Ed Janson and Tim Brown stayed in the loading dock area while the others pursued the security guard identified by Stephen. Janson needed to be there for the President’s arrival, or to turn him away if needed.

Janson received details of the shooting on his earpiece. He spoke into his wrist mike. “Good job, fellas. Like you said, that’s one down. We probably have two more here someplace. We did get the bombs, but who knows if there’s anything else. The President is arriving now. I’ll brief him and the rest of the security team, then we’ll decide what to do. I’ll let everyone know.”

He gave the signal that it was okay to pull up to the dock and escort the President inside the building. He also asked Agent Ramsey to explain to the President that they needed to discuss the situation regarding his safety as soon as he stepped inside. Now he paced nervously, waiting for the unlocked door to open.

Originally commissioned in Washington, D.C., as the “Secret Service Division” of the Department of the Treasury, the agency’s original mission was to suppress counterfeiting of U.S. currency. Created on July 5, 1865, the Secret Service faced an unbelievable situation with a reported one-third of the U.S. currency in circulation at that time being counterfeit. The legislation creating the agency was on Abraham Lincoln’s desk the night he was assassinated.

Following President William McKinley’s assassination in 1901, Congress informally requested the Secret Service to provide presidential protection. Now expanded to include many high-ranking officials and diplomats, the Secret Service assumed full-time responsibility for protecting the President in 1902.

In meeting with the President, Janson briefly laid out the details of what happened earlier that let up to the existing situation. He did not include opinions without being asked, nor did he offer suggestions. He merely provided the information, so the President could make his own decision on how to proceed.

At the urging of the Secretary of State, the President decided to continue with the plans that had been developed for him while at the conference. He was escorted to a private room, where he shook hands with several high-dollar contributors and greeted three cabinet members and five deputy director level personnel.

He moved to a backstage area with his escorts and waited to be introduced.


Khan sat in the cleaning closet on the fourth floor, waiting. He had learned to practice patience much earlier in life. He understood the parable that revenge was a dish best served cold. However, this time was truly difficult for him. He was eager to finally carry out the plan he had developed some time ago, after his brother’s death. He knew Allah had guided him to this point ─ to the point where he, Kamran Khan, would extract Allah’s full revenge not only on Israel, but also on the United States ─ Little Satan and Big Satan.

The Zionists would reap their final harvest, and the world would see Israel for what it was—a mere pimple or blemish that needed to be removed from the face of the earth. Israel was nothing more than a puppet of arrogant America. The Jews had invaded their land and pushed them to the outskirts of civilization. The world had lost respect for the Arabs, Afghans, Palestinians, Pakistanis, and the rest of the Muslims, thinking they were the ingredients of the lowest life forms. Israel caused nothing but problems for the world, and the world would be happy to see it gone forever.

Israel had already paid for their first installment with the death of their UN ambassador, Colonel Daniel Shavit. Other members of their UN team were disposed of with the restaurant bomb. Now, with their so-called friend, the United States, being perceived as weak, humbled in the eyes of the entire world, Israel would also bow to those countries around it, and shrink away into oblivion. They would no longer be able to hide under the rocks or behind trees. With their support gone, they would wither and die.

And America, positioning its imperialistic military in Muslim countries throughout the Middle East, attempting to impose its own self-centered ideas and moralistic judgment on everyone else, would also see the beginning of its own downfall. America was a country of ignorant, self-satisfying infidels with no appreciation or understanding of the world around them, suffering from the lack of concern they proclaimed to hold for others. He had seen their lifestyle. They didn’t even have respect for each other.

America had propped up and paid for Israel long enough. The end of their time was at hand. It would begin today, and he would start it. Israel and America would pay dearly. And Allah would bless him for it.

He checked his watch again. Almost two o’clock. It was time.

He stood and smoothed his jacket and pants, smiling. He wore a medium brown suit with a pastel yellow, open-collar shirt, no tie. His hair had been combed immaculately, and his dark eyes sparkled.

He bent down and checked his pants leg to be sure the pistol he hid strapped to his ankle was still there, ready to use.

He reached over with his right hand and touched the conference identification badge that Tariq gave him. He nodded and pulled back his shoulders, standing tall. He was ready.

Opening the door slowly, he peered out to see if anyone was standing close by. Not seeing anyone, he slipped out the door and quietly closed it.

Walking fast, he wanted to catch up to the last few people who had finished their lunch and were headed back to the conference floor for the second session. As he walked quickly around the tables, he noticed the remainders of food left on unfinished plates—various small portions of meat, mashed potatoes, and dinner rolls.

Two of the men immediately in front of him turned as he walked up. He smiled at them. They returned the smile and nodded. As they neared the open area leading to the elevator, he overheard one person inquire how another liked the meal. The reply was, “The Salisbury steak was good, but I think the chicken looked better.”

Another person added, “Yes, I had the chicken and thought it was pretty good.”

One of the men right in front of him turned and asked Khan what he thought of the lunch. “I especially liked the cake. Dessert is always good, don’t you think?”

“Yes, usually,” the man replied. “Sometimes it’s too dry, but today it was good.”

Stepping off the elevator, the man spoke to Khan again. “I’m Charlie Davis,” he held out his hand, “from Atlanta. I don’t think I met you earlier, did I?”

“No, I came in a little late.” Khan smiled and shook hands as they walked. “Derek Jones. From New Hampshire,” he added.

“Nice to meet you.” The man nodded and moved away, turning to speak to another man beside him.

Slowly ambling toward the front of the seating area, Khan scanned the area for an empty seat. Spying a few seats in the middle section, he thought that would be perfect. Glancing at his watch, he took his time walking down the aisle, letting others go past him. It was just past two o’clock, and the conference would be reconvening. He noticed several people on the speaker’s platform were already seated. He recognized the Secretary of Homeland Security from the pictures he had studied. The Secretary appeared to be comparing notes with another man, who nodded and sat down. The Secretary stood up straight and moved toward the podium with all the microphones. The spotlight came on, highlighting the Secretary as she stepped up to the front.

Khan wanted to be sure the seats he watched were empty. No one else moved in that direction, and almost everyone in the audience was sitting.

He selected the second seat in from the aisle in the seventh row. As he sat down, he casually looked around as if checking for someone. No one right there said a word to him. It was as if he had reserved that seat for himself.

He smiled as he leaned back in the padded folding chair. He had a perfect view of the Secretary as she started speaking. “Please, everyone take your seats. It is time to start our second session of the conference on Homeland Security.” She pounded the gavel. “I now call the session to order.”

Excited, Khan could not believe his good fortune. He had the best seat in the house for what he wanted. He could not only see the speaker clearly, but he was close enough that he could not miss if he needed to shoot. Only one seat away from the aisle, he might even be able to get away in the chaos that would be happening. And if not ─ well, that was up to Allah.

I will proudly give my life for Allah, he thought to himself. I am here. Allah has ordained this effort. It IS his will that these infidels should pay for their sins. He looked around, smiling, noticing all the men and women looking at the Secretary as she spoke. ALL these people, every last one of them down here in the front of the audience, they will soon experience the biggest surprise of their lives ─ and a painful end to all their lives, at that.

“Ladies and gentlemen.” People all over the audience rose to their feet. He could see anticipation on each face. He turned toward the platform. The President of the United States.” The band began playing loudly, and the audience started clapping. Contagious excitement filled the air and everyone smiled broadly.

The President walked out from behind the curtain at the back of the stage, moved to the front of the platform beside the Secretary and waved at the audience. Smiling broadly, he waved to the people on the right, then turned to the left, then back to the center. Throughout the audience, people were cheering. Cameras clicked, strobes flashed and flashed. Reporters could be heard speaking loudly into their microphones. The President kept waving and the band kept playing.

When the music stopped, the President dropped his hand and the noise of celebration faded away. The Secretary motioned for the President to take his seat, and he did so.

The Secretary then introduced the Secretary of State, and she entered from behind the curtain, just as the President had. She took her place beside the Secretary of Homeland Security and waved to the people. Again the noise subsided, and Madam Secretary took her seat beside the President.

Khan checked his watch once more. It was 2:10 pm. He nodded, making a mental note that the Secretary of State would speak first. The President wasn’t scheduled to start speaking until 2:30. Plenty of time.

He reviewed their planned schedule in his mind. Saleem would come out of his hiding spot at 2:15. He would mix with other people on the second level, and move to a location by the back staircase. The President would start addressing the assembly at 2:30. It would be the last speech he would ever make.

At 2:35 pm Eastern Daylight Time, Saleem would make his phone call to the number for the cell phones under the stage. If the President started his speech late, then the call would be made after he began to talk. Either way, the bombs would ignite. The blast from the explosion would destroy most of the conference center, annihilating the majority of people in attendance. It would be such a devastating explosion that it would rock the foundations of governments around the globe, and the world would never be the same.

. Khan leaned back in his chair and crossed his legs. He smiled. I am ready for you, Mr. President. Your war on terror has come to you! ALLAHU AKBAR!