The intricate patterns in vintage crochet doilies and lace make beautiful marks when used for printing. Search for lovely doilies and lace at thrift and antique stores. In this exercise we explore making screen tools using embroidery hoops.
vintage doilies, lace and trim
embroidery hoops
Unscrew the outer embroidery hoop to loosen. Cut two pieces of cheesecloth about 2 to 3 inches (5 to 8cm) wider than the outside of the center hoop. Layer the cheesecloth, overlapping some sections. Make sure it extends over the edges of the hoop.
Cut lengths of vintage trim and lace larger than the width of the embroidery hoop. Lay them over the top.
Place the outer hoop back over the top of the cheesecloth and lace; screw to tighten the hoop. Pull the edges of the cloth and fibers from the back to stretch the fabric tight.
Here are a few examples of vintage doilies and lace sandwiched into embroidery hoops. Perfect for making prints over a variety of substrates!