Outline of First and Second Thessalonians

Outline of First Thessalonians

I. Address (1:1)

II. Thanksgiving (1:2–3:13)

A. The Thessalonians’ Reception of the Gospel (1:2–10)

B. The Apostles’ Behavior in Thessalonica (2:1–12)

C. Second Thanksgiving for Enduring Opposition (2:13–16)

D. Timothy’s Good Report (2:17–3:10)

E. Transitional Prayer (3:11–13)

III. Exhortation (4:1–5:22)

A. Introduction (4:1–2)

B. Fornication (4:3–8)

C. Brotherly Love and Manual Labor (4:9–12)

D. The Fate of Dead Christians and the Return of the Lord (4:13–18)

E. The Suddenness of the Lord’s Coming (5:1–11)

F. Final Admonitions (5:12–22)

IV. Conclusion (5:23–28)

Outline of Second Thessalonians

I. Address (1:1–2)

II. Thanksgiving and Exhortation (1:3–3:5)

A. Justice for Persecutors and Their Victims (1:3–12)

B. Events Preceding the Day of the Lord (2:1–12)

C. Second Thanksgiving (2:13–17)

D. Prayer for the Apostles and the Thessalonians (3:1–5)

III. Commands Regarding Work (3:6–15)

A. The Disorderly Idle (3:6–12)

B. Instructions for Everyone Else (3:13–15)

IV. Conclusion (3:16–18)