To all those I've loved and lost, I haven't forgotten you for with you I've learned my hardest lessons.
Whether it be from losing you from death or losing you because you were never meant to be mine.
Sometimes life takes you on hard roads, some are easy, but the roads I love to travel are the roads that have taught me about who I am.
We all tend to lose ourselves along the way, but take time to find you.
Take time to know you, and make sure you do something in this life for you.
Live life, take chances and never say can't.
One lesson I learned from my life is nothing is impossible if you want it.
Reach for the stars, rise to the challenges placed in front of you and love with all your heart.
Thank you to all of you for taking a chance on my books and making my dreams come true.
Take chances. Chances make the best memories.
I hope you love This Changes Everything.