Questions for Discussion

  1. Sarah used her devotion to her job to keep from facing the sadness she felt each holiday season. Are the holidays difficult for you or someone you know? What can you do to help?

  2. Grace was so worried about how her family would manage without her that she put her own happiness on hold. Do you sometimes feel smothered by the demands of your family? How can you make time for yourself?

  3. Sarah discovered something she didn’t know about Levi in chapter three. What was it? Why was it important?

  4. Was Sarah right or wrong in her attempt to show the twins she disapproved of their behavior toward Henry? Should she have left it to Levi? What was it about his relationship with his brothers that began to change when Sarah refused to have them over to lunch?

  5. Levi believes Gideon is mistaken when he suggests Levi is harboring deeper feelings toward Sarah. Have you seen two people you sense are falling in love? What gives them away?

  6. Levi doesn’t feel he fits in with the people around him at the church service even though he’s known them all his life. Was it because he had to grow up too soon? What is one way we can foster a feeling of togetherness in people so that they don’t feel excluded in our churches?

  7. The stunt the twins pulled with Dan and Susan Hershberger was funny, but it could have turned to be a tragedy. Have you ever done something you thought would be funny only to have it backfire? What happened?

  8. Do you know a prankster like the twins? What would you like to say to them?

  9. Sarah worked hard at matchmaking for Levi, but to no avail. Have you ever tried your hand at matchmaking? Have you set up a family member or friend with someone you thought they would like? How did it go? Would you try again?

  10. I love fishing. I would choose fishing over almost any activity. What is your favorite pastime? Are you a quilter? A baker? What would you do if you were faced with engaging in an activity you didn’t like, but had to do it for a friend?

  11. Sarah was afraid to love again because she feared losing that person. Have you or someone you know suffered the “death” of love through divorce or loss of a spouse? How difficult is it to overcome the doubts that follow such an event? How does a person begin to believe in love again?

  12. The gathering of women for a quilting bee or frolic is one of the iconic images we think of when we think of the Amish. Are the quilts made by many hands less valuable than the quilts made by a single person? What determines the value of a quilt in your eyes?

  13. What passage or phrase in this story resonated the most with you? Why?

  14. Which characters would you like to revisit and why?

  15. What did you like the most about this story?