
I have incurred a debt of gratitude to many people who have contributed immeasurably to this project that began life as a dissertation. I would like to thank my advisors Jed Esty and Joe Valente, who helped to define and shape this study. They were, and continue to be, my models for intellectual rigor, generosity, and scholarship. I am also grateful to many scholars whose input at various stages was so crucial to my thinking on this book: Kristin Bluemel, Robert Caserio, Debra Rae Cohen, Tim Dean, Patrick Deer, Matt Hart, Jim Hansen, Allan Hepburn, Suvir Kaul, Phyllis Lassner, Ania Loomba, William Maxwell, Bruce Robbins, Juliet Shields, Paul Schleuse, and Julia Saville.

Fellowships and release time from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Binghamton University; and the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, Binghamton University, made this project possible. At the University of Virginia Press, Cathie Brettschneider has been unbelievably supportive as she shepherded this manuscript to publication. I would also like to thank my copyeditor, Colleen Romick Clark, for being so thorough and responsive during the final stages of preparing the manuscript for press. I am very grateful to the extremely generous anonymous reviewers, whose incisive and detailed feedback has made this a much better book.

Not only did my colleagues and friends at Binghamton University, State University of New York, make me feel welcome, but the breadth and diversity of their work enabled my own research to expand in new directions. I would like to thank David Bartine, Michael Conlon, Marilynn Desmond, Thomas Glave, Scott Henkel, Leslie Heywood, Kelly Kinney, Bob Miklus, Peter Mileur, Bill Spanos, Susan Strehle, and Lisa Yun. Thanks also to my graduate student and research assistant, Minjeong Kim, for her tireless assistance on the preparation of this manuscript. I am very grateful for the friendship, guidance, and intellectual exchange offered by Donette Francis, Pamela Gay, Joe Keith, Robert Ji-Song Ku, Monika Mehta, Jennifer Stoever-Ackerman and Nancy Um. To Keguro Macharia, Deepti Misri, Dan Tracy, Yogita Goyal, and Melissa Free, some of whom have probably read parts of this manuscript more times than is good for them, I want to say thank you so much. Your comments made this work tighter and sharper than I could ever have hoped to produce on my own. More than anything, though, thank you for being there through it all. To this list, I would add Pallavi Mansingh and my sister, Praveena Gopinath-Kapur, who always listened and encouraged.

To my parents, Sreedevi Gopinath and C. R. Gopinath, who instilled in me the courage to chart my own path and the perseverance to stay on it, whose faith has never faltered (even though my father couldn’t understand why it was taking so long!), I dedicate this book. Finally, to Diwakar Gupta, who reminds me every day that there is life beyond this book, I cannot possibly express my gratitude and affection, so I shall leave it at that.

I am grateful to Studies in the Novel, Taylor and Francis Ltd., and Johns Hopkins University Press for permission to reprint portions of chapters 1, 3, and 5 that originally appeared in Studies in the Novel 41.2 (2009), Textual Practice 23.3 (2009), and Modern Fiction Studies 58.2 (2012), respectively.