Zip Tie Stencils

Who needs zip ties for holding things together when you can use them to create intricate stencil designs? Zip ties (or cable ties) come in many colors and sizes. They are made of plastic and can be connected to create interesting shapes. I make free-form zip tie stencils by connecting them together, adding one at a time, then gathering a few and pulling them together and securing them with another zip tie. The possibilities are endless. Create a few zip tie stencils and use them as designs in your printmaking!

Creative Toolbox

zip ties

muslin or drill fabric

ink spray

white and printed papers

STEP 1: Zip Tie Prints

Place zip tie stencils on top of piece of drill cloth. Spray over stencils with spray ink.

STEP 2: Print More

Place more zip tie stencils over the first set of prints. Spray again with a different color of ink.

STEP 3: Print Stencils

Remove the zip tie stencils and turn them over one at a time on the fabric. Roll over the back of the stencil to transfer the print of the painted side. Since there is only a little paint, the stencil prints will be light.

STEP 4: Overprint

Take the previous prints and place a different zip tie stencil over the top and cover with ink spray.

STEP 5: Final Print

Remove the zip tie stencils to reveal the final print.

Printing Fun With Zip Ties