
First off, I’d like to thank my editor Liz Pelletier, who introduced me to Veronica Mars, helped create the concept for this series, and gave me the freedom to make it my own. My agent, Nicole Resciniti, for always having a new plan in the works for me. Roni Loren, my best writer friend, thank you for the much-needed brainstorm sessions. Thanks to some amazing Entangled team members: Stacy Abrams, Heather Riccio, Christine Chhun, and Melissa Montovani to name a few.

Thanks to my family for their constant support, especially my husband, Nick, and my kids, Charles, Ella, and Maddie, because it can’t be easy living with a writer. And lastly, thanks to my readers, new and those of you who have followed me to every pocket of YA/NA literature.