Painted Collage Pauge Silkscreens

Collage Pauge is not only a medium for gluing items to a canvas, it can also be used as a mask or resist. Here we mix it with watercolor and paint it directly on a piece of silk to create a silkscreen.

Creative Toolbox

embroidery hoop

silk fabric, nylon or a thin, sheer fabric like cheesecloth

Collage Pauge glossy

small round and flat paintbrushes

watercolor paint

plastic container

STEP 1: Cut and Secure Silk

Cut a square of silk material about 2 inches (5cm) larger than the embroidery hoop. Place it in the frame and tighten the top screw. Pull the excess material around the edges to tighten it in the hoop and the fabric 1 inch (25mm) from the edge so there is enough hanging out to pull tight, if needed.

STEP 2: Paint Screen

Mix Collage Pauge glossy with a drop of high concentrated watercolor paint. This is done to help you see the brushstrokes you paint when it dries. Begin to paint a pattern with a round paintbrush. Start at one end, then work your way around to the other side of the silk.

STEP 3: Add Doodles and Let Dry

Continue to fill up the silkscreens with more designs, painting on the dyed Collage Pauge with a flat brush. Finish painting on Collage Pauge until you are satisfied with the design. Set aside to let dry.