Questions for Discussion

  1. Were you surprised to learn that Amish youth participate in wild parties?
  2. Was Gideon wrong to keep his identity a secret from Rebecca when they met at the auction? Did you understand his motivation? Why do you feel he was right or wrong?
  3. Do you have a past guilt that weighs on your heart? How does that affect your relationship with your family? With God?
  4. Rebecca suffered a debilitating and life-changing event when she lost her sight. Do you know someone who is sight-impaired? What is their attitude toward their disability?
  5. Did you learn anything new about the Amish in this story?
  6. What character did you identify with in this story and why?
  7. Do you believe your community would come together to help a member who lost a business the way the people of Hope Springs gathered around Reuben Beachy when his shop caught fire? Why?
  8. The Amish are depicted as leading simple lives. Do you believe this is true or is it merely that it appears that way to outsiders?
  9. What part of the story would you like to have changed and why?
  10. The practice of shunning is one we find hard to understand. Do you believe it can be helpful for wayward family members or is it a cruel form of punishment?
  11. Many people feel Christmas is too commercial. What part of our Christmas traditions would you like to see changed?
  12. Gideon gave up flying to return to his faith. What sacrifices have you seen people make in order to become closer to God?
  13. Several people have said the Amish seem adept at getting around the restrictions placed on them by their faith, such as hiring drivers instead of owning a car. What do you think of their ability to “bend” the rules? Do you think it diminishes their faith?
  14. If you could travel only by horse and buggy, how would that change your life?
  15. The Amish clearly face the same challenges and trials that we face. What do you think makes them so strong?