOWERING at our mother would convey that he didn’t appreciate her telling his new girlfriend how difficult he had been to toilet train, but Mom didn’t seem to notice.
nettle (NET-uhl). To provoke, irritate, or annoy.
“The comic spirit is given to us in order that we may analyze, weigh, and clarify things in us which NETTLE us, or which we are outgrowing, or trying to reshape.” —Thornton Wilder, American playwright and novelist
affable (AFF-uh-bull). Pleasant and polite; agreeable; warm.
We believed that Grace had such an AFFABLE personality because she grew up with seven siblings.
complaisant (kuhm-PLAY-zuhnt). Agreeable and eager to please.
Eleanor is far too COMPLAISANT with common strangers.
(AN-ser), verb
To reply to a question, argument, letter, etc.; to respond in kind; to retaliate.
acknowledgment (ak-NOL-ij-muhnt). A recognition and expression of receipt.
June always sent a formal ACKNOWLEDGMENT in answer to any invitation.
rejoinder (rih-JOIN-der). A clever or witty reply to a question or comment.
Lydia’s often catty REJOINDERS quickly made her the bane of our group.
riposte (rih-POST). A quick, often witty or cutting, response to a comment or question.
Eileen was unable to offer one of her usual RIPOSTES when we decried her decision to eschew the season’s fashion.
rebut (ree-BUT). To provide a reply that opposes a position.
Bill never simply answered questions; he saw them as opportunities to REBUT other people’s opinions.
reciprocate (rih-SIP-ruh-kayt). To give or act in turn following the lead of another; to reply with a courtesy, gift, or example from another.
Mr. Powers has shown evidence that he wants to end the feud; the least you can do is RECIPROCATE.
refute (ree-FYOOT). To produce evidence or proof that an argument is incorrect; to deny the truth or accuracy of something.
My lawyer could REFUTE his own existence if necessary.
retort (rih-TORT). To reply in a sharp, retaliatory manner.
Carl had to bite back a sharp RETORT when Sallee criticized the couture gown his mother wore to the soiree.
inquisitorial (in-kwiz-ih-TOR-ee-uhl). Having the nature of an investigator; extremely curious; inquisitive.
As Nick was growing up, he would face an INQUISITORIAL confrontation with his mother every time he came home late.
(ang-ZY-uh-tee), noun
A state of unease, apprehension, or misgiving.
frenetic (fruh-NET-ik). Frantic and frenzied.
“I love my work with a FRENETIC and perverse love, as an ascetic loves the hair shirt which scratches his belly.” —Gustave Flaubert, French writer
angst (ANGKST). A feeling of anxiety, dread, or anguish.
Carolyn’s self-doubts caused her much ANGST prior to the meeting with her potential in-laws.
apprehension (ap-ruh-HEN-shun). Uneasiness about the future; suspicion of impending bad fortune.
A vague feeling of APPREHENSION came over Gordon as he stepped into the old house.
compunction (kuhm-PUNGK-shun). Anxiety caused by regret for doing harm to another.
Thomas never feels COMPUNCTION for the bruises he leaves on the lacrosse field.
inquietude (in-KWY-ih-tood). A state of disturbance; restlessness; uneasiness.
Amy’s INQUIETUDE at the prospect of going to school made her feel physically sick.
solicitude (suh-LIS-ih-tood). The state of being concerned and anxious.
The number of comments on the local blog indicated the town’s growing SOLICITUDE over a possible increase in property taxes.
trepidation (trep-ih-DAY-shun). A state of fear or agitation.
At first, I approached the task of writing this book with some TREPIDATION.
disquiet (diss-KWY-it). To make anxious, restless, or uneasy; disturb.
The absolute silence of the forest would DISQUIET anyone.
aplomb (uh-PLOM). Self-possession; assurance; poise.
Even under conditions that would make the most resolute among us anxious, Ralph’s APLOMB was intact.
certitude (SUR-ti-tood). Absence of doubt; assurance.
For the first time in his college career, Arthur had studied sufficiently for the exam and walked to class with a pleasant feeling of CERTITUDE.
(ah-PRO-pree-it), adjective
Fitting or suitable for a particular purpose; proper; especially compatible.
apposite (APP-uh-zit). Relevant, pertinent, or appropriate to a given situation.
Your objections are extremely APPOSITE, but I wish you would let me finish describing my plan before you shoot it full of holes!
apt (APT). Suitable for the purpose or occasion; fitting.
Roger could always be counted on to provide an APT comment, whatever the occasion.
condign (kon-DINE). Fitting, suitable; deserved: used especially in connection with punishment for wrongdoing.
Twenty years at hard labor was a perfectly CONDIGN punishment for Bill’s vicious crime.
de rigueur (duh-rih-GUR). Conforming to current standards of behavior, fashion, style, and etiquette.
A two-carat diamond engagement ring that cost a young man a year’s salary was DE RIGUEUR for proposing to a girl in the 1950s.
felicitous (fih-LISS-ih-tuss). Well suited for a particular occasion.
“O to be a dragon / a symbol of the power of Heaven—of silkworm / size or immense; at times invisible. FELICITOUS phenomenon!” —Marianne Moore, Modernist American poet and writer
germane (jer-MANE). Relevant, pertinent, and fitting.
“Quotes from Mao, Castro, and Che Guevara … are as GERMANE to our highly technological, computerized society as a stagecoach on a jet runway at Kennedy airport.” —Saul Alinksy, American activist
apropos (ap-rih-POE). Appropriate, or at an opportune time.
Charlie began screaming the words “Too late! Too late!” APROPOS of nothing.
decorum (dih-KOR-um). Social propriety; dignified conduct.
The teacher insisted that students observe strict DECORUM both in her class and outside of it.
aberrant (AB-uh-runt). Abandoning the correct, expected, or proper way of doing things; straying from the “right” or norm.
Alice’s decision to quit college and tour the country on a motorcycle seemed so ABERRANT to her parents that they asked her to get a psychiatric evaluation.
gratuitous (gruh-TOO-ih-tuss). Unnecessary; inappropriately excessive; uncalled for.
“Being accused of making money by selling sex in Hollywood, home of the casting couch and the GRATUITOUS nude scene, is so rich with irony that it’s a better subject for a comic novel than a column.” —Anna Quindlen, American author and opinion columnist
impropriety (im-pro-PRY-ih-tee). Something that has the quality of being improper.
Beverly’s minor IMPROPRIETY at the dinner table was overlooked; the conversation turned quickly to other topics.
incongruous (in-KONG-groo-us). Describes something that does not belong in its current place, setting, or role; out of place; not fitting in.
“The taste for quotations (and for the juxtaposition of INCONGRUOUS quotations) is a Surrealist taste.” —Susan Sontag, American literary theorist, philosopher, and political activist
solecism (SOLL-ih-siz-um). Something that deviates from the normal, accepted, or proper order; inconsistency.
She told her husband not to worry, that forgetting a host’s name was only a minor SOLECISM and certainly nothing to be concerned about.
unseemly (un-SEEM-ly). Inappropriate; unbecoming.
The family felt that Bill’s presence at the memorial service would have been UNSEEMLY, as he had been my sister-in-law’s bitterest business rival.
unsuitable (un-SOO-tuh-bull). Not suitable, inappropriate; unfitting.
“This mode of electioneering suited neither my taste nor my principles. I thought it equally UNSUITABLE to my personal character and to the station in which I am placed.” —John Quincy Adams, American president
(uh-PROOV-uhl), noun
The act of approving; a favorable attitude or opinion; consent; sanction.
approbation (ap-ruh-BAY-shun). Official approval or commendation.
“In a virtuous and free state, no rewards can be so pleasing to sensible minds, as those which include the APPROBATION of our fellow citizens. My great pain is, lest my poor endeavours should fall short of the kind expectations of my country.” —Thomas Jefferson
commendation (komm-uhn-DAY-shun). Something that commends; a recommendation; approval; praise.
For bravery beyond the call, Jones received an official COMMENDATION at the ceremony.
imprimatur (im-pruh-MAW-ter). Sanction; approval, usually by the Roman Catholic Church, to publish a book.
After directing several revisions of the controversial book’s text, the Church finally gave its IMPRIMATUR.
acclaim (uh-KLAYM). To greet with loud and boisterous approval; applaud.
Not content with applause and shouts of joy, the citizens would ACCLAIM the dictator by firing rifles into the air.
countenance (KOUN-tih-nence). To indicate approval, to sanction something.
I’m afraid I can’t COUNTENANCE your dangerous exploits, so please take me home.
askance (uh-SKANTS). With suspicion, mistrust, or disapproval; with an oblique look at an object, person, or situation.
I looked ASKANCE at Philip when he left the store without paying for his bubble gum.
stigmatize (STIG-muh-tyz). To mark or describe something in a way that shows disgrace or strong disapproval.
Many people with AIDS find that coping with the physical trauma of their disease is only part of their difficulty; another part is being STIGMATIZED by others as somehow deserving of punishment.
(AR-gyoo), verb
To present reasons for or against a proposal, proposition, etc.; to dispute or contend something with or against another person.
contentious (kuhn-TEN-shuss). Having the tendency to argue; quarrelsome; characterized by dispute or controversy.
I walked away when the discussion heated up and became too CONTENTIOUS.
dialectical (die-uh-LEK-tih-kul). Having to do with logical arguments.
Paul employed a DIALECTICAL thoroughness to destroy an opponent’s argument.
eristic (ur-ISS-tik). Characterized by argument or controversy with often subtle and superficial reasoning.
Henry tried to understand, but Martha’s ERISTIC explanation left him as clueless as he had been before she started speaking.
pugnacious (pug-NAY-shuss). Always wanting to argue and debate every last thing; quarrelsome.
Teenagers are PUGNACIOUS by nature: If I say “no,” he invariably asks “why?”
imbroglio (im-BRO-lee-oh). An involved and confusing or bitter disagreement, as between persons or nations.
Our inability to decide which New Year’s Eve party to attend created an IMBROGLIO that disrupted our social calendar for months.
logomachy (low-GOM-uh-kee). An argument or dispute distinguished by the incorrect or reckless use of words; meaningless battle of words.
One of the primary sources of entertainment during election season is the candidates’ LOGOMACHY.
polemic (puh-LEH-mik). An aggressive argument against or refutation of the opinions of another; a person who argues in opposition to another; controversialist.
“He had a strong will and a talent for POLEMIC.” —Saul Bellow, American author
sophistry (SOFF-iss-tree). A seemingly convincing argument that is logically flawed.
I believe this jury is too sophisticated to be taken in by the SOPHISTRIES the defense has offered.
controvert (KON-truh-vert). To oppose with logical reasoning; to dispute or contradict.
No matter how many attempts the defense makes to CONTROVERT the details of this sequence of events, the fact remains that the defendant was seen leaving the building immediately after the murder.
expostulate (ek-SPOSS-chuh-layt). To reason earnestly with a person in opposition to something he has done or intends to do.
I EXPOSTULATED with Nora about the mistake I believed she was about to make, but she was immutable.
oppugn (uh-PYOON). To reason against; oppose with argument; call in question.
Matt made a critical mistake when he OPPUGNED his rival’s credentials.
quibble (KWIB-ul). To argue over a minor matter; to voice a niggling objection.
If you are not 100 percent satisfied, your money will promptly be refunded without question or QUIBBLE.
remonstrate (rih-MON-strayt). To protest, object, or show disapproval.
When Carlotta REMONSTRATED our snubbing of Julia, we simply began to snub Carlotta as well.
incontestable (in-kuhn-TES-tuh-bull). Inarguable because unquestionable.
The fact that Lloyd thinks his talent for birdcalls will be found attractive by women is INCONTESTABLE proof that he will remain a lifelong bachelor.
indubitable (in-DOO-bih-tuh-bull). Absolutely unquestionable and completely beyond doubt.
Warren’s confidence in his judgment is INDUBITABLE, which is not to say that it is warranted.
unimpeachable (un-ihm-PEE-chuh-bull). Above reproach; impossible to discredit or slander.
Jason is not a great manager, but his technical credentials are UNIMPEACHABLE.
(ARHT), noun
The ability to make things; creativeness; the creative process applied to aesthetic principles; the objects subject to aesthetic standards; works of art including painting, sculpture, architecture, music, literature, drama, the dance, etc.
art nouveau (ART noo-VOH). A popular form of design that originated in the 1880s, characterized by wavy objects such as flower stems, flowing hair, flames, etc.
That museum’s collection of ART NOUVEAU jewelry is one of the town’s best-kept secrets.
auteur (oh-TUR). A filmmaker who establishes complete control and imposes his distinctive style on a film.
“Miles is so caught up with being an AUTEUR that he’s ruining the production!” Marla complained.
avant-garde (uh-vahnt GARD). Relating to the latest trends, especially in the world of art; of a new or experimental nature.
As a sculptor, Milton found keeping pace with AVANT-GARDE art both challenging and rewarding for his own work.
baroque (buh-ROKE). A style of art and architecture originating in Italy in the early seventeenth century and characterized by much ornamentation and curved lines.
Paula decided not to buy the house because she feared its BAROQUE decor would make it a difficult resell.
chiaroscuro (kee-are-uh-SKURE-oh). A pattern of light and dark (or light and shadow) in a painting or literary work.
The power of the painting comes from its CHIAROSCURO, which seems to indicate looming disaster.
expressionism (ex-PRESH-uh-niz-um). An art movement with roots in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in which external forms of reality are distorted as a means of communicating an interior vision of the artist.
For Edvard Munch, whose painting The Scream is perhaps the single most recognizable image of EXPRESSIONISM, the themes of isolation and anxiety were of paramount importance.
futurism (FYOO-chur-iz-um). An early twentieth-century arts movement stressing the dynamics and movements of the industrial age.
Jones was fascinated by early industrial art; last semester he took a course on FUTURISM.
genre (ZHAWN-ruh). A particular style that characterizes a type of music, art, literature, film, etc.
Though their GENRE doesn’t make for pleasant or easy reading, one has to admire muckrakers like Upton Sinclair, who aimed to bring about important social reforms with their novels.
impressionism (im-PRESH-uh-niz-um). An art movement of the late nineteenth century dedicated to reproducing the effect of light on objects, typically by means of short brush strokes.
The painter and sculptor Edgar Degas was one of the foremost practitioners of IMPRESSIONISM.
Labanotation (la-beh-no-TAY-shun). A nomenclature used to choreograph ballets, modern dance, and other performances so the dancers can follow the steps.
Even with the best-available LABANOTATION, Walker was unable to adequately perform a Viennese waltz at Natasha’s coming-out party.
leitmotif (LIGHT-moe-teef). A recurring theme in a musical or opera associated with a particular character, situation, setting, etc.; a dominant theme.
Ian’s LEITMOTIF is the smell of never-washed and often-worn clothing.
libretto (li-BRET-oh). The text of a musical work, such as a cantata or opera, often accompanied by a translation.
As she is fluent in Italian, Maria rarely needs to refer to the LIBRETTO when attending the opera.
mimesis (mi-MEE-sis). Imitation or representation, especially of human speech, behavior, etc.
The play’s MIMESIS made me temporarily forget I was watching actors.
minimalism (MIN-ih-mull-iz-um). A school of art in which “less is more”—clean and uncluttered paintings; sculpture with simple lines; fiction written in a lean and spare style; music with uncomplicated scores and minimal instruments.
John Cage’s MINIMALIST composition 4'33" consists of four and a half minutes of silence.
modernism (MOD-er-niz-um). Describes a modern avant-garde style of painting, sculpture, or architecture.
“Postmodernism is MODERNISM with the optimism taken out.” —Robert Hewison, British historian
montage (mon-TAHZH). A work of art made up of a variety of visuals—photographs, film clips, etc.—brought together to present an idea.
The documentary’s excellent use of MONTAGE really brought to life the triumphs and heartbreaks of World War II.
muse (MEWS). The source of one’s creative or artistic inspiration, named after the mythical Greek Muses said to be patrons of the fine arts.
“O for a MUSE of fire, that would ascend / The brightest heaven of invention.” —William Shakespeare
pastiche (pah-STEESH). A piece of music, writing, or art made up mostly of material taken from existing sources; a haphazard collection of items from various sources.
Ronald’s carefully crafted sculpture looked like a PASTICHE to our untrained eyes.
repertoire (REH-per-twahr). A library of works that a group knows and regularly performs.
The philharmonic’s REPERTOIRE includes most of the classical standards from Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, and Mozart.
rococo (ruh-KOH-koh). A style of architecture and design developed in France from the baroque and characterized by elaborate and profuse delicate ornamentation.
Henry enjoys the elaborate shell designs of ROCOCO art, although I consider it excessively ornate.
surrealism (suh-REE-uh-liz-um). A twentieth-century movement in art and literature that emphasized the subconscious or irrational nature of perceived forms through the illogical placing and presentation of subject matter.
Dali’s The Persistence of Memory, which features the now-famous melting watches, was immediately hailed as a masterpiece of SURREALISM.
thespian (THESS-pee-un). An actor; especially a person who performs onstage in a play.
Sir Laurence Olivier was rightly regarded as the most versatile THESPIAN of his era.
tragedian (truh-JEE-dee-un). An actor noted for performing tragic parts.
Richard Burbage was the premier TRAGEDIAN of the Elizabethan era.
triptych (TRIP-tik). A picture or carving on three panels, or a set of three associated paintings or other works of art.
Scott wanted to buy just the center painting, but the gallery owner refused to break up the TRIPTYCH.
trompe l’oeil (tromp LOY). An instance of visual trickery, as, for instance, an optical illusion giving the impression of three dimensions in a two-dimensional artistic medium.
The painter specialized in TROMPE L’OEIL murals that often fooled passersby into thinking they were walking toward a storefront.
verism (VAIR-iz-uhm). The theory that art and literature should closely represent reality, including the ugly and distasteful.
The artists from the VERISM school are usually responsible for the works that create the most public outrage.
virtu (ver-TOO). A knowledge of or appreciation for artistic objects or curios; the quality of being artistic, beautiful, rare, or otherwise of interest to collectors.
Uncle David was known for his VIRTU and his gifts were eagerly anticipated.
elemental (el-uh-MEN-tul). Primitive; starkly simple; basic.
It was clear even to the untrained eye how the artist’s work progressed from ELEMENTAL depictions to more sophisticated forms later in his career.
(ASK), verb
To seek the answer to a question; inquire of; request; solicit; beg.
precatory (PREK-uh-tor-ee). Expressing or characterized by an entreaty or wish.
The government ministers listened intently to the PRECATORY address and after thirty seconds of consideration, dismissed it as impractical.
suppliant (SUH-plee-unt). Characterized by humble imploring.
After he had an affair, Steve’s SUPPLIANT behavior toward his wife became almost nauseating to his friends.
invocation (in-vuh-KAY-shun). The process or act of invoking; a call to a higher power (usually God) for help.
The priest offered a special INVOCATION at the beginning of the service.
mendicant (MEN-dih-kunt). Beggar.
There, among the castoffs of society, the lepers, MENDICANTS, and prostitutes of the city, he decided to begin his ministry.
adjure (uh-JOOR). To command as if under oath; to solemnly entreat or request.
The witnesses were ADJURED to avoid any contact with the accused.
beseech (bih-SEECH). To beg, implore, or ask, with great politeness, fawning, or urgency.
We BESEECH you, Mr. Prime Minister: Think twice before committing the lives of so many of our countrymen to this cause.
canvass (KAN-vus). To solicit support, opinions, votes, subscriptions, etc.
Virgil and I spent all Sunday walking around the city CANVASSING for our candidate.
catechize (KAT-ih-kyz). To question fully or closely; to question with reference to someone’s beliefs.
The hiring manager CATECHIZED every applicant to weed out any with negative attitudes.
entreat (en-TREET). To ask earnestly for (something); appeal; supplicate.
Smitten by remorse, Ted ENTREATED Lorna to take him back once again.
exhort (ig-ZORT). To urge; to plead with, usually in an attempt to warn or advise.
“The function of the moralist is not to EXHORT men to be good but to elucidate what the good is.” —Walter Lippmann, American journalist
implore (im-PLORE). To beseech or beg for fervently; crave; to demand urgently.
She IMPLORED him to attend the party.
importune (im-poor-TOON). To bother with requests or demands; urge or demand persistently or repeatedly.
After months of IMPORTUNING his employer for a promotion that did not yet exist, Hank was asked to leave the company.
interpellate (in-tur-PELL-ayt). To formally ask about an official action or policy or personal conduct.
Protocol dictated that the ambassador INTERPELLATE through proper channels.
obtest (ob-TEST). To beg for; supplicate; beseech.
Higgins decided that he would wait as long as necessary in order to OBTEST the king for clemency.
supplicate (SUP-lih-kayt). To make a humble, sincere, and earnest request of someone.
The department heads decided their best bet was to assemble as a group in the president’s office and SUPPLICATE her to approve the budget increases.
affirm (uh-FURM). To state positively; declare; assert to be true.
“The more I read, the more I meditate; and the more I acquire, the more I am enabled to affirm that I know nothing” —Voltaire, French philosopher and writer
profess (pro-FESS). To make an open declaration of; affirm.
Marcia was quick to PROFESS her involvement in the scheme when asked.
(uh-TRAK-tihv), adjective
Pleasing in appearance or manner; alluring.
aesthetic (ess-THET-ik). Of or related to a sense of what is attractive or beautiful.
Covering your walls with pictures torn from the newspaper does not constitute a genuine AESTHETIC sense, Harold.
beguiling (bee-GY-ling). Charming; bewitching; enchanting.
The BEGUILING charm Monica learned at finishing school more than makes up for her vapid personality.
bucolic (byoo-KALL-ik). Expressive of rural serenity and charm.
We bought a weekend place in a BUCOLIC little village.
comely (KUM-lee). Pleasing or attractive.
Jane is COMELY, but her mother fears that the men she attracts will not make her happy.
idyllic (eye-DILL-ik). Pleasing; peaceful; ideal.
Our IDYLLIC honeymoon in the tropics was interrupted by a hurricane.
meretricious (mer-i-TRISH-us). Attracting attention in an unseemly or inappropriate fashion.
His favorite brand of beer used MERETRICIOUS ads—TV commercials showing scantily clad young women—to attract more attention.
pulchritudinous (pul-krih-TOOD-in-us). Having or characterized by physical beauty; comely.
Many in the crowd were not particularly interested in the football game itself, but attended the event to observe firsthand the PULCHRITUDINOUS cheerleaders.
statuesque (statch-oo-ESK). Having a tall and well-proportioned form; like or resembling a statue; graceful; shapely.
Although he had won many gold medals, news reporters only focused on the swimmer’s STATUESQUE physique.
winsome (WIN-suhm). Winning and engaging; charming.
Lydia looked quite WINSOME throughout her coming-out party.
siren (SY-ren). A destructive, but seductively beautiful, beguiling woman; or, anything considered dangerously seductive.
“It is natural to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes to that SIREN until she ‘allures’ us to our death.” —Gertrude Stein, American author
captivate (KAP-tih-vayt). To capture the affection or attention of, as by beauty; charm.
Of all the girls at the dance, only Betty could CAPTIVATE the boys without seeming to try.
enthrall (en-THRAWL). To charm or captivate; to put under strong influence; enchant.
Garbo’s performance was simply ENTHRALLING.
entice (en-TYSS). To tempt in a pleasing fashion; to attract or lure.
The delicious aroma emanating from the bakeshop often ENTICES me to stop in and pick up a doughnut or muffin on my way to work.
inveigle (in-VAY-gull). To convince or persuade someone through trickery, dishonesty, or flattery.
Craig INVEIGLED the dean to allow him to graduate even though he failed to meet the foreign-language requirement of the university.
repugnant (rih-PUG-nunt). Distasteful; objectionable.
“The very word ‘secrecy’ is REPUGNANT in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings.” —John F. Kennedy, American president
repulsive (rih-PUHL-siv). Causing strong dislike or aversion; offensive; disgusting.
Kathy was surprised by the new art exhibit; instead of beautiful, well-formed, and harmonious images, they were distinctly and utterly REPULSIVE.
(AW-ger), verb
To predict or foretell the future.
arcane (ar-KAYN). Strange and mysterious; understood by only a few.
Bill’s ARCANE knowledge of all Lexus models and their accessories is just a waste of gray matter.
auspicious (aw-SPISH-us). Promising; seemingly favorable or likely to be accompanied by good fortune; having encouraging signals or reasons for optimism at the beginning of an undertaking.
The blind date did not have an AUSPICIOUS start because Max kept calling his friend’s cousin “Mallory” instead of “Mary.”
inscrutable (in-SKROO-tuh-bull). Mysterious and not easy to understand.
The Mona Lisa’s INSCRUTABLE smile has inspired eclectic emotions and thoughts in those privileged to view the painting.
premonitory (preh-MAWN-ih-tor-ee). Strongly indicative of or intuiting that something is going to happen.
The Harrisons sold their stock in that company because they had a PREMONITORY vision that the company would soon go bankrupt.
bellwether (BELL-weh-thur). A leading indicator or important factor in determining a course of action or outcome.
The fact that Robert got thrown out of Groton and Exeter was a BELLWETHER for his lackadaisical years at Dartmouth.
harbinger (HAR-bin-jer). A forerunner or warning sign of a future event or trend.
The asteroid’s shadow blotted out the sun as it speeded on a collision course with Earth, a HARBINGER of impending doom.
portent (POR-tent). A sign that something is going to happen.
In Ray Bradbury’s novel Something Wicked This Way Comes, the carnival coming to town is a PORTENT of evil things to come.
betoken (bee-TOE-kin). To foreshadow; to indicate something is about to occur.
For Mary and Paul, the breakdown of their new Porsche while they were still two hours away from their summer home BETOKENED a disastrous vacation.
belie (bee-LYE). To contradict or misrepresent.
Luther’s mild-mannered, almost sickly appearance BELIED his physical conditioning and surprising strength.
misconstrue (miss-kuhn-STROO). To misinterpret or to take in a wrong sense.
The disagreement over the price of the yacht was due merely to the fact that David MISCONSTRUED the terms of the offer.
(uh-THAWR-ih-tee), noun
The power or right to give commands, enforce obedience, take action, or make final decisions; jurisdiction.
contumacious (kon-too-MAY-shuss). Obstinately resisting authority; disobedient; insubordinate.
The CONTUMACIOUS defendant eventually had to be gagged.
insubordinate (in-suh-BOR-dn-it). Failing to accept or obey proper authority.
Frank, not eager to be branded INSUBORDINATE, did his best to carry out the colonel’s strange orders.
magisterial (madj-ih-STEER-ee-uhl). Having the authority, weight, and gravity of someone considered a master of a particular art, task, ability, etc.
With MAGISTERIAL grace, the conductor lifted her baton.
martial (MAR-shull). Appropriate to wartime; pertaining to military control over a civilian population.
After capturing Richmond, the commander issued an order placing it under MARTIAL law.
officious (oh-FISH-us). Asserting authority or power in an obnoxious, overbearing, or pompous manner.
Bill was an old-school manager who believed it was proper to be OFFICIOUS and condescending in the treatment of his employees.
bureaucracy (byoo-RAWK-ruh-see). The concentration of power and authority in administrative bodies; an administrative body; a group of nonelective government officials.
The student government turned into an inefficient BUREAUCRACY, not a group representing the interests of its constituents.
fiat (FEE-aht). An authoritative decree or order.
Everyone interested in receiving a sizeable portion of his inheritance simply allows grandfather to rule the household by FIAT.
hegemony (hih-JEM-uh-nee). Domination of a region or the entire world by a single nation, or the authority of one individual over an entire group.
Alison should not achieve HEGEMONY over the rest of us merely because her list of social contacts is slightly longer than ours.
hierarchy (HIGH-uh-rahr-key). A pecking order or ranking according to status or level of authority.
In the HIERARCHY of the military, a medical doctor, who is assigned the rank of captain but is not a military man, automatically outranks a lieutenant, who may have years of battle experience.
judicature (JOO-dih-kuh-choor). The authority of jurisdiction of a court of law.
This case is in fact within my JUDICATURE, despite counsel’s arguments to the contrary.
purview (PURR-vyoo). A person’s range of authority and control.
Yes, Junior, I’m afraid that taking out the garbage does in fact fall into your PURVIEW.
recusancy (REK-yuh-zun-see). The refusal to recognize or obey established authority.
At one time, an individual’s religious RECUSANCY could result in punishment.
sedition (sih-DISH-uhn). An action that promotes discontent or rebellion against authority.
In an act of childish SEDITION, Alex quit the club after we refused to play a round of golf with him.
suzerainty (SOO-zer-en-tee). Paramount, unquestioned authority.
“The account executives are sufficiently mature to manage every phase of their accounts without challenging the ultimate SUZERAINTY of the copywriter.”—David Ogilvy, British advertising executive
arrogate (AIR-uh-gayt). To demand something for oneself or to take control without authority.
The way Nelson ARROGATES office meetings drives his coworkers crazy!
depose (dih-POZE). To oust or remove from office or a position of power and authority.
After the dictator was DEPOSED, the country set about healing the wounds of a long civil war.
usurp (yoo-SURP). To assume control forcibly and/or without right or authority; to take over.
The authority of Congress was indeed USURPED by Lincoln during the war, but legislators briskly reasserted themselves once the crisis was past.
derelict (dair-uh-LIKT). Willfully neglected; shirking responsibility; knowingly failing to perform one’s duty.
The sheriff was typically drunk, usually nasty, and always DERELICT in the performance of his duties.
lax (LAKS). Not strict, tight, or tense; not easily controlled; lacking attention to detail.
After the investigation it was concluded that Bob had been LAX when inspecting the bridge for structural faults.
(uh-VOID), verb
To keep away from; to prevent contact; to prevent from happening.
pariah (puh-RYE-uh). An outcast; one who is shunned, avoided, or despised.
After his firing, Milton had the nerve to show up unannounced at the company picnic, then seemed surprised when he was treated as a PARIAH.
abscond (ab-SKOND). To depart quickly and in secret, especially to avoid criminal charges.
The bank robbers immediately ABSCONDED with the money to Mexico.
circumvent (sir-kum-VENT). To avoid by means of artful contrivance; to maneuver around; bypass.
In CIRCUMVENTING the will of the board of directors, the CEO knew he was taking a risk.
eschew (ess-CHOO). To shun; to stay away from, especially as a result of moral or ethical concerns.
Chuck ESCHEWED his coworkers’ nights out on the town, knowing they almost always concluded with a visit to a strip club.
evade (ee-VADE). To sidestep or dodge; to flee from (a pursuer).
The fugitives EVADED the authorities for three months, but were finally apprehended near Scottsdale, Arizona.
malinger (muh-LING-gur). To avoid work by making up excuses.
“There will be no MALINGERING in this office,” the new supervisor said sternly.
preclude (pri-KLOOD). To hinder; prevent; make impossible, especially in advance.
“Don’t rule out working with your hands. It does not PRECLUDE using your head.” —Andy Rooney, American journalist and writer
shun (shun). To keep away from or avoid.
Wade’s parents thought he would be glad they had agreed to chaperone the school dance, and seemed surprised when he SHUNNED them for the entire evening.
accost (uh-KAWST). To approach and speak to; to confront.
As time went on, the old man became less and less stable and would ACCOST everyone he met on the street, asking questions no one could answer.
confront (kuhn-FRUHNT). To face; stand or meet face-to-face; to face in defiance; oppose.
“All of the great leaders have had one characteristic in common: It was the willingness to CONFRONT unequivocally the major anxiety of their people in their time.” —John Kenneth Galbraith, Canadian-American economist
(uh-WEAR), adjective
Having knowledge of something through alert observation or interpretation of what one sees, hears, or feels; conscious.
astute (uh-STUTE). Skilled; quick to learn or grasp; shrewd; sharp-witted.
Carl was an ASTUTE investor who knew when to follow the crowd and when to ignore it.
au courant (oh kuh-RONT). Up-to-date; current.
Mary Ann prided herself on her ability to stay AU COURANT with the latest trends in fashion.
cognizant (KOG-nih-zint). Aware of the realities of a situation; well informed.
The attorney angrily denied the charges that his client had been COGNIZANT of the scheme to defraud consumers.
discerning (dih-SURN-ing). Showing good insight, judgment, and understanding; discriminating.
“Children, who play life, DISCERN its true law and relations more clearly than men, who fail to live it worthily, but who think that they are wiser by experience, that is, by failure.” —Henry David Thoreau, American essayist, poet, and philosopher
percipient (pur-SIP-ee-int). Keenly or readily perceiving; discriminating.
Arthur was a PERCIPIENT gourmet, so we always let him choose the restaurant for a celebratory meal.
perspicacious (pur-spih-KAY-shuss). Characterized by acute mental perception and understanding.
Amanda’s PERSPICACIOUS powers of observation made her particularly effective as a psychologist.
pervious (PUR-vee-us). Open or accessible to reason, influence, or argument.
The new teacher was thrilled at the prospect of a classroom full of smiling faces and PERVIOUS minds.
sentient (SEN-tee-ent). Having or capable of perception or feeling; conscious.
“Many years ago, a particular creature was selected to develop into the dominant life form on this planet. It was given certain breaks and certain challenges, all of which, when utilized or overcome, marked it indelibly with particular traits as it moved along the road to a higher SENTIENCE.” —Roger Zelazny, American science fiction writer
subliminal (sub-LIM-inn-uhl). Operating below the threshold of consciousness, but still having an effect on the mind.
SUBLIMINAL advertising was a big fad in advertising in the 1970s.
trenchant (TREN-chunt). Keen; sharply perceptive; incisive; discerning.
Michael’s TRENCHANT commentary on American politics and society have made him a popular radio talk show host.
annunciate (uh-NUN-see-ayt). To proclaim or announce.
Jackie chose to ANNUNCIATE her engagement at her sister’s birthday party and turned the attention on herself.
apprise (uh-PRYZ). To notify; to cause to be aware of.
Have you been APPRISED of the most recent news from home?
disabuse (diss-uh-BYOOZ). To free oneself or someone else from an incorrect assumption or belief.
We had to DISABUSE Lorraine of her belief that her family connections would immediately make her a member of our group.
promulgate (PROM-ul-gayt). To put forward publicly; to announce in an official capacity.
The news of the British attack was PROMULGATED by town criers.
heedless (HEED-liss). Unmindful; careless; thoughtless.
Jack was HEEDLESS of the effects of his comments and, without meaning to, often hurt the feelings of his friends and family.
nescience (NESH-ehns). Ignorance; lack of knowledge.
The townspeople were not evil by nature, but from their NESCIENCE were afraid of and hostile to strangers.