Please note that page numbers are not accurate for the e-book edition.

Notes are indicated by “n” following the page number.

African Americans, rights of, 7

Afroyim v. Rusk, 187, 188–89

American Communist Party, 141

Amerikadeutscher Volksbund (German
American Bund), 113, 119, 123, 125, 126

Amnesty Act (1872), 48

anarchism, 146–47

Andersonville prison, 31, 48

Angel Island (San Francisco Bay), 67, 73

anti-Semitism, in US government, 119

Argus (newspaper), 26

Article I (Constitution), 36–37

Article IV (Constitution), 18

Ashton, Joseph Hubley, 60, 63

Bainum, Noah, 101–2, 105

Balderrama, Francisco, 169

Baltimore Sun, on Dred Scott case, 19

Battle of Rincon Hill, 140

Biddle, Francis, 118, 125, 127, 144–45, 150

Bill of Rights, 7

birther movement, 10

birthright citizenship, 51–73; Chinese Confession Program and, 71–72; Chinese people in America, treatment of, 52–54; Curtis’s Dred Scott dissent and, 24; federal immigration officials’ response to, 65–66; founding fathers on, 18; Fourteenth Amendment and, 56; immigration inspectors’ attitudes toward, 69–71; introduction to, 51–52; legal cases and, 57–58; personal rights versus, 7; Trump and, 193–95; Wong Kim Ark, United States v., 58–65, 116, 183, 194; Wong Kim Ark and, 54–56, 66–67, 72–73; Wong Kim Ark’s children and, 67–69, 73

black citizenship, Dred Scott on, 22, 27

Black Codes, 36

blacks: black longshoremen, 139; black suffrage, 21, 36–8; free blacks, 17, 18, 22, 28–29, 37, 193; literacy of, 28–29; state and national offices, election to, 45–46

Blair, Montgomery, 20, 26

blood, as citizenship, 114

Bloody Thursday, 140

Boissevain, Inez Milholland, 84

Booth, John Wilkes, 38

Boston Evening Traveller (newspaper), on black enfranchisement, 37

Bracero Program, 170

Brewer, David, 63

Bridges, Alfred Renton (“Harry”), 187, 191; as citizen hero, 154–55; as Communist Party member, 155–56; longshoremen’s and general strikes and, 138–41; marriage, 154; photograph of, 136; question of US residency status, 143–45, 151–54; as suspected communist, 142

Bright, John, 126

Brown, Willie, 154

Brown v. Board of Education, 65

Bruce, Blanche K., 46

Brunson, Alfred, 14

Bryan, William Jennings, 93

Buchanan, James, 21–22, 27

Bureau of Immigration, anti-Asian policies, 2–3

Bush, George H. W., 133

Butler, M. Caldwell, 46

Cable, John L., 97–98

Cable Act (Married Women’s Independent Citizenship Act, 1922), 98, 103, 104–5, 109

California: apology to expelled Mexicans, 169; Proposition 4 (on women’s suffrage), 75–79; women’s voting rights in, 1. See also Los Angeles; San Francisco

Camp Manzanar, 122, 123–25, 132–33

Carter, Jimmy, 47

Castañeda, Francisco, 174

Castañeda, Gregoria, 160–61

Castañeda, Natividad, 160–61

Castañeda de Valenciana, Emilia, 158, 160–61, 166–69

Castro family, 180–83

Cayton, Revels, 139

Chaffee, Calvin Clifford, 26–27

Chaffee, Irene Emerson, 15, 16, 25–27

Chang, Gordon H., 72

Charnowola, George, 151

Chautauqua circuit, Owen on, 94, 96, 99

Cherny, Robert, 155

Chicago Tribune, communist influence on San Francisco strike, 142

children of citizen fathers, citizenship of, 65

Chinese Americans: birthright citizenship and, 2–3, 58; expatriation of, 5. See also Wong Kim Ark

Chinese Confession Program, 71–72

Chinese Exclusion Act (1882), 54–56, 61

Chinese people: false citizenship claims by, 69–71; immigration officials’ attitudes toward, 65–66; treatment of, 52–54, 192

Chinese Six Companies, 57, 58

Chomiak, Nicholai, 151

Chouteau family, 201n10

citizenship: birthright citizenship, 51–73; conclusions on, 195; Confederacy and, 31–48; expelled citizens, 159–74; foreign blood and, 113–34; Mackenzie and, 75–91; Owens and, 93–110; Red Scare and, 137–56; significance of, 1–10; slavery and, 13–29; in the twenty-first century, 175–95. See also detailed entries for these concepts

Citizenship and Immigration Services, 3, 188

citizenship stripping: numbers affected by, 8–9; purposes of, 5, 10; racism and, 192; totalitarian regimes and, 6; in twenty-first century, 179–80; US identity and, 191–92

civil code, denaturalization under, 153

Civil Rights Act (1866), 40

Civil War, black regiments, 33, 37

Clements, George, 162, 167

Cleveland, Grover, 59

Cleveland Daily Leader (newspaper), on Lee and Davis, 32

Collins, George D., 60–62

Collins, Wayne, 129–30, 132

colonization societies, 35

Communism, in American imagination, 141. See also Red Scare, citizenship and

Confederacy, citizenship and, 31–48; black people and, 34–36; conclusions on, 47–48; Confederate leaders and, 34–36; Davis, posthumous citizenship for, 47; dual status theory, 204n17; former Confederate states, black voters in, 45–46; freed slaves, citizenship for, 40–42; Lee, posthumous citizenship for, 46–47; Lee and Davis and, 32–33, 39–40; residents of seceding states, citizenship of, 4, 35, 38–39; Revels and, 33–34, 42–5; slaveocracy and, 36–38; Whitman and, 39; Wirz, death of, 31–32

Confederacy, monuments to, 48

Congressional Record, lack of comment on Expatriation Act, 82

Conness, John, 63

Conrad, Holmes, 58–60, 194

Constitution: Article I, 36–37; Article IV, 18; Fifteenth Amendment, 44, 48; First Amendment, 8, 145, 219n29; Nineteenth Amendment, 97, 106, 108, 212–13n4; Privileges and Immunities Clause, 18; on question of citizenship, 17–18; on slavery, 23; Thirteenth Amendment, 14, 37, 44. See also Fourteenth Amendment

Conyers, John, 46

Coolidge, Mary Roberts, 66

Covarrubias, Concepción, 168

coverture, 82

Cowan, Edgar, 63

Cullen, John, 122–23

Curtis, Benjamin, 23–25

Davis, Garrett, 43, 44, 60

Davis, Gray, 154

Davis, Jefferson, 32–33, 34, 42, 47

Dean, Harry, 78

Declaration of Independence, 17, 23

Democrats, claims that Revels is ineligible to serve in Senate, 42–45

denaturalization and denaturalization programs, 125–26, 133–34, 148–51, 153, 187

Department of Homeland Security, 188

Department of Justice, Operation Janus, 9

Deutsches Ausland-Institut (German Foreign Institute), 214n6

DeWitt, John L., 120–21

Dillingham, William, 83

diplomats, citizenship of children of, 62, 64

Doak, William, 162

Doub, George C., 132

Douglas, William O., 145

Douglass, Frederick, 37, 41

Dreamers, 193

Dred Scott v. Sandford: Blair and, 20–21; Buchanan and, 21–22; Chaffee’s response to, 26–27; conclusions on, 28–29; decision on, 22–23, 35–36, 193, 202n35; Fourteenth Amendment’s nullification of, 40–41, 43–44, 56, 87; jurisdictional question of, 16–17; oral arguments in, 19–20; public response to, 27–28

dual status theory, 204n17

Duncan, Isadora, 5

Earl Fruit Company, 173

East Los Angeles, immigration raid in, 171

Embarcadero, San Francisco, longshoremen’s strike at, 137–40

Emerson, Irene (later Irene Chaffee), 15, 16, 25–27

Emerson, John, 13

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 24

enfranchisement, for former slaves, 36–38

Engle, Clair, 129

English law, citizenship under, 17

Epps, Garrett, 37, 56

Espionage Act (1917), 149

Evarts, William, 59, 63

Evening Post (newspaper), on Dred Scott case, 27

Evening Star (newspaper), on Dred Scott case, 19–20

Executive Order 9066, 118, 120, 121

expatriation, 1–2, 5–6, 81–91, 96–98

Expatriation Act (1907), 81, 82, 87, 90, 104, 148

expelled citizens, 159–74; Bracero Program, 170; Castañeda family, 160–61, 166–69, 174; East Los Angeles, immigration raid in, 171; expulsion methods, varieties of, 164–65; Great Depression, impact of, 162; Los Angeles, immigration raids and deportations from, 162–64; Mexican migration to US, 161; mixed families and, 165–66; numbers of, 165; Operation Wetback, 171–74; Piña family, 159–60, 166, 169–70; “repatriation” programs, 164–68; return to US, 168–70

federal courts, jurisdiction of, 202n46

federal immigration officials, response to United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 65–66

Fifteenth Amendment, 44, 48

Fifty-Fourth Massachusetts Regiment, 37

First Amendment, 8, 145, 219n29

Fishkin, Shelley Fisher, 72

Florida, ratification of Nineteenth Amendment, 212–13n4

Foner, Eric, 40

Foote, Henry S., 61

Ford, Gerald, 5, 46–7

Ford, Leland, 121

former slaves. See freed slaves

founding fathers, on birthright citizenship, 18

Fourteenth Amendment: on birthright citizenship, 2, 7, 56; on Confederate leaders, 45; Conrad on, 194; on consequences of states’ black disenfranchisement, 206n59; discussion of, 40–41; discussion of, in US v. Wong, 61–63; Mackenzie’s suit over, 87; Nisei and, 115–16; Revels and, 108; Supreme Court on, 187

Frankfurter, Felix, 134

free blacks, 17, 18, 22, 28–29, 37, 193

Freedmen’s Bureau, 33

freedom, citizenship and, 29

freed slaves, 21, 33, 35–38, 40

French, Jo, 185–86

Frick, Henry Clay, 147, 219n39 Frisch, Max, 170

Fugitive Slave Act, 24

Fukuhara, Akiko, 128–29

Fuller, Melville, 58–59, 64

Galicia, Francisco Erwin, 184–85

Garrison, William Lloyd, 21

Garza, Wilfredo, 3, 5

Gentlemen’s Agreement (1907), 117

George, Walter F., 48

German Foreign Institute (Deutsches Ausland-Institut), 214n6

Germany, citizenship stripping of Jews by, 6

Gessen, Masha, 190

Goldman, Emma, 191; on citizenship, 192; denaturalization and deportation of, 5, 7, 187; photograph of, 136; Red Scare and, 146–50

Gordon, Ethel. See Mackenzie, Ethel Coope

Grant, Ellen Wrenshall, 5

Grant, Ulysses S., 4

Gray, Horace, 64, 88

Great Depression, 139, 141, 160, 162

Gual, Florence Bain, 84

Guerrero, Pablo, 167

habeas corpus, 57

Hare, John P., 87

Harlan, John Marshall, 64–65

Harless, Richard, 126

Harper’s Weekly, on Revels, 44

Harris, Kamala, 10, 176, 193

Hatfield, Mark, 47

Haven-Alten, Augusta Louise de, 85–86

Hawai’i: Japanese Americans in, suspicions against, 117–18; mixed race marriages in, 154; as Obama birthplace, 178

Hayes, Rutherford B., 47

Hechler, Kenneth, 4–5, 46

Hitler, Adolf, 141

Holmes County Republican (newspaper), on

Dred Scott decision, 25

Hoover, Herbert, 109, 162

Hoover, J. Edgar, 146

House of Representatives: blacks in, 45–46; Bridges’s residency status and, 144; Committee on Immigration and Naturalization, 109; question of Owen’s eligibility to serve in, 100–107; Special Committee on Un-American Activities, 118–20, 150

Howard, Jacob, 42–43

Howe, Walter D., 66

ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), 184–85 immigrants and immigration: Asian immigrants, prohibition against naturalization of, 117; Expatriation Act and, 82–83; immigrant detention facilities, 57; immigration inspectors, attitudes toward Chinese people, 69–71; Italian immigrants, attitudes toward, 83. See also Chinese Americans; Chinese people; denaturalization and denaturalization programs; Japanese Americans; Mexican Americans

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), 184–85

Independent (newspaper), on Dred Scott decision, 27

Indian Citizenship Act (1924), 62

Industrial Association, 142

Inouye, Haruko, 128–29

International Longshoremen’s Association, 137–40

Issei (first-generation Japanese immigrants), 115, 117

Italian immigrants, attitudes toward, 83

Ito, James, 124

Jackson, Robert, 218n22

Japan, renunciants in, 130–31

Japanese Americans: citizenship renunciations by, 127–29; deportations of, 129, 130–31; renunciants, restoration of citizenship to, 131–32; treatment during WWII, 5–6, 115–18, 120–22, 123–25, 216n57; treatment during WWII, compensation for, 132–33

Jeffords, James M., 206n52

Johnson, Andrew, 4, 32, 38, 39–42

Johnson, Kevin R., 164

Joint Marine Strike Committee, 138–39

Jones, Martha, 18

jus sanguinis (right of the blood), 62

jus soli (right of the soil), 62

Kading, Charles, 102

Kanagawa, Jim, 124

Kappe, Walter, 123

Kelly, Willard, 172

Kennedy, Robert, 132

Kersner, Jacob, 146, 148–49

Khan, Parvez, 188, 189–91

Khan, Suhail, 190, 191

Knox, Frank, 117–18

Knutson, Harold, 97

Kobach, Kris, 186

Kuhn, Fritz Julius, 150, 187; Congressional committee testimony, 118–20; deportation and life in Germany, 133–34; Madison Square Garden rally and, 113–14; personal qualities, 114–15; trial of, 125–26

Ku Klux and Kukluxers, 34

Kurihara, Joseph (Yoshisuke), 115–17, 121–25, 129–33, 191

Landis, James M., 143

Larch, Lillian, 84–85

Lawson, William C., 100–101, 106

Lee, Erika, 69

Lee, Robert E., 4–5, 30, 32–35, 38–40, 42, 46–47

Lee, Robert E., IV, 46

Lewis, Sinclair, 115

Lincoln, Abraham, 22, 35

Long Island, German saboteurs on, 122–23

longshoremen, Pacific Coast strike, 137–40

Longstreet, James, 40

Loomis, California, INS operations in, 173

Los Angeles: Chinatown massacre, 53; immigration raids and deportations from, 162–64

Los Angeles Times, on communist influence on San Francisco strike, 142

Louisiana, disenfranchisement of Confederate leaders, 45

Lyttle, Mark, 184–85

MacCormack, Daniel, 142

Mackenzie, Ethel Coope, 75–91, 148; image of, 74; introduction to, 75–76; Gordon Mackenzie and, 79–81; Mackenzie v. Hare, 87–91, 95; marital expatriation of, 1–2, 5, 81–91; Owen and, 95–96; as suffragist, early work as, 76–78

Mackenzie, (Peter) Gordon, 1, 79–81

Mackey, Argyle, 171–72

Mar, Victor, 173

Marion Star (newspaper), on black enfranchisement, 46

marital expatriation, 1–2, 5, 81–91, 96–98. See also Owen, Helen Rudd

Married Women’s Independent Citizenship Act (Cable Act, 1922), 98, 103, 104–5, 109

Martinez, Sandra, 171

Matles, James J., 151

McCain, John, 177

McCarran Act (Subversive Activities Control Act, 1950), 148, 151

McCarran-Walter Act (1952), 148

McCarthy, Joseph, 150–51

McKenna, Joseph, 90

McKinley, William, 90, 147

Merriam, Frank, 140, 142

Metcalf, Victor H., 66

Mexican Americans: immigrants, numbers of, 221n14; repatriation of, 6. See also expelled citizens

Mexican-American War, 180

Mexico: border crossings into US from, 180–82; Mexican Revolution (1910), 161; midwives, possible birth certificate fraud by, 181–82

Missouri: elderly slaves in, treatment in, 15; free blacks on, 28–29; laws on freeing slaves, 203n53

Missouri Compromise, 14, 18, 22

Monroy, Doug, 162–63

Montgomery, Gillespie, 46, 47

Moy, Haw, 2, 5

Murphy, Frank, 145

Mussolini, Benito, 141

NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), 57

Nast, Thomas, 42

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 57

National Era (newspaper), on Dred Scott case, 19

Nationality Act (1940), 148

native American aliens, 128

Native Americans, citizenship of, 62, 64, 209n41

Naturalization Act (1906), 148

naturalized citizens: denaturalization and denaturalization programs, 125–26, 133–34, 148–51, 153, 187; impact of citizenship stripping on, 6; marital expatriation and, 91

Nazi Party, on citizenship, 114

Nevada, anti-miscegenation law, 154

Newhall, Judson, 107

New York Times: on Amerikadeutscher Volksbund, 115; on Davis’s expatriation, 204n15; on Italian immigrants, lynching of, 83; on Lee, 32; on Obama citizenship announcement, 179; on Obama’s citizenship, public beliefs on, 10; on Owens, 99; on Revels’s Senate seating, 44

New-York Tribune (newspaper), on Dred Scott case, 19, 20

Nineteenth Amendment, 97, 106, 108, 212–13n4

Nisei (second-generation Japanese immigrants), 115, 117, 131

Nixon, Richard, 152

noncitizens: freedom of speech and, 219n29; voting by, 225n28

North American Review, Blair article in, 21

Novick, Paul, 151, 187

Nowak, Stanley, 151

Nuremberg Laws (1935), 6, 114

Nye, James, 43

Obama, Barack, 10, 154, 177–79, 188

“once free, always free” rule, 14, 22

Operation Janus, 188–91

Operation Wetback, 171–74

Opium Wars, 51

Owen, Helen Rudd, 94

Owen, Reginald Altham, 95

Owen, Ruth Bryan, 93–110, 148, 179; Cable Act and, 109; Congress, actions on marital expatriation, 96–98; Congress, question of eligibility to serve in, 100–107; House of Representatives, candidacy for, 98–100; introduction to, 93–95; marital expatriation of, 5; marriage and citizenship, 95–96; photograph of, 92; primary win, 110; Revels’s situation, similarity to, 108

Palmer, A. Mitchell, 146

Pankhurst, Sylvia, 75–78

Papanastasion, Helen, 97

paper sons, 69, 70, 71, 72

Parker, John M., 83

partus sequitur ventrem (what is born follows the womb), 15

Pepper, George Wharton, 88

Piña, Ignacio, 158, 159–60, 166, 169–70

Plessy v. Ferguson, 64–65

Presidential Proclamation 2655, 129

Quinnell, Gayle, 174

race and racism: appearances and bodies, as determining citizenship, 183; citizenship stripping and, 192; racial boundaries of citizenship, 98. See also Chinese Americans; Japanese Americans; Mexican Americans

Radical Republicans, 36, 41

Raker, John Edward, 85–86

Randolph, Benjamin, 34

Rankin, Jeannette, 96

Reconstruction, end of, 47–48

Reconstruction Acts (1867), 41, 42, 45

Red Emma. See Goldman, Emma

Red Queen of Anarchy. See Goldman, Emma

Red Scare, citizenship and, 137–56; Bridges as Communist Party member, 155–56; Bridges’s US residency status and, 143–45, 151–54; Goldman and, 146–50; San Francisco longshoremen’s and general strike, 137–42; second Red Scare, 150–51

Republican Party, black enfranchisement and, 36–38

residents of seceding states, citizenship of, 35, 38–39

Revels, Aaron, 33

Revels, Hiram Rhodes, 139, 179; activities of, 33–34; lack of awareness of, 48; Owen’s situation, similarity to, 108; photograph of, 30; as senator, seating of, 42–45, 60

Revels, Phoeba, 34

right of the blood (jus sanguinis), 62

right of the soil (jus soli), 62

Rogers, William P., 131

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 118, 141–42, 144

Roosevelt, Theodore, 83

Rossi, Angelo, 139, 142

Russell, Richard, 127

Russia/Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: archives of, 155; citizenship stripping by, 6; deportations to, 146; establishment of, 141; increased influence of, 141

Sabath, Adolph J., 127

SAFE Act (Secure and Fair Elections Act, Kansas, 2011), 185–86

Saldivar, Trinidad, 181

Sanford, John, 15, 17, 201n10

San Francisco: Chinatown, 51–52, 53–54; general strike in, 140–41; longshoremen’s strike, 137–40

San Francisco Call (newspaper), on birthright citizenship for Chinese people, 58

San Francisco Chronicle (newspaper), on Proposition 4, 78

San Francisco Examiner (newspaper): Collins’s remarks in, 61; on San Francisco strike, communist influence on, 142

Santa Cruz News, on Proposition 4, 78

Sartoris, Nellie Grant, 86

Saulsbury, Willard, 43, 44, 60

Sawada, Noriko, 154

Scott, Dred, 14–16. See also Dred Scott v. Sandford

Scott, Dred and Harriet: attorneys for, 20–21; expectations from suit, 200–201n7; freedom of, 26–27, 28–29; image of, 12; question of citizenship of, 14; Revels and, 45. See also Dred Scott v. Sandford

Scott, Eliza, 14, 25–26, 28

Scott, Harriet, 13–16. See also Dred Scott v. Sandford

Scott, Lizzie, 25–26, 28

Secure and Fair Elections Act (SAFE Act,

Kansas, 2011), 185–86

Seeger, Pete, 154

segregation, during WWII, 119

Senate: blacks in, 45–46; Bridges’s deportation and, 144; Revels, seating of, 42–45

Sherman, John, 43

Sims, Edwin, 147–48

Singh, Baljinder, 189

slaveocracy, 36–37, 39–42, 45

slavery, citizenship and, 13–29; citizenship, sources of definition of, 17–18; Dred Scott v. Sandford, 16–17, 19–29; Missouri Compromise and, 18; Scotts and, 13–16

slaves: aging of, 201n9; elderly, treatment in Missouri, 15; freed slaves, 21, 33, 35–38, 40; slave sales, in St. Louis, 16; slave women, value of, 201n11

South Africa, citizenship stripping by, 6

South Carolina, blacks in legislature of, 45

Soviet Union. See Russia/Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Springfield Republican (newspaper), 26

Starnes, Joe, 119–20

states: black citizenship in, 23, 27; citizenship recognition by, 18; women’s enfranchisement, 84 statute of limitations, denaturalization and, 153, 188

steamboats, 13

Stevens, Jacqueline, 185

Stevens, Thaddeus, 35

Steward, Luther, 68

Stimson, Henry L., 120–21

St. Louis, slave sales in, 16

Straus, Oscar, 147–48

Subversive Activities Control Act (McCarran Act, 1950), 148, 151

suffragists, citizenship and. See Mackenzie, Ethel Coope

Sumner, Charles, 4, 35, 43, 44, 62, 195

Supreme Court (Mississippi), 27–8

Supreme Court (US): Afroyim v. Rusk, 187, 188–89; on birthright citizenship, 56; Bridges’s residency status case, 143–45, 153; Brown v. Board of Education, 65; on Chinese exclusions, 57; on denaturalization program, 133–34; on Japanese incarcerations, 130; Mackenzie v. Hare, 87–91, 95; on Missouri Compromise, 22; Plessy v. Ferguson, 64–65; on residents of seceding states, 4, 35; on women’s marriage to noncitizens, 2; Wong Kim Ark, United States v., 58–65, 116, 183, 194. See also Dred Scott v. Sandford

Sweet, Sam, 151

Swing, Joseph, 69–70, 172

Taft, William Howard, 90

Taliaferro, Lawrence, 201n9

Tamura, Eileen, 129

Taney, Roger Brooke, 20–23, 29, 193, 202n37

Thirteenth Amendment, 14, 37, 44

Thornburgh, Dick, 133

Time magazine, Bridges on cover of, 141

treason charges, against former Confederate rebels, 205n32

Truman, Harry, 129, 134

Trump, Donald, 9–10, 178, 188–89, 193–95

tuberculosis, 80

twenty-first century, citizenship in, 175–95; birther movement, 177–79; birthright citizenship, Trump and, 193–95; Castro family and, 180–83; citizenship stripping, 179–80; Galicia and, 184–85; Khan and, 189–91; Lyttle and, 184–5; Operation Janus, 188–91; political denaturalizations, 187; proof of citizenship, documentation for, 183–84; racism and citizenship stripping, 192; United States, question of identity of, 191–92; voting rights and, 185–87

un-Americans, 194

unemployment, during Great Depression, 160, 162

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. See Russia/Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

United States: Chinese people in, 51; citizenship in, value of, 200n18; German immigrants in, 214n6; as home to immigrants, 8; immigration to, in early twentieth century, 148; Mexican immigrants to, 161, 221n14; Mexico, border crossings from, 180–82. See also Chinese Americans; Japanese Americans; Mexican Americans

Uno, Kazumaro “Buddy,” 6

U’Ren, Milton T., 87, 88–89

Valenciana, Christine, 169

Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 79

VanderVelde, Lea, 15

Vichy France, citizenship stripping by, 6

Vigil, Joe, 173

Visel, C. P., 163–64

Vitter, David, 177

voter fraud, as nonexistent problem, 186

voting rights, 185–87

Wee Lee, 51–54

Weil, Patrick, 125, 148

Whitman, Walt, 31, 39

Wilson, Henry, 42

Wirz, Henry, 31–32, 48

Wisconsin State Journal, on Mackenzie, 87

A Woman Without a Country (Goldman), 150

Wong, Alice, 73

Wong Hang Juen (Ernest J.), 71

Wong Kim Ark, 191; birth of, 52, 207n6; birthright citizenship and, 54–56, 66–67, 208n22; children of, question of citizenship of, 67–69; citizenship of, challenges to, 183; final years of, 72–73; paper son of, 71–72; photograph of, 50; Wong Kim Ark, United States v., 58–65, 116, 183, 194

Wong Si Ping, 51–54

Wong Yook Fun, 55, 67–68, 72

Wong Yook Jim, 69, 72, 73, 210n60

Wong Yook Sue, 68

Wong Yook Thue, 69

World War I, casualties in, 95–96

xenophobia, citizenship stripping and, 192

Yee Ching Ton, 66

Yee Shee, 55

Zemansky, Harry, 81, 86