Q&A with JB: Reputation

To support what you’re learning, I’ve compiled end-of-chapter Q&As that are full of real, thoughtful questions I’ve gotten over the years. In each one I share my unfiltered take on the challenges you’ll undoubtedly face as you grow your career.

You can check out all the Change Maker Q&As at www.changemakeracademy.com/questions.

This chapter’s questions include:

Q: In one of your seminars I heard you talk about your “Google the Opposite” strategy as a way to seek out feedback on certain ideas. Can you share more about it? (Answer: ~400 words)

Q: In this chapter, you talk about “being yourself.” How does appearance play into that? “Myself” is wearing board shorts and T-shirts, but I don’t think too many people would think that’s professional. (Answer: ~400 words)

Q: What about cursing? I know a coach who drops f-bombs every other word. I can’t imagine that’s too smart for reputation. (Answer: ~225 words)

Q: I once had a client tell me that my website didn’t look professional. How important is all that stuff to developing my reputation? (Answer: ~275 words)

Q: You mention inclusivity when it comes to different sizes, shapes, races, genders, and ability levels. How important is that? (Answer: ~500 words)