Doodled Collage Pauge Silkscreens

You can also doodle with Collage Pauge using a bottle with a fine tip applicator or by drizzling it directly from the bottle for a more freeform pattern. Experiment with these exercises on creating your very own DIY screens for printing.

Creative Toolbox

embroidery hoop

silk fabric, nylon or a thin, sheer fabric like cheesecloth

Collage Pauge glossy

bottle with a fine tip applicator

STEP 1: Set Up Silkscreens

Place a piece of silk into an embroidery hoop (see facing page for technique). Pour Collage Pauge glossy into a bottle with a fine applicator tip. Place a piece of colored construction paper underneath to help you see the design better. Place the tip of the applicator bottle onto the surface of the silkscreen and begin to squeeze the bottle to draw with the Collage Pauge on one side of the embroidery hoop.

STEP 2: Draw Freely

Continue to draw doodles on the silk. Make sure to keep the tip touching the surface and squeeze the bottle lightly as you move it around. Keeping the tip to the surface will help to create even lines and prevent big globs of medium on the screen.

STEP 3: Complete the Doodles

Fill in the rest of the screen, working across the silk and being careful not to touch the previous marks. Once the entire screen is filled with the design, set it aside to dry.