
I would like to thank the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa (FAPESP) for the grant I received for work on my doctoral dissertation between 1982 and 1984, including plane fare to Portugal. There I was able to carry out my archival research thanks to a grant endowed by the Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, to whom I likewise extend my gratitude.

Once again, I owe special thanks to Fernando A. Novais, who agreed to serve as my dissertation advisor and accompanied this work through all stages.

In Portugal and in Brazil, I benefited from the help and collaboration of numerous friends, students, colleagues, and former professors. I would like to acknowledge my gratitude to the conservadoras of the Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo, especially Maria do Carmo Farinha and Manuela Nunes. I am also grateful to the colleagues and friends who read excerpts of the manuscript and/or contributed suggestions or bibliographic sources: Leila Mezan Algranti, Edgard Carone, Hilário Franco, Jr., Sílvia H. Lara, Luiz Mott, Carlos Roberto Figueiredo Nogueira, Mary del Priore, Janice Theodoro da Silva, and Ronaldo Vainfas. For her constant encouragement and generosity in referring me to certain documents, I am particularly indebted to Professor Anita Novinsky. During part of my research, I enjoyed the assistance of the students José Augusto dos Santos Felipe, Kátia Gerab, Márcia Fonseca de Mendonça Lima, and Maria Angélica de Campos Resende.

Finally, my thanks go to the friends and relatives who offered me their emotional support and helped with the demands of daily life: Yvonne Cunha Rego, Caio Cesar Boschi, Regina von Christian, my parents, and Maurício, my husband.