Masking Tape Resist

Create free-form designs using torn pieces of masking tape placed on a Plexiglas plate. This technique creates interesting straight and organic lines. Experiment with different types and sizes of tape for added variety. This technique can be done on Plexi, a plastic bag or a sheet protector.

Creative Toolbox

painter’s tape or masking tape

11" × 14" (28cm × 36cm) sheet of Plexiglas

OPEN acrylic paint

spray bottle of water

soft rubber brayer

drawing paper or construction paper

gesso fabric


STEP 1: Prepare Plate

Tear strips and pieces of tape and adhere them to the Plexiglas plate. Place a couple of dollops of acrylic paint onto the plate.

STEP 2: Cover Plate

Roll out paint onto the Plexiglas using a soft rubber brayer. Spread paint over the entire surface.

STEP 3: Pull Print

Place a piece of drawing paper on the plate and rub the back. Pull to reveal the print.

STEP 4: Print Reveal

Here is the first print revealed.

STEP 5: Add White

Place a dollop of white paint onto the plate and roll out with a brayer. This will mix the color to create a tint.

STEP 6: Sgraffito Designs

Print on a piece of muslin covered with gesso. Place the fabric gesso side to the plate and rub the back firmly across the entire surface. Scratch the back of the cloth with the end of a paintbrush handle. Lift the fabric to reveal the design.

STEP 7: Gesso Printed Fabric

Here is the fabric print revealed.

STEP 8: Continue Printing

Place another piece of cardstock onto the wet Plexiglas plate and rub firmly on the back. Scribble again with the end of the paintbrush handle. This will create expressive marks on the printed page. Pull the paper off the plate to reveal the print.

STEP 9: Sgraffito Print

The sgraffito print revealed.

STEP 10: Remove Tape

Pull off a few sections of tape from the plate.

STEP 11: Place Paper

Place a new piece of cardstock onto the end of the plate to pull the print.

STEP 12: Spray Water

Apply a fine mist of water over the paint to reactivate what paint is left on the plate. Place the bottom of the paper back on the plate and press firmly with your hands.

STEP 13: Pulled Tape Print

Here is the final pulled-tape ghost print revealed.

Masking Tape Printmaking Tips and Ideas