
This colorful life I lead has been an amazing journey. I’d like to thank the many artists who have crossed my path in person and online. Thank you for sharing in my creative journey.

To the team at F+W Media, who has championed my ideas and helped me put together three books that I am proud of. A special thanks to my editor, Sarah Laichas: thank you for helping me pull everything together and being flexible through all the roadblocks.

To the team at ILoveToCreate: you continually give me amazing creative opportunities to take part in.

To my mentor and friend, Sherill Kahn, who has always been there from the beginning and throughout my career offering guidance and sharing openly about this industry.

To Patti Brady and Golden Artist Colors: thank you for your incredible and giving spirit.

Thank you to everyone who has touched my life and encouraged me to follow my dreams. I am truly doing what I love. With gratitude, love and light … thank you.