Hot Glue Stencil Prints

For an organic-looking print, use some of your hot glue stencils as a mask and mark-making tool.

Creative Toolbox

11" × 14" (28cm × 36cm) sheet of Plexiglas

soft rubber brayer

OPEN acrylic paint

hot glue stencils

construction paper, drawing paper and binder paper

spray bottle of water

STEP 1: Place Stencils

Roll out two colors of acrylic paint on Plexiglas plate using a soft rubber brayer. Place various hot glue stencils over the wet paint.

STEP 2: Resist Print

Place a piece of construction paper over the top of the stencils and press the back of the paper. Since the hot glue stencils are thicker, make sure to rub firmly around the edge of the stencil to pick up as much paint as possible. Pull back paper to check how the print transferred.

STEP 3: Print Stencil

Pull stencils off of the Plexiglas plate and place them on the print. Roll over the top with a soft rubber brayer to transfer the image.

STEP 4: Print Flowers

Continue to take all stencils off the plate and clean them by printing on the page. Repeat step 3 and print the stencils multiple times.

STEP 5: Stencil Plate

After all the stencils are removed, the plate is left with outlines of the designs.

STEP 6: Pull Print

Place a piece of paper over the wet paint and rub the back with your hands. Make sure to press the entire back surface to ensure the whole page prints.

STEP 7: Stencil Print

Here’s the result of using hot glue stencils as a resist on the Plexiglas plate.

STEP 8: Spray Water

To clean off the plate, spray a mist of water over the entire surface. Place another sheet of paper onto the surface to pick up the remainder of the paint. This creates a ghost print.

STEP 9: Ghost Print

Here’s the final print of the stencils which has a luminous watercolor look and feel.


Visit for a free bonus demo on creating a beautiful paint resist with white dimensional paint.