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abolition democracy, 61–62, 69

Abu-Jamal, Mumia, xi, xiii, 285

biography of, 283

on criminal justice, 59–69

Addams, Jane, 89–93, 96

advertising, 189–90, 191

Affordable Care Act, 14, 159–60

Afghanistan, 244

African Americans, 8–9, 257

freedom struggle of, 209–17

criminal justice system and, 59, 62, 67, 217

slavery and, 61, 62–63, 69, 210–11, 251, 257

as voters, 116–17

agriculture, 135–45

community-supported, 140

food sovereignty and, 144–45

Green Revolution in, 144

AIDS, 108, 111

Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), 130–31

AIG, 13

alcohol, 105, 110–11

Allegretto, Sylvia, 12

Alperovitz, Gar, 35

Amazon, 237

American Civil Liberties Union, 91

American Enterprise Institute, 6

American Friends Service Committee Working Party, 60–61

American Revolution, 251

American Union Against Militarism, 91

Angotti, Tom:

biography of, 283–84

on housing, 147–53

anti-colonialism, 74

Apple, 7, 231–32, 236

Arab Spring, 213–14

art, 171–78

education and, 174, 176

functions of, 175

politics vs., 174–75

Assange, Julian, 206

attorney general, 205–8

automobile companies, 14, 235–36

Ford, 18, 234–36, 237

General Motors, 235, 236, 258

Awlaki, Anwar al-, 207

Ayers, William:

biography of, 284

on education, 161–70


Badu, Erykah, 213

bailouts, 13–14, 244

Balagun, Kazembe:

biography of, 284

on the black freedom struggle, 209–17

Baldwin, James, 64

Bambara, Toni Cade, 217

bank bailouts, 244

bank fraud, 207

Bank of North Dakota, 35–36

Baraka, Ajamu:

biography of, 284

on human rights, 71–75

Barnosky, Anthony, 20

Batkis, Grigorii, 95

Bear Stearns, 6

Benton Harbor, Mich., 9–10

Berry, Mary Frances, 63

Bessons-Hendrix, Nellie, 257–58

Beyond Capitalism (Alperovitz), 35

Big Oil, 183

Big Pharma, 181, 186, 187

Big Science, 181–82

billionaires, 11

Bing, Dave, 244–45

bioscience, 185–86

Bisson, Terry:

biography of, 285

“Thanksgiving 2077: A Short Story,” 267–75

Black Codes, 62

Black Food Sovereignty Network, 216

Black Reconstruction in America (Du Bois), 211

blacks, 8–9, 257

freedom struggle of, 209–17

criminal justice system and, 59, 62, 67, 217

slavery and, 61, 62–63, 69, 210–11, 251, 257

as voters, 116–17

Blackstreet Capital, 4, 5

Blassingame, John W., 63

Bloomberg, Michael, 163, 219

Bloomberg Businessweek, 7

Bolivia, 207

booboisie, 223–24, 227, 229

Borosky, Mike, 3–4, 5, 8

Bove, Jose, 145

Brass Check, The (Sinclair), 191

Brecht Forum, 215, 284

Bridenthal, Renate:

biography of, 285

on a woman’s workday in a socialist USA, 85–87

Broad, Eli, 163

Brown, Barrett, 206

Brown, John, 210–11

Buffett, Warren, 11

Bush, George W., 13, 116, 207

tax cuts of, 14, 200, 244

Businessweek, 7


Cagan, Leslie:

biography of, 285

on queer life, 99–104

Callahan, Mat:

biography of, 285–86

on art, 171–78

Câmara, Hélder, 93

Canada, 156, 157


accumulation of, and ecological crisis, 26–28

globalization of, 118

Capital (Marx), 27, 56

capitalism, 3–21

definition of, 16–17

democracy vs., 16–69

power and weakness of, 253–55

survival vs., 19–20

carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, 14, 26, 31, 32, 183, 201

CBS, 189

central planning, 37–38, 39, 46, 186

Chavez, Cesar, 114, 116

Cheney, Dick, 207, 219–20

Chicago Tribune, 19

China, xiv, 43, 47, 48, 141, 230

Apple and, 7, 231

Foxconn and, 6–7

Great Wall of, 117

poor relief in, 127

science and technology in, 183–86

Chomsky, Noam, 16, 20

Chrysler, 235, 236

civil rights movement, 113, 214, 257

Civil War, 62, 210, 211, 212, 251

Clark, Ramsey, xiii–xiv

climate change, 19–20, 26, 29, 31, 135, 183

ecosocialism and, 31–32

Clinton, Bill, 130

Cloward, Richard, 126

cocaine, 107, 109, 110

Cold War, 182

Cole, Jack, 107

Coleman Company, 4

colonialism, 72, 74

Combahee River Collective, 212–13

Comcast, 189

commoning, 29–31

commons, 30

Communist Manifesto, The (Marx and Engels), 25, 57

community, 80–81

community-owned enterprises, 34–37

Conner, Clifford D.:

on achieving economic democracy in the United States, 223–30

biography of, 286

on science and technology, 179–87

Cook, Blanche Wiesen:

biography of, 286

on women, 89–97

cooperatives, 35, 57, 151

Mondragon, 78–79


industrial uses for, 138

tortillas, 137, 138

corporations, 44–45, 201–1, 232, 246

boards of, 44, 46, 47, 201

earnings of, 5–6

internal structure of, 44

workers and, 44–45, 201

crime, definition of, 60–61

criminal justice, 59–69

blacks and, 59, 62, 67, 217

community courts and, 66–67

Native American system of, 64–66

prisons and, 59–64, 67–69, 206, 217

Criminal Justice Policy Foundation, 109

Cuba, xiv–xv

health care in, 80, 185–86, 187

housing in, 150

science and technology in, 183, 185–87

sugar in, 138

cultural life, 50–51

Davis, Angela, 212

biography of, 286–87

on criminal justice, 59–69

Davis, Troy, 215

dead prez, 213

debt-ceiling crisis, 14

Declaration of Independence, 251, 255

democracy, 17, 18–19, 73, 250

abolition, 61–62, 69

capitalism vs., 16–19

Democratic Party, 130, 228

Department of Justice, 205

Depression, Great, 9, 41, 120, 223

Detroit, Mich., 216, 239–43, 244–45, 247

Detroit Insitute of Arts (DIA), 241

Dewey, John, 16, 21

Diderot, Denis, 55

Digable Planets, 213

Dimon, Jamie, 10–11

Disney, 189

divorce, 81, 82

Douglass, Frederick, 69, 256

Drug Enforcement Administration, 205

drugs, 105–11, 206

alcohol, 105, 110–11

cocaine, 107, 109, 110

education about, 109–10

harm reduction and, 107–8

heroin, 107, 108–9

marijuana, 105–7, 109, 110

Du Bois, W. E. B., 211, 212

Dunne, V. R., 258


Earned Income Tax Credit, 130

Eastman, Crystal, 89–93

ecological crisis:

capital accumulation and, 26–28

climate change, 19–20, 26, 29, 31, 183

ecosocialism, 25–32

climate change and, 31–32

two aspects of, 30

ecosystems, 19–20, 207

Education Achievement Authority (EAA), 243

education and schools, 50–51, 73, 84, 217

art and, 174, 176

Ayers on, 161–70

conformity and, 162, 164

crime and, 60

curriculum for, 167

in Detroit, 243

about food and nutrition, 140–41

right to, 73

school reform, 163–64

about sex, 83, 84

“zero-tolerance” policies and, 163, 165

Egypt, 143

Ehrenburg, Ilya, 94

Ellison, Lawrence, 11

employee stock-ownership plans (ESOPs), 34–35, 57

Engels, Friedrich, 55

Communist Manifesto, 25, 57

entrepreneurs, 38

environmentalism, 26–27

environmental problems, 14, 19–20, 26

capital accumulation and, 26–28

climate change, 19–20, 26, 29, 31, 183

technology and, 182–83

Envisioning Real Utopias (Wright), 36

Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), 93

Espada, Martín:

biography of, 287

“Imagine the Angels of Bread,” 263–65


fairness, 77

Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, 191

Faulkner, Daniel, 283

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 206, 213, 205

Feeley, Dianne:

biography of, 287

on capitalism, from Chinese sweatshops to Detroit’s decay, 231–48

feminism, 92–93, 104, 213

feudalism, 54–55, 126, 165–66

Fiasco, Lupe, 213

financial crash of 2008, 6, 8, 13, 120, 129, 147, 201

financial institutional fraud, 207

Finland and Socialism (Kollontai), 94

food, 79, 135–45

communal gardens and kitchens and, 139–40, 141

industrial products and, 138

victory gardens and, 139

food corporations, 136

food security, 144–45

food sovereignty, 144–45

food stamps, 9, 130

Forbes, 7, 11

Ford Motor Company, 18, 234–36, 237

Four Lights, 91

Foxconn, 6–7

Fraad, Harriet:

biography of, 287

on relationships, 77–84

Fraad-Wolff, Tess:

biography of, 288

on relationships, 77–84

fracking, 32, 183

France, 118–19, 141

France, Anatole, 57

Fraser, Douglas, 12, 239

Freedmen’s Bureau, 62–63

freedom, 17, 250

FTCA Inc., 4


Galileo, 179–80

Gates, Bill, 11, 163

gay and lesbian rights, 95, 99–104, 257

General Motors, 235, 236, 258

Georgia Baptist Convention, 63

Germany, 119, 162, 202

Glass-Steagall Act, 201

globalization, 5, 6, 8, 118

global warming, 19–20, 26, 29, 31, 135, 183

ecosocialism and, 31–32

Golden Rule, 255

Goldin, Frances, xi–xii, xiii

biography of, 288

Goldin, Morris, 288

Goldman Sachs, 6

Gonzalez, Alberto, 207

Gonzalez, Juan:

biography of, 288

on immigration, 113–23

Gore-Tex, 35

Gou, Terry, 7

Graham, Ramarley, 213

Great Britain, 108, 118

health care in, 156, 157

Great Depression, 9, 41, 120, 223

Greenberg, David F., 60

Green Revolution, 144

Greider, William, 13–14

Guevara, Che, xiv, 71, 75

Gupta, Arun:

biography of, 288–89

on the food system, 135–45


Hammond, Jeremy, 206

Hampton, Fred, 213

Harlem Renaissance, 211

Harvard Business Review, 7

Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review, 67

Hayes, Alfred, 209

health care, 4, 36, 73, 79–80, 84, 155–60, 201

Big Pharma and, 181, 186, 187

in Cuba, 80, 185–86, 187

emergency rooms and, 159

Medicaid, 130

Medicare, 16, 156, 157, 160, 227

medications and, 80

in Switzerland, 160

health insurance, 8, 155–56, 157–60, 187

Affordable Care Act and, 14, 159–60

Borosky’s experience and, 3–4, 5, 8

co-pay in, 157

in Switzerland, 156–57

Healy, Dorothy, 96–97

hemp, 106–7

Henry Street Settlement House, 90

Herman, Edward S., 14

heroin, 107, 108–9

Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b), 186

Hill, Joe, 209

Hispanics, 9, 113, 114–16, 119, 121–23

criminal justice system and, 59, 67

Obama and, 116

HIV, 108, 111

Ho Chi Minh, 206

homeland security, 244

housing, 13, 147–53

“affordable,” 151

building, 151, 152

in Cuba, 150

foreclosures and evictions and, 9, 147, 148, 152, 247

operating and maintaining, 151, 152

racism and, 149

real estate industry and, 149

right to, 148

Hughes, Langston, 211

Hull House, 89–90

human rights, 71–75

Hutchinson, Kay Bailey, 10

Huxley, Miles, 216

hydraulic fracturing (fracking), 32, 183


“Imagine the Angels of Bread” (Espada), 263–65

immigration, 113–23, 206

income protections and, 132

Latinos and, 113, 114–16, 119, 121–23

Sensenbrenner bill and, 113–14, 116

income guarantee, 132–33

India, 143

Industrial Revolution, 180, 253

innovation, 38–39, 179–80, 187

International Institute for Restorative Practices, 65

International Monetary Fund, 143

Internet, 190

Internet activists, 206

Iraq Veterans Against the War “Winter Soldier” Hearings, 3

Iraq War, 244

Iroquois Confederacy, 64


Jackson, Jesse, 10

Jackson Plan, 216–17

James, C. L. R., 214

Jerome, Fred:

biography of, 289

on the media, 189–96

Jobs, Steve, 231, 232

Jones, Owen, 260–61

journalism, 189–96

JPMorgan Chase, 6

Justice for Janitors, 120


Kaye/Kantrowitz, Melanie:

biography of, 289–90

on queer life, 99–104

kindness, 77

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 21, 211–12, 222

Kollontai, Alexandra, 93–96

Kollontai, Vladimir, 94

Kovel, Joel:

biography of, 290

on ecosocialism, 25–32

Occupy Wall Street speech of, 277–81

Ku Klux Klan, 213

Kweli, Talib, 213

Kwong, Peter, 127


labor movement, 113, 120, 257

Lachman, Desmond, 6

Lanni, Adriaan, 67

Latinos, 9, 113, 114–16, 119, 121–23

criminal justice system and, 59, 67

Obama and, 116

law, 53–57

commodity theory of, 55–56

see also criminal justice

Law and the Rise of Capitalism (Tigar and Levy), 54

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, 107

Lead Belly, 53

leadership, 226

Le Blanc, Paul:

biography of, 290

on how socialism can come to the United States, 249–61

Lehman Brothers, 6

Lennon, John, v

Levy, Madeleine R., 54

LGBTQ rights, 95, 99–104, 257

liberalism, 259

Lincoln, Abraham, 210, 212, 255

Lindorff, Dave:

biography of, 290–91

on health care, 155–60

Long Memory (Berry and Blassingame), 63

Longworth, R. C., 19

Lorde, Audre, 71, 212

Lumumba, Chokwe, 217

Luxemburg, Rosa, xiii, 94, 258

luxury goods, 15


Malcolm X, 53, 211

Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, 216

Manhattan Project, 181–82

Manning, Bradley, 206

marijuana, 105–7, 109, 110

markets, 38, 40–41, 45–46

marriage, 81, 82, 102

Martin, Trayvon, 216

Marx, Karl, xiii, 27, 55–56, 210, 212, 233–34, 250

Capital, 27, 56

Communist Manifesto, 25, 57

Wage-Labor and Capital, 237

May Day, 120

McCain, John, 116

McKay, Claude, 211

McMichael, Philip, 142

media, 189–96

advertising and, 189–90, 191

Medicaid, 130

Medical Committee for Human Rights, 214

medical science, 185–87

Medicare, 16, 156, 157, 160, 227

medieval Europe, 54–55

Mencken, H. L., 223

mental health, 80–81

Merrill Lynch, 6

Mexico, 5, 7, 117, 119

common lands in, 138

tortillas in, 137, 138

middle class, 221, 252

military-industrial complex, 182

millionaires, 10–11

Mondragon, 78–79

Mooers, Arne, 20

Moore, Michael:

biography of, 291

on Occupy Wall Street, 199–203

Mueller, John, 244

Murdoch, Rupert, 189



Nash, Gary, 64–65

National Health Service, 156

National Labor Relations Board, 130

Native Americans, 210

criminal justice among, 64–66

Nature, 19–20

Navajo Nation Supreme Court, 65

Neifield, Marsha, 67

neoliberalism, 125

Netherlands, 106

News Corporation, 189

news media, 189–96

advertising and, 189–90, 191

New York City, 129, 131, 151, 214, 219

New York Marxist School, 215

New York Times, 5, 8, 14–15, 189

Nigeria, 141–42

Nike, 236

9/11 attacks, 244

99 percent, 54, 152, 200, 214, 220, 252

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 137

nuclear power, 183

nuclear weapons, 182, 184


Obama, Barack, 116–17, 207, 210

Obama administration, 13, 14, 16, 236

Affordable Care Act and, 159–60

Occupy Boston, 20

Occupy movement, xii, 30, 54, 203, 213–16, 220, 247, 252

Occupy Wall Street, 20–21, 30, 80, 121–22, 147, 214, 215, 232

goals and demands of, 200–202

Kovel’s speech at, 277–81

Moore on, 199–203

vision statement for, 199–200

Zweig’s speech at, 219–22

oligarchy, 33–42

1 percent, 11–13, 21, 54, 152, 219–20, 252

Orr, Kevyn, 240–42

ownership, 45

public, 35–36, 57


Pakistan, 244

Parks, Rosa, 214

Park Slope Food Coop, 140

Parrott, James, 129

Paul, Alice, 91, 93

Peltier, Leonard, 206

Peterson, David, 14

Pew Research, 213

Philadelphia Weekly, 67

Physicians for a National Health Program, 160

Piven, Frances Fox:

biography of, 291

on poverty and welfare, 125–33

planning, 46

central, 37–38, 39, 46, 186

population problem, 29

pornography, 83

poverty, 8, 9, 126–30

measuring, 128–29

rates of, 129

welfare and, 127, 130–33

Powell, Michael, 5–6

prisons, 59–64, 67–69, 206, 217

profit motive, 38, 40

science and technology and, 183–87

“Profits Are Booming, Why Not Jobs?” (Powell), 5

Prohibition, 110

Prometheus, 179, 180, 181, 187

Prysner, Mike, 3, 19

publicly owned enterprises, 35–36, 57

public-works programs, 14


queer life, 99–104


racism, 100

housing and, 149

Ratner, Michael, 292

on being attorney general, 205–8

biography of, 291

Reagan, Ronald, 130, 254–55

Reagan administration, 143, 182, 235

real estate industry, 149

Reconstruction, 62, 211, 251

Red, White, and Black: The Peoples of Early America (Nash), 64–65

Regulating the Poor (Piven and Cloward), 126

relationships, 77–84, 95

sexual, 83, 95

Reosti, Ron:

biography of, 291–92

on the replacement of the oligarchy by a democratically run economy, 33–42

Republican Party, 130, 228

Richards, Keith, 108

Riley, Boots, 213

Rivera, Joyce, 109

Roberts, Roy, 243

Robeson, Paul, 209

Robinson, Earl, 209

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 96

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 96, 202

Roy, Arundhati, 190

Rubenstein, Annette, 97

Rush, Dan, 107

Russell, Bertrand, 94

Russell, Dora, 94

Russian Revolution, xiv, 91, 94, 152


St. Ann’s Harm Reduction Corner, 109

Sanbonmatsu, John, 20

schools and education, 50–51, 73, 84, 217

art and, 174, 176

Ayers on, 161–70

conformity and, 162, 164

crime and, 60

curriculum for, 167

in Detroit, 243

about food and nutrition, 140–41

right to, 73

school reform, 163–64

about sex, 83, 84

“zero-tolerance” policies and, 163, 165

science and technology, 179–87

Big Pharma and, 181, 186, 187

bioscience, 185–86

in China, 183–86

in Cuba, 183, 185–87

environmental damage and, 182–83

Industrial Revolution, 180, 253

innovations in, 38–39, 179–80, 187

medical, 185–87

profit motive and, 183–87

in Soviet Union, 183–86

war and, 181–82

Schwendinger, Herman, 60

Schwendinger, Julia, 60

Sclar, Elliott, 35

Sensenbrenner, James, 114

Sensenbrenner bill, 113–14, 116

Service Employees International Union, 120

sexuality, 83, 84, 95, 102–3

age of consent and, 102

freedom of, 92–93

LGBTQ, 95, 99–104, 257

pornography and, 83

sex workers, 103–4

Sherman, William Tecumseh, 211

Sinclair, Upton, 191

Six Nations Confederacy, 64

slavery, 61, 62–63, 69, 210–11, 251, 257

Smith, Adam, 40

Smith, Barbara, 212

Smith, Debby, xiii–xv

biography of, 292

Smith, Michael Steven, xiii–xv

biography of, 292

on law, 53–57

Smith, Sandi, 213

Snowden, Edward, 206

Snyder, Rick, 10, 240, 243

socialism, misconceptions about, xi–xii, 249–50

social media, 196

Social Security, 16, 201, 227

social security, right to, 73–74

South Africa, 162

Soviet Union, xiv, 43, 46–47, 48, 111, 117, 138, 152, 230

Russian Revolution, xiv, 91, 94, 152

science and technology in, 183–86

Stalin, Joseph, 95–96

Sterling, Eric, 109

Stewart, Lynne, v, 206

Stewart, Mark, 244

Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars), 182

Street, Paul Louis:

biography of, 292–93

on capitalism, 3–21

Survey of Consumer Finances, 12

Swartz, Aaron, 206


drug addicts in, 108

health care and insurance in, 156–57, 160


Taft-Hartley Act, 238

taxes, 5–6, 15, 201, 206–7

Bush tax cuts, 14, 200, 244

technology, see science and technology

Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), 131

Tenet, George, 207

Terror, Security and Money: Balancing the Risks, Benefits and Costs of Homeland Security (Mueller and Stewart), 244

“Testament of Hope, A” (King), 21

“Thanksgiving 2077: A Short Story” (Bisson), 267–75

Thurow, Lester, 18–19

Tigar, Michael, 54

Time Warner, 189

tortillas, 137, 138

Toyota, 236

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, 90

Trotsky, Leon, 258

truth-tellers, 206

Turner, Nat, 285

two-party system, 228


unemployment, 5, 9, 81, 129, 130

unions, 121, 122, 129–30, 238

newspapers of, 192–93

United Auto Workers, 235, 258

United Farm Workers, 116

United Federation of Teachers (UFT), 220

United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW), 107

United Kingdom, 108, 118

health care in, 156, 157

United Nations, 96

United Steelworkers, 4


vaccines, 185, 186

Via Campesina, 144

Viacom, 189

Vietnam, xiv

Vietnam War, xiv, 113, 257

Visiting Home Nurse Service, 90


Wacquant, Loic, 63

Wage-Labor and Capital (Marx), 237

wages, 14, 82–83, 127, 128, 130, 132

minimum, 238

Wald, Lillian D., 89–92, 96

Wall Street, 194, 200, 210

Wall Street Journal, 11, 189, 241

Walmart, 12, 137, 189, 236, 237

Walton, James “Bud,” 12

Walton, Sam, 12, 163

Walton family, 12

wars, 201

in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, 244

science and, 181–82

Washington Post, 13

weapons, 182

welfare, 127, 130–33

Whirlpool Corporation, 4–5, 9–10

Whitman, Walt, 253

Wisconsin State Life Insurance Fund, 36

Wishnia, Steven:

biography of, 293

on drugs, 105–11

W. L. Gore, 35

Wolff, Richard D.:

biography of, 293–94

on the shape of a post-capitalist future, 43–51

Woman’s Peace Party, 91

women, 89–97, 257

feminism and, 92–93, 104, 213

workday of, 85–87

Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), 91

work, 5–6, 48–49, 81–84, 104, 127–28

insecurity in, 127–28, 129, 132

minimum wage for, 238

outsourcing of, 6–7, 82–83, 118, 201

paid parental leave from, 82

right to, 73

security in, 78–79

split workweeks, 48–49

time off from, 78, 82, 83

unemployment, 5, 9, 81, 129, 130

wages for, 14, 82–83, 127, 128, 130, 132, 238

woman’s workday in a socialist USA, 85–87

worker-owned and -controlled businesses, 34–37, 39, 78–79

workers, corporations and, 44–45

working class, 220, 221, 252–53, 255, 257

World Trade Organization, 143

World War II, 40, 96, 223

Wright, Erik Olin, 36


Yazzie, Robert, 65

Yoo, John, 207


Zetkin, Clara, 94

Zeus, 179

Zweig, Michael:

biography of, 294

Occupy Wall Street speech of, 219–22