This decal was made using fiber paste and dimensional paint, a variation of the technique on page 47. In this exercise mix paints and fiber paste to create a leaf decal. The decals can be used as dimensional collage elements or to create textures in your mixed-media paintings.
gallon-size plastic freezer bag
fiber paste
fluid acrylic paint
towel palette knife
small flat paintbrush
dimensional paints
Place a dollop of fiber paste onto a freezer bag and add a few drops of fluid acrylics. Mix with a palette knife and apply the mixture onto the bag in a leaf shape. Use the edge of a palette knife to draw designs into the fiber paste.
Use a brush to even out the surface of the fiber paste mixture. Creating an even layer will help it not fall apart when removing it from the plastic. Set aside to dry.
Add detailed lines to outline the leaf shape with dimensional paint or puffy paint. Once it dries completely, peel it off carefully. Use the dried leaf decal as a collage element in one of your mixed-media paintings.
I painted this piece for a special event. It’s a section of a gown I designed with hand-dyed fabric, free-motion stitched painted fabric and embellished with dimensional paint decals.