Molding Paste Plates With Found Objects

Molding paste is a versatile acrylic medium which can be inscribed, carved or used to embed items to create textured collagraph printing plates. It’s flexible when it dries so it creates an interesting surface when used with heavy interfacing or Lutradur fabric. In this exercise, create a textured plate by drawings and pressing objects into the paste.

Creative Toolbox

washers, stamps, plastic forks, paper clips, cookie cutters, letter stencils and more

Lutradur fabric

deli paper

molding paste

trowel palette knife

STEP 1: Texture Tools

Collect items from your toolbox, hardware store, kitchen and office to use to press textures into the molding paste.

STEP 2: Spread Medium

Cover your surface with a piece of deli paper. With a long trowel knife, take a scoop of molding paste out of the jar and spread it evenly using the bottom of the palette knife to move it across the entire piece of fabric in an even layer.

STEP 3: Create Texture

While molding paste is wet, press a piece of plastic needlepoint canvas into the surface to create a square pattern in different areas of the molding paste. Use a plastic lid cover to create circular shapes in various areas.

STEP 4: Scrape Designs

Drag a fork through the molding paste to draw more designs and create texture.

STEP 5: Continue Pressing Shapes

To create more circular shapes, press metal washers into wet molding paste, then lift them off to reveal shapes. Stamp a cookie cutter onto the surface of the molding paste. Allow the plate to dry completely.